When have you or a friend given someone a Bey out of the kindness of your heart. This does not include Christmas/Birthdays/Giving Holidays. Please do elaborate.
My friend Kimberly(Kitty) gave me a Dranzer MS because she found out that I was interested in Beys. I was happy.

Then recently, I gave Kitty my Dark Fireblaze 145 SD because she is going off to college soon. She had no idea why I gave it to her. LOL
Tell your story.
The story: In primary school, the first Beyblade I had was Wing Defenser. We used to play anywhere and everywhere! I soon received some spare parts from my good friend José of which some were fake and 1 part was real. I was really appreciative of this gesture. Due to playing everywhere and anywhere, inevitably my first beyblade's attack ring broke. It happened in my friend Reuben's home who tried to glue it back together but to no avail.
Fast forward to 2010/11; the only reason why I am able and have been playing competitively, with what would have been a non-competitive collection, is through the kindness of ControL_.
The lists:
I've received:
- Countless parts and accessories from ControL_.
- 8-Balance weight disk from my friend José in Primary school.
- Galeon Attack from my friend Rico at Secondary school.
- Wing attacker's AR from my friend Manuel at Secondary school.
- V-force mobile stadium from my friend Tevin at Secondary school.
- Flame Wing+8-Balance+SG Flat from my friend Ricky at Secondary school.
- Galman and Driger V from my friend Kaland at Secondary school.
- 6-wide from my friend Gabriel at secondary school.
I've given:
- My plastics collection of 20+ Beys amongst people who were interested in Beyblade at the school I work at; to help start a regular player-base, in the Games club we have.
- Flame wheel to coolbigz.
- Storm wheel to Mustafa Anwar.
- Hasbro Metal Fusion Launchers + Ripcords to players.
- Kerbecs Face, TT ripcord to golden blade.
- TT ripcord to dragon blader.
- My first 105 to ControL_s SouL_.
- My first 145 to Raijin.
- Many spare parts to Tiny.
- Countless parts and accessories to ControL_ and Beyjun.
i gave my launcher grip rubber away to littlekev0
i gave my flame bull 100F to my friend because he was going on vacation.
i am going to give FLAMING CHICKEN (my little brother) a Rock Scorpio Wednesday for graduating 6th grade! I hope he will like it =D
I have given my friend Brendon:
Storm Cancer 105HF
Beylauncher L (L-Drago 105F)
and traded his Flame and Aquario for my Lightning and L-Drago
I gave my friend Eric as a birthday gift:
Light Launcher II
Storm Pegasis 105RF
Storm Libra 100D
and a T125 track (It was broken, but I didn't know, so I gave him a 100 to replace it)
I have never received beys from anybody.
My first Beyblade was given to me by my friend, who started the whole thing with me. I still have it too hahahahaha (i blame her)
I always give my friends Beyblades only because they can never really get them for them selves and I usually have a lot so i take them and give them a few. All my friends got started into Beyblade because of that and I was really happy they where using them! that’s basically how my old team was started.
That then one day I broke my friends Dranzer and I felt really bad so I got her a new one, only for the same thing to happen to me as well I lost my Driger so my sister and her friends ran around trying to find the same Driger and bought it to gave it to me just to make me smile.
To me what makes Beyblade worth it. We stand up for each other, Beyblades are our hearts, there’s nothing more important than just giving a little bit. Its times like that, that just make me live again.
well my friend Tanner and I were both into beyblade but he only had one dranzer s. I had like 5 or 6 so I gave him my draciel ms and my dragoon g. He was surprized so he offered his dranzer in return but I didn't want to take his first beyblade from him. So thats my story

I gave my best friend my beyblade before I didn't like them, my mom was about to throw them away, so I just gave it to him. About 2 years before that, he gave me his Driger S (The green one, the one that jumps, don't remember what the bey in all was called). Now, onto the MFB period, my friend (a new one, I moved a while ago) gave me his String Launcher because he thought it was the worst. Little did he know that "Ripcord Launchers" from Hasbro are the real worst.
The 'green' Driger S that jumps is called Jumping Base, Hasbro version. It only has the AR of Driger S.
I got my Driger S from my best friend. That's what started me back into Beyblade. I still have it and treat it with lots of care

