World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Wolborg
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Just showing this to everyone, this is what Wolborg's tip is SUPPOSED to look like:

[Image: large]

So yes, Hasbro screwed it up. Thanks to KOMAYA SENBEI from BEYBLADE RENAISSANCE for the picture.
The original Hasbro Wolborgs weren't like that? I own the PF version, which has a round tip instead of sharp, but thought the original ones were still sharp.
Then what do hasbro wolborgs look like o.0?
Like totally rounded and I DO have an original so yeah that other tip looks much more useful.
Yeah, all of Hasbro's were rounded and went crazy in the stadium.
Mm mine never went really crazy in my stadiums... even though it does have a rounded tip. It did move more than it probably should though.
When Wolborg was released in UK shops the tip was actually like that, then 2-3 months later they became the common rounded tips. weird.
Some Idort probably shagged the mold. That or the 'elf 'n' safety mob got to them.
[Image: dsc02897ga2.jpg]
[Image: dsc02896br4.jpg]
[Image: dsc02892ry5.jpg]

I'll get better images if needed =/
The lighting is horrible, as well as the focus Chocked
It's the Hasbro wolborg tip
Photography tip: Your digital camera will try to auto-focus on as much of the shot as possible. Place any objects you wish to photograph directly against a flat, contrasting, surface to optimise your field of focus.
[Image: dsc02917rx2.jpg]
The lighting is still bad Chocked. I'll maybe take the time to get off my lazy carp out into the living room where there's more light.
Holy carp. I think that's all i have to say.
PRINCEcharming Wrote:Some Idort probably shagged the mold. That or the 'elf 'n' safety mob got to them.

Is hasbro's Bearing Stinger tip sharp?
Blade12 Wrote:
PRINCEcharming Wrote:Some Idort probably shagged the mold. That or the 'elf 'n' safety mob got to them.

Is hasbro's Bearing Stinger tip sharp?

Yes. And it is also harder than Takara Bearing Stinger's tip