World Beyblade Organization

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The Beyblade was so powerful that when i launched him, I fell back and passed out. I could feel my body burning. I..........should start from the beggining.
*Chapter 1*: Cepheus
I was bey battling my friend Luis with my current beyblade, Flame Aries. My beyblade lit itself on fire as it clashed with Luis' Storm Leone. My beyblade attacked with a burst of flames. An explosion blinded everyone from the battle. When The smoke had cleared and i had seen that Flame Aries was still spinning. When bent over to grab my beyblade, something glowed in the distance. A candle? No something glowing with a radiant glow that was golden and silver. I went over to look at it and the closer I got the more it glowed. When I finally bent over to grab it glowed so bright that i didn't see it at all. Then it suddenly stopped. The beyblade had a golden energy ring that had 1 spike on each side, like a compass. The spikes looked like the points of a crown. The fusion wheel was silver and looked like a ray wheel, except the 3 round parts were replaced with Crescents. I could only think of one word for the type: Royal. It's spin track looked like a gravity ball except there were 4 balls instead of 2. I called it the Gravity Orb 145 track. It's performance tip was one of my favorites: Hole Flat. And finally, the face bolt. it was a blue metal with a winged crown emblem and one word: Cepheus. This was it's facebolt. So I went home with Royal Cepheus GO 145 HF to train.
That's all for today!
.....pretty good!! Likin it!! Excited to check out the next chaptah
its comin
so are u posting kros on ur story?
by the way u inspired me!
are taking charcter requests if you are plz condider my charcter below.also plz read my story kevins beyblade adventures(it alot better than it sounds i just could not think of a good title
name:kevin hagata
bio:a nice,caring,and protective(of his friends but excepically of his bey he will not even let someone touch it) 12 year old boy who's bey contains a terrifing power(it a good power but it is very terrifying because it is so strong)he wears black jeans,black shirt with a pegasis symbol HE IS A GOOD GUY
bey:shooting star pegasis(the second clear wheel version)aw85r2f
special move:shooting star overdrive
the bey goes around the oppenent in a circle and gets covered in a black energy that has little specks of sliver that looks like stars and the track gets covered in black fire and hits them six times from all sides but on the 6th hit my bey hits the spin track and send them flying upward then pegasis jumps up smashs them down to the ground and then pegasis goes straghit down and the metal wheel and track hits the face bolt
.aw85 stands for attack wings 85 so its pretty much uw145(killer beafowls track) except the track height is lowered and the sides of the have spikes on them also it is made of metal.also the wings on the track come right to the end of the metal wheel and on my command and during my special move the wings get covered with black fire .the metal wheel is pretty much vulcan except each of the wings has 3 slighty curved spikes and in bewteen the spaces of the spikes about 3 millimeters below that space are slighty curved spikes that are set the exact oppsite way.lastly during battle pegasis can swich from left spin to right spin.
beyblade bio:has tremdously super amazing smash attack and aw85 shreds anything that touchs it(except for me and my friends)
Any chance of romance?
thanks for that darkangel629 now here is CHAPTER 2!! Grin
I was hopeless. The beyblade tournament sponsored by the wbba was tomorrow and cepheus was uncontrollable. First he destroyed the local apartments. (Which i had to pay for!) And then he destroyed my mom's garden. (again ME!) And finally he destroyed- you guessed it-MY HOUSE! So now I'm training. "Go Cepheus!", I shouted. " Special Move!" I really had to think about this. I thought of a bunch of moves. When suddenly, it hit me. "Special Move!", I shouted. "Royal Execution Slash!" Suddenly, everything went dark with only a shining light, gold in color. It was Cepheus! Then Cepheus burst from gold to silver and ran straight into a tree. At first I thought that he was a goner. But then, he carved a symbol into the tree-his facebolt picture! Then the tree shimmered gold and faded into dust. (I hoped this wouldn't happen when i battled an actual bey.) So I had entered the tournament. I got ready in the locker rooms. And when I got out there were 3 refs - Jenny, Lance and Cynthia- and they announced the battler's names. "On the right" , shouted Jenny "Is Tokyo's own, Azriel Stone, entering with his bey, Royal Cepheus GO 145 HF! And on the right is Kevin Hagata with his bey, Shooting Star Pegasus, AW 85 RF!" The crowd cheered and silenced as we launched our beys. "3, 2, 1, Let it rip!" , We both shouted. When he launched his bey it strangely turned to night time, with shooting stars. "Special Move! Shooting Star Overdrive!", he shouted. Suddenly his bey began to circle mine, with energy that looked like a bunch of shooting stars. And then his track lit with black fire. He hit 6 times exactly, but on the 6th hit, he threw my bey in the air, almost stopping him, but he landed perfectly. "Special Move! Royal Execution Slash!", I shouted. And everything went dark except for a golden light. And then light burst silver and and he rushed toward Pegasus. he grabbed Pegasus with the crescents on his wheel and then threw Pegasus at the stadium, very badly damaging Pegasus. His performance tip was crushed along with his spin track, and immediately needed to be repaired. I had won! "We have a winner!", shouted Lance, and I had move on to the next round.