I also got a combo from someone, because they didn't like it.
This here is what i love about beyblade and other hobbies like that, now then. Me and my freinds are all like one blading family, we can always use each others parts whenever we need to, heck there spare parts, they wouldn't be if we used them.
I gave meh friend a lot of parts.
In return he gave me fkame byxis & hell kerbecs.
A friend of mine was always borrowing my storm capri, but he was good with it, so I gave it to him to get started, and I gave a customized stormwolfDF145SF to a blader at high school who decided to up to metal fusion but couldn't get the money.
I gave my little brother a Virgo and a brand new Scorpio.
(Jun. 20, 2011 9:54 PM)GaHooleone Wrote: [ -> ]I have given my friend Brendon:
Storm Cancer 105HF
Beylauncher L (L-Drago 105F)
and traded his Flame and Aquario for my Lightning and L-Drago
I gave my friend Eric as a birthday gift:
Light Launcher II
Storm Pegasis 105RF
Storm Libra 100D
and a T125 track (It was broken, but I didn't know, so I gave him a 100 to replace it)
I have never received beys from anybody.
Addition! I had 3 (long story), so I gave my most used (still amazing condition though) Big Bang Pegasis F

to my neighbor, who's in 3rd grade and tried to beat my MF-H Big Bang Pegasis BD145RF with an uncustomized Torch Aries. He practically jumped for joy. It made me feel good inside.

I had a friend (doesn't want to mention his name ) and he had a broken lighting so I gave him mine
Hm, no point in reviving an old thread, but well, as it has been revived-
About five years ago, I had shifted to a new apartment. My very first friend in that locality had come to my home, and was left aghast after seeing my Bey-Collection. He himself had just three beys- Draciel G, Appolon and Dragoon S.
Just so that we all could play together, I gave him a two beys, namely- Dranzer V2 and Driger F.
He felt really happy, and then he introduced me to the other children in the locality. I stayed there for around three years, and we all used to play Beyblade a LOT!
When I was about to shift to a new apartment again, he came to meet me for the last time, and gave me a Round Shell MS.
Sooo, I have also given beys, and even received one.

When i was like five years old or something i had loads of beyblades, but i was starting to lose interest in them, at that point i was getting into yu gi oh, so i went to my friends house and after a few battles i gave him all my plastic beys

, he gave me some yu gi oh cards but he definety got the most out of the swap, i know that this friend doesn't use these beys anymore but i never had the courage to ask him for them, nobody ever gave me a bey

I've given a full Earth Virgo GB145BS to a guy in my class who just started BeyBlade, to give him an extra boost.
My buddy Carl XD gave me a Master Draggoon and a Dranzer GT for a storm pegasus I custom painted for him.
I told him it was a TT tournament prize bey...
I gave my Friend my Dranzer V2 I because I broke the one I gave him for a return gift on my birthday xD
(Mar. 20, 2012 11:35 PM)TriSix Wrote: [ -> ]My buddy Carl XD gave me a Master Draggoon and a Dranzer GT for a storm pegasus I custom painted for him.
I told him it was a TT tournament prize bey...
That's called a trade, and a rather unfair one at that...
(Mar. 21, 2012 12:20 AM)GaHooleone Wrote: [ -> ] (Mar. 20, 2012 11:35 PM)TriSix Wrote: [ -> ]My buddy Carl XD gave me a Master Draggoon and a Dranzer GT for a storm pegasus I custom painted for him.
I told him it was a TT tournament prize bey...
That's called a trade, and a rather unfair one at that...
Yeah dude, that was kind of a horrible thing for you to do, deceiving your friend like that.
(Mar. 21, 2012 12:29 AM)Zain Wrote: [ -> ] (Mar. 21, 2012 12:20 AM)GaHooleone Wrote: [ -> ] (Mar. 20, 2012 11:35 PM)TriSix Wrote: [ -> ]My buddy Carl XD gave me a Master Draggoon and a Dranzer GT for a storm pegasus I custom painted for him.
I told him it was a TT tournament prize bey...
That's called a trade, and a rather unfair one at that...
Yeah dude, that was kind of a horrible thing for you to do, deceiving your friend like that.
He knew I was kidding ( I guess I should have put that ).
He just wanted it really bad and he did not have any use for his plastics anyways so he said he would trade.
I told him he could sell them for a good price but, he decided not too.
He is a good friend and I would never do that to him.