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Actually both characters gave everything they have ... Moses was a worthy opponent, Rei was not as awesome as you make him out to be.
In G-Revolution, Rei wasn't really a valid competitor in general. I'm not sure why they decided to take his normally balanced, helpful, calm personality and turn him into a raging lunatic with very little Beyblading competency, but it is definitely a contributing factor to why I did not enjoy G-Revolution very much.
By raging lunatic do you mean how he got angry when blading a lot more than in previous seasons? IMO just cause he didn't make it to the finals doesn't mean he had little blading competency. Can't remember most of the details of G rev though so I may be wrong.
If you look at his Wins/Losses in G-Rev, he's like 75% losses out of a LOT of battles, compared to hovering above 60% Wins in previous seasons. He was also more emotionally unstable and, in general, kind of a jerk.

He was basically acting like he was going through puberty really, really late.
(Nov. 05, 2011  12:58 AM)Hazel Wrote: [ -> ]If you look at his Wins/Losses in G-Rev, he's like 75% losses out of a LOT of battles, compared to hovering above 60% Wins in previous seasons. He was also more emotionally unstable and, in general, kind of a jerk.

He was basically acting like he was going through puberty really, really late. old is Rei in the G-Revolution Japanese :\

I know he is older in the English dub Tired

BTW, I think Rei acting like an unstable jerk in the Japanese make his voice actress sound more manly (to the point it sounds like an angry woman a bit) than in the other seasons and any other male teen role his voice actress has done combined (IMHO Rei sounded very girly boy in the first 2 seasons)...I don't know why, I just feel it XD

Also I've watched a lot of Rei episodes on G-Revolution in Japanese lately and don't think Rei was an unstable jerk in the Japanese...or was he? If he was in the Japanese then take my point above XD

He yelled a lot, got angry for no reason, etc. in both versions. I believe he is intended to be 14 in the Japanese version. That is a period of time during which most teenagers get all angsty and dumb, but it was a bad period of time for the writers to decide to be realistic, lol.
This might be pointless but did anyone else notice that rick had a launcher grip with his right hand and he pulled his ripcord with his left hand?
Man, I gotta say I really miss the old series. I so wish it'd continue from there with a new tournament and all the old characters...but still i have to say g-rev is my favorite out of all the seasons and i only have a few problems with it. did anyone else get ticked at the fact all the teams are so incredibly weak? it's like if they didn't have kai, ray or max on them they wouldn't have a chance at all, remember first season? all those teams were so strong and tala was one of tyson's greatest opponents in first season but in g-rev he's average...what the heck happened? none of the teams were in v-force during those championships so i'm going to assume they were training. but i did like their english voices, yes i have heard the japanese voices and i don't find them fitting at all. i know they're younger in the japanese version but i don't...really...see the voices matching up. the only english voice actor i didn't like was bryan's.
I love watching G-revolution in Japanese. It's much better than the dub for sure. I've done a few translations with the Japanese I know and whilst there may be errors in places, what they say is cooler and can be very different from the dub.
The difference in dialogue in the whole Bakuten Shoot Beyblade series was ridiculous ... Nelvana had really made the English dialogue dumber.
If you ask me the best seasons of the original series is:

1)G-Revolution: awesome battles, more involved character conflicts although final Brooklyn/Tyson battle made no sense.

2)2000: Its the original, liked how they did the bit beasts, liked the animation style in general, tournaments were cool as well as the majestics. and ppl were afraid of the demolition boys.

3)V-Force: Ahh, about this one...saint shields were the only good thing. too much about beasts, characters looked like they were all 5 years old, kai is not kai, that gideon guy annoyed me to no end.

I loved GRev, especially how all the bladebreakers matured and begin to go there seperate ways but beyblading brings them back together to save the game. Liked how Tyson tried to cope with his friends leaving and Kai makes a Vegeta move doing whatever he can to get a chance at Tyson. Liked Ray's cockiness in his beyblading it was a nice change of pace he should have beat crusher after turning super saiyan. Max still had the appearance of a child but then again he is younger than the other 3 but Daichi looked older. Daichi was nice comic relief but he could get annoying. Hilary's violence was funny. as i said earlier the final battle with Brooklyn weirded me out with the dimension thing, didn't make sense but tala did the same thing in season 1. If it wasn't for Ming-Ming i'd say the bega thing was awesome but thanks to her it only gets a 'pretty good'. Loved Grev best season. hated how tyson said his 'o's in the dub though
ya beyblade g revolution is a awsome series i love it in japanese i have all the dvds to beyblade g revolution in japanese i love the music in it and the battles to and plus i love the japanese language is such a beautiful language to
the english soundtrack was great too in the 3 seasons, but i if i read it correctly the studio lost a lot of the songs on it after GRev ended
i would want to know what is a bit beast please tell me
(May. 23, 2012  5:38 PM)wishwere Wrote: [ -> ]i would want to know what is a bit beast please tell me

