World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Doing a BeyBlade Radio Show
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I am doing a BeyBlade Radio Show. The Radio Show will be up soon and here what I going to do.

Request a BeyBlade or Other Anime Song
Do BeyBlade GiveAway
Do a Bey Shout Out over Aim or Over The Email.

The Show will be Recorded so I need all of your Requests, Shout out by Aim or Email. if My Email Working.

Also The Show will Start at 10:00 or 10:30 and will End at 3:00 or 4:00
This won't last too long IMO. There's only like a a limited amount of stuff anyone can talk about Beyblades since production has stopped for both the anime and the hobby.
Do you really know enough about Beyblade to be doing this? I considered doing this, but decided it was pretty pointless and that a website makes more sense. This could be cool if there was NEWS, but there isn't.
G Wrote:This won't last too long IMO. There's only like a a limited amount of stuff anyone can talk about Beyblades since production has stopped for both the anime and the hobby.

Unless they ramble on about the anime. Which is what I think they're going to do.
I know Alot about BeyBlade. I mybe just will do Anime Songs and BeyBlade GiveAway and Talk about the News about BeyBlade and Card Games and other stuff.
It seems like a good idea and i agree with G
Beyblade14 Wrote:I know Alot about BeyBlade. I mybe just will do Anime Songs and BeyBlade GiveAway and Talk about the News about BeyBlade and Card Games and other stuff.

There is no news.
Well I mean the News about BeyBlade Airing in January 2008 and if there will be More BeyBlade Blade and stuff.
Umm aren't they just going to be reruns?
I understand that you want to do something, but there's no point if nobody is really interested.
Yea first we have to get them back into beyblade and for one we dont know how long that will take.
It has nothing to do with that. We're all interested in Beyblade, but this show has nothing to offer.
the length alone is unreasonable. id be amazed if he found enough material to fill a single 5-6 hour show
haha I didn't even see that, that's crazy, who's going to listen to all that?
Beyblade14 Wrote:Request a BeyBlade or Other Anime Song

Beyblade's got a limited soundtrack. Do you even have all of the Beyblade-related music there is?

Beyblade14 Wrote:Do BeyBlade GiveAway

Radio stations get funded to give away prizes. Are you really going to give away your own gear, not to mention paying shipping costs, just so people will listen?

Beyblade14 Wrote:Do a Bey Shout Out over Aim or Over The Email.

Oh, there's something both original and interesting... Pinching_eyes_2 "HAY LOL I LIKEZ BAY BLADEZ PEECE YO."

Beyblade14 Wrote:I know Alot about BeyBlade.

Nothing most people here don't already know.

Beyblade14 Wrote:Card Games and other stuff.

The TCG was terrible and almost everybody agreed. What "other stuff" is there?

Beyblade14 Wrote:Also The Show will Start at 10:00 or 10:30 and will End at 3:00 or 4:00

...heh? You mean you record it at those times, or that's when you'll distribute it, or what?

Can you even get this aired on internet radio somehow, or are you just recording and distributing audio files? The point of most popular radio stations is for it to be live, interesting, spontaneous, and with fresh updates in every show. The only "news" item you have is the old anime, which everybody here has seen, is being shoved into an empty time slot in 2008. Nothing else Beyblade-related is happening. Sorry if I burst your bubble, but I've tried similar audio projects in my younger years.
Yeah I have all The SoundTrack and all Other Sountrack of Anime right on my Computer and Also EverDay I will GiveAway A BeyBlade Full BeyBlade or Other Anime Stuff and Also the Live Show will be up at 10:00 and then I will Record everything when the show End at 3 pm or 4 pm
This is a bad idea, nobody will listen, but I guess nobody can stop you from doing it.
I don't think people are going to sit there everyday and listen for lik 6 hours to you cause we do have other things to do like jobs school stuff like that.
Beyblade podcast would make more sense, but really, neither would be that successful
Podcasting does sound a lot better, but I doubt it'd be useful still.
Beyblade14 Wrote:Yeah I have all The SoundTrack and all Other Sountrack of Anime right on my Computer and Also EverDay I will GiveAway A BeyBlade Full BeyBlade or Other Anime Stuff and Also the Live Show will be up at 10:00 and then I will Record everything when the show End at 3 pm or 4 pm

All songs o.0? Do you have a listing?
He probably just has that one English album they released to promote the tournaments. <.<;
IMO it will go down in smoke but you can always try. =P
most radio shows are one hour to two hours long, I should know I present one. A beyblade show would never get off teh ground. I don't know how you would intend to broadcast it but nobody would be interested . The beyblade community isn't big enough to warrant a dedicated show. A podcast might work as you could simply offer it to the beyblade community but it wouldn't need to be very long if you intended to do a weekly one.