What do u think so far?
hey kevin
i mean dark angel
u like it?
the story was really good(poor pegasis)
hey can you read my story: kevins beyblade adventure.also i am taking charcter requests
ok ill read it
pretty good
thank you
no offense i re read but u need to edit
I know its early and chapter 4 is coming later today,
But here it is:
CHAPTER 3: Hercules

I was ready for the next tournament match. " Now for the next match.", Cynthia said very glumly " Up next is the winner of the last match, Azriel Stone and his bey Royal Cepheus GO 145 HF. And the next is the 2nd winner of the last match, Brian O' Reily with his bey, Rock Hercules HP 145 SP (Sword Point). Remember, the winner moves on to the Semi-Finals. Okay get ready!" I looked at Rock Hercules for a moment. I knew he was a normal rock bey, but his energy was so radiant that I could feel it flowing without touching him."3, 2, 1 Let it rip!", We both screamed. I launched my bey off of yellow launcher grip with a white string launcher. Our beys clashed with such intense power, that I did'nt know who would win. Then I saw it - Hercules spirit was a muscular guy in a tunic, with a leaf crown, and holding a huge steel sword. The spirit was bronze in color. Then my spirit came out - A golden man wearing a furry cape and a royal warrior suit, with a swift titanium blade in hand. The print on it said Excalibur. He wore a golden crown to. He looked like King Arthur. When there swords clashed I could feel the wave of energy. There was only one thing to do. " Special Move! Royal Execution Slash! ", I shouted. "Special Move! the Strength of Zeus!", Brian shouted. Everything turned dark and my bey turned gold, but something stopped his move. A lightning bolt. Then Cepheus struck at hercules blade. The blades clashed but........ Excalibur cut through Hercules' sword! Cepheus hit Hercules across the face (Like FaceBreaker the Video Game) and he fell to the ground. Hercules stopped spinning. "We have a winner!", Lance shouted "He will move on to the Semi-Finals!"
To Be Continued later Today!
CHAPTER 4: The Legendary Ginga
" Now it's time for the WBBA Tournament Semi-Finals!", Lance said, " This is going to be an intense match between our 2 top notch bladers! Our first is our city's beyblade master, Azriel Stone, with his powerful bey, Royal Cepheus GO 145 HF! And our second runner up is a beyblade champion, Ginga Hagane, with his ground-breaking bey, Galaxy Pegasus W 105 R2F! Now let the match begin!" "G, GGG, Ginga?", I said so stupidly. " Hey kid!", Ginga said excitedly, "So are you ready?" "I guess.", I said. "Then lets go!", said Ginga. "3, 2, 1, Let it rip!", We both screamed. Our beys collided so powerfully that they made a shining blue energy. My bey's spirit came out and so did Galaxy Pegasus. Cepheus stabbed Pegasus but he backed away and flew at Cepheus, full force. Cepheus blocked it with Excalibur. I used my special move. "Special Move! Royal Execution Slash", I said. Everything went dark except for Cepheus' divine golden light. he flashed into a shining silver color and went at
Pegasus, full force. He grabbed Pegasus but, ........ he blocked it. "Stargazer!", Ginga shouted. When Pegasus flew straight toward Cepheus, I panicked. Then I had an idea. What if I countered the move? "Golden Royalty Sword!", I shouted. Cepheus' arm transformed into a silver arm with his mark on it. Then he pulled Excalibur out and slashed Pegasus. Pegasus stooped spinning in midair. "I lost. Now I have to quit beyblade.", Ginga said.
