World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Custom Beyblade Giveaway (MF Poison Serpent SW145 SD Custom)
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This is Blade Informer's first giveaway and we are hoping it is a good one. This is a one of a kind hand painted Beyblade created by WBO member ? (sorry, I am sure he does not want his PM box blowing up with request).

Contest Ends July 16, 2011 at 9pm Pacific Time (US)
Register for your chance to win at
YouTube Promo Video

Sorry the last thread was closed due to lack of information. All contest rules and information are in the link.

[Image: custom_serpent_givaway_v3.jpg]

Blade Informer

Moderators if I have posted in the wrong place or inappropriately please let me know before closing the thread. Give me a chance to fix my errors.
This actually seems professional, with the disclaimer at the bottom ...
That looks real nice. You've got my entry.

Could the guy that painted that PM me? I have an offer.

Edit: I've entered the contest, I haven't received an e-mail though. What's up with that?
I will have him pm you. Mail server is a little slow.
O-M-G! I will enter tonight, however does order of entry count at all?

A gold facebolt would have looked better
just entered, just trying to access my email, can't remember my password.
I entered...although the email isnt showing up.
I entered, but there might be a few hundred, so there's a good chance, don't ya think?
Order of entry means nothing. It is completly random. You could be the first or the last and you would have the same chance of winning. Sorry the mail server is slow. Just be patient.

Username2130 - Gold would be nice, I will let the designer know.
done Grin hope i win this is a nice recolour Grin
I entered.
Free stuff is always nice, especially when it's pretty!
I'm in!
I have entered. Hopefully luck is on my side Smile
I entered!!!I hope I win!!! Smile
sorry but is it free? i hope so XD
Entered. Hope I win, best of luck to everyone else.
(Jun. 17, 2011  5:10 AM)Epic Blader Wrote: [ -> ]sorry but is it free? i hope so XD

Yes it is free. 100% free goodness.
(Jun. 17, 2011  5:18 AM)Raigeko13 Wrote: [ -> ]Entered. Hope I win, best of luck to everyone else.
You're really too nice. I have also entered. I wish no luck to anyone but myself, lol. Yes, I'm joking.
I'm in, why not?
I entered, looks really good.
I entered. I hope I get lucky. If I win, this is SO going on my shelf. XD Can't wait to find out. Joyful_2
I have entered, will be there be similar giveaways?
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