World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Laporte IN Meet-up! Saturday March 28th!
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Maybe I could Get Ya Know My Friend That Lives Down The Street Ya Know Jade?
Shes Kinda into This Kinda Stuff
You already pmed me about this, don't spam the topic with it.
What is Spamming
It's when you make a post that doesn't add anything useful to the conversion. =)
im thinking about the format is mfb or plactics
I would say plastics, unless everyone coming can bring MFB. I dunno about drigerblader, and we only have 4. It would be much less competitive than if we used plastis, IMO.
so is the guy from indy comeing
He hasn't pmed me back yet, but he said to me last time that he should be able to come.
So, because I can't pay the fee cuz I'm broke and that there are faces as prizes now, there won't be that entrance fee anymore. XD This probably won't count as a tournament if Drigerblader atleast, doesn't come, though.
IMO you guys should just get together and have a laugh, tis what I'l be doing at Spinoff probably.
That'll be what this is unless we find more people(maybe even then).
i might cancle the tourney cuz im kinda getting out of it
WTH!? Whatever... maybe I can get to War Room then....
(Mar. 09, 2009  8:59 PM)Pichuscute Wrote: [ -> ]WTH!? Whatever... maybe I can get to War Room then....

do ittttttt
I'll have trouble getting my parents to take me (we may not be able to afford it, but I'll try to get them to feel sorry for me and take us that way XD). It'll be much more worth it.
never mind about cancleing it im still gonna do it
I've already told you, IDK if I'm still gonna be able to come. Crying wolf, you know? I don't understand why you posted before to begin with, anyway.
If anyone else cares, we rescheduled the meeting for the 28th. I couldn't make the 21st because my sink broke and the plumber will be here on the weekend, so my wouldn't take us.
My frined is coming for sure but he may not participate, he doesn't really like beyblade anymore and thinks its all just luck. BTW, we need to exchnage info in pm.
Hope the tournament goes well!
Thanks. =) Hope he comes. -.- He hasn't been on in days.....
Will be leaving soon. C ya guys, and cya there Kai12.
Hope you all have a good time and good luck! Try get some photo's Grin
Have fun !!! Joyful_2
nice job showing up. 2 hour drive to wait an hour and drive back because no one shows.
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