well from my understanding a bit beast is a metaphysical spirit that usually conceals itself in small compact surface areas and beyblades happened to be the perfect place. and the bit beasts give the beyblade special abilities depending on the bit beasts attributes and the beybladers moral. and the examples in the show humans can bond with the bit beasts while others use them as objects or weapons. Some are artificial like Wolborg and Cyber Dragoon, while some are natural and have a legend behind them like Dragoon, Dranzer, Driger and Draciel. In some cases Bit beasts can communicate with their owners like Dragoon sometimes did with Tyson telling him "if you believe in me there's nothing i can't do" or something cheesy like that. or as shown with Tala and Brooklyn they can use the bit beasts to warp dimensions and use that power to their bit beasts advantage (Tala and Wolborg in a glacier and Brooklyn and Zeus in some warped nightmare world opposite of earth). Bit beasts have an influence their owners as shown with the cyber bit beasts as they made their wielders power hungry and crazed. It works the other way around as well; if the wielder is distressed the bit beast will not perform as well as it could and will protect its wielder if the situation calls for it. There's a lot in regards to bit beasts as they details were very spread out and sometimes varied but whats explained above is generally what they are.
Best explanation ever. Finally, there is a real Beyblade Professor!!!!!!!!!
thanks for the help
actually there was one thing i forgot to mention. Bit Beasts also appear to have gender since some of the characters refer to them as he/she. Most of the bit beasts seem to be male. i think Mariah's Galux was a female and Tala's Wolborg a female as well because during Tala's Novae Rog attack an ice maiden or whetevr you wanna call it appears before wolborg makes a mad dash for the opponents blade. also i don't know how since the blitzkrieg boys' bit beasts are all man made, Spencer's Seaborg is said to be the oldest living bit beast (i dont get it). Bit beasts were the prime subject of V-Force and got very annoying 15 episodes in, which is why i dont like it, even most of the actual beyblades from v force stunk too.

if anybody has any more questions i'll be glad to answer them.
don't u remember in g-revolution in any starting episode hilary deleted all the files than even dizzy was gone.
(May. 27, 2012  3:41 AM)rsharma98 Wrote: [ -> ]don't u remember in g-revolution in any starting episode hilary deleted all the files than even dizzy was gone.

I certainly do not remember that happening, because the whole community has always found it extremely odd that "Dizzy" was just abandoned in G Revolution's dub.
Yeah but that was just the data Kenny had on his own beyblade. Dizzi was just something thrown into the english version as a sort of comic relief. A lot of viewers found her annoying. personally i didn't mind her but for some reason the dubbing studios dropped her and never gave an explanation. apparently Dizzi had the same voice actress as Mariah and Julia. some like to beleive that dizzi was in kenny's beyblade in g-revolution which is a funny thought but no Hilary didn't delete Dizzi the english studios did.
dizzi was never in the original japanese version for the show
I have a question about when Tala uses his attack, Novae Rouge. What is the thing that appears right before wolborg appears (the thing that looks like an ice fairy or banshee)?
(Jun. 29, 2012  5:39 AM)UltimateFantasy Wrote: [ -> ]I have a question about when Tala uses his attack, Novae Rouge. What is the thing that appears right before wolborg appears (the thing that looks like an ice fairy or banshee)?

It is not "Novae Rouge". Rouge is not pronounced like "Rog" at all. It might also be "Norway Rock" pronounced very oddly, actually.

She was thought to be Shiva by the Beyblade community from years ago, however Shiva is typically masculine, not feminine, and it is not really associated with ice. Shiva is only a woman and reigns over ice in Final Fantasy VII, which would make it and Beyblade erroneous. Not to mention that Shiva is from the Hindou religion, not really anything norwegian or northern ...
(Jun. 29, 2012  5:57 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun. 29, 2012  5:39 AM)UltimateFantasy Wrote: [ -> ]I have a question about when Tala uses his attack, Novae Rouge. What is the thing that appears right before wolborg appears (the thing that looks like an ice fairy or banshee)?

It is not "Novae Rouge". Rouge is not pronounced like "Rog" at all. It might also be "Norway Rock" pronounced very oddly, actually.

She was thought to be Shiva by the Beyblade community from years ago, however Shiva is typically masculine, not feminine, and it is not really associated with ice. Shiva is only a woman and reigns over ice in Final Fantasy VII, which would make it and Beyblade erroneous. Not to mention that Shiva is from the Hindou religion, not really anything norwegian or northern ...

When it show Tala's stats before a battle, it says his special move is "Novae Rog".
I always believed it was Novae Rog (likely due to the source Insomniac mentions). UltimateFantasy has just misheard the word and then made the ridiculously common "Rouge" - "Rogue" error.

Funnily enough, that question was bugging me too. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of analogue from out that way, but shiva sounds like the naruto thing on beyblade wikia to me.
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