Hi, everybody, i am making an avvy/ siggy shop because i looked, and there are not many ones still open. It's my first time, and i'm doing this on paint, so please be patient! Just tell me wat u want, and I'll make it! It will help if you send me pics. here is an example, my others will turn out better, though.
sig and avatar
shikamaru with a spinning draciel next to him with a pic of draciel like in my current avatar
idc what background whatever you think looks nice hold on bout to post pics
canyou make hyoma with rock aries doing horn throw destruction on a falling rock? backround a mountain or forest?? thank you!!

picture can be of max with the biggest smile ever(his mouths gotta be open)and down the bottom of the pic i want it 2 say: "Hey guys!"
and a black backround pleez.
(this is a avatar)
Just to help you a good size to make your signature is around 450X120 and avatars 120X120.
Oh this is cool is this costing money?
(Jan. 22, 2011 6:12 AM)Quetz Wrote: [ -> ]Just to help you a good size to make your signature is around 450X120 and avatars 120X120.
Thx 4 size! I thought i did it the right size, but it's too big. PS to everyone, I only work on friday nights, Saturdays, And sundays. Please be patient, for i do requests in order.currently working on the ram's horns' siggy pic

(Jan. 22, 2011 6:32 AM)Burst Dragoon Wrote: [ -> ]Oh this is cool is this costing money?
no, it's free.
I finished TheRamsHorns37's siggy pic, here it is :
can i have an avitar with tidus from final fantaasy 10 and a oceanish back round and my name scipio132 in aqua with a white outline
can you make one like my signature? and can u make the 2 beys move?
*sigh* You already have a better than good sig.
i meant an avatar


So can someone make me a moving avatar that has Hades Kebecs and Gravity Perseus battling and make them both spin? Could it be like my sig.
I want a signature like b10001 but change hell Kerbecs with earth Virgo. Can you also put my name in the middle of them? thanks

hi can you make me one? i would like it to be:
my username in the thop left corner (prefreblly animated)
and fang leone to the left and basalt horogium to the right and in the middle the quote "prepare to lose"
Background is up to you.. thanks :L
Dude You Already Requested To Me And I Said Ill Do It
(Oct. 14, 2011 1:18 AM)Fathom Wrote: [ -> ]Dude You Already Requested To Me And I Said Ill Do It
yeah but i realised it was closed then i came here, posted then recieved your pm :L
Can you make me an avatar of the shadow eagle flying around the stadium repeatedly from Beyblade metal masters episode 22? thanks