"Don't quit Ginga. You're the best!", I said "Alright I won't! Thank you.", said Ginga. "Azriel is in the finals", yelled Lance. THE END TODAY.
nice story also chapter 3 is up in my story
sup what you doing(dont say my mom)
um just tr
just trying to get ppl to read my story
I'm sorry for the delay
Chapter 5: The Crow and The King
"Welcome to the Finals!", shouted Cynthia, " Our 1st finalist is our own, Azriel stone with his bey, Royal Cepheus GO 145 HF! And our next is a bey master, the one and only, Cain, with his bey, Shadow Corvus GB 145 MS! Let the winners meet each other. " Hi,",I said, "I'm Azriel. Nice to meet you." "I love a good competition!",he said. "Are our contestants ready?",Lance said. "Yes!", We both said, "3, 2 , 1, Let it rip!" Our beys hit with so much force, that all anyone could see was black and gold. I could see a black crow and a gold king clashing. "Special Move! Golden Royalty Sword!", I shouted. His arm transformed into a majestic silver demon arm coated a gold gauntlet and shoulder pad. Excalibur generated in the palm of his hand. He gripped the sword and it radiated with gold and silver energy. he struck the bird and broke one of the bird's wings. He fell in pain. I felt horrible. But suddenly, the bird rose and pecked at Cepheus so much, that Ii think I saw bronze blood. The crow radiated with black energy, while Cepheus radiated with silver energy. They clashed and I saw that the energy had turned into a lead color. When they fell back I saw something horrible. Cepheus started bleeding a bronze blood. then something worse happened. "Shadow of the Crow!", Cain shouted. A crow's shadow appeared in the ground and came toward my bey. It went into my bey. My bey turned pure black, and then I could'nt tell that it was'nt spinning. It stopped spinning. My bey returned to normal and the spirit of Cepheus faded. It was lying there like it was nothing. "Th- Th-The win-winner is C-Cain!?", Lance said very stunned, "We have a winner!", Jenny said ike it was nothing, "Congrats, Cain!" The crowd cheered. I could'nt believe I lost. How could I?
To be continued............
can i make a character
Bey:Galaxy Libra...Special Move:Galaxy Buster...Libra disapears and hits the opponents bey fiercily 11 times and after the 11th time if the other bey is still spinning he fires a supersonic wave.
Looks like:Black spikey hair wears a layered tee dark blue and white and wears green sneakers.
Characteristics:stratigic in battle,ALWAYS WANTS TO BATTLE,he doesn't really talk alot though.
(P.S awesome series!!!)
Thanks, he's our last good guy.
Good: Kevin Hagata, Azriel Stone, Samuel Scale (I came up with last name), And Cain Shadow
Bad: ?????
actually we need more later on
CHAPTER 6: Battle Royale
After the tournament, I met with Kevin, Cain, and Kevin brought someone named Samuel. Sam had a partner bey called Galaxy Libra HP 145 LF. Cain's partner Shadow Corvus GB 145 MS. Kevin had his bey, Eclipse Pegasus CW 85 SR2F. So we decided to have a battle. "3, 2, 1, Let it rip!", We all yelled. "Special Move! Galaxy Buster!", Sam yelled. Libra faded. He struck us all 11 times, and fired a green radio wave - a supersonic wave. The wave was so powerful, it almost knocked over my bey. "Special Move! Eclipse Buster!", Kevin yelled. He launched a black aura into the sky that covered the sun. Then, the aura shot at Libra, causing him to stop spinning. Unfortunately, Eclipse Pegasus used to much energy to keep spinning. Shadow Corvus shot at my bey like a black bullet. Royal Cepheus stopped Corvus from hitting him. "Royal Shield!", I shouted. That wasn't a special move. It was to weak. I only had 2 special move: Golden Royalty Sword and Royal Execution Slash. "Special Move! Golden Royalty Sword!", I shouted. The silver demon arm grew onto Cepheus' golden spirit. It looked much more hideous now. It was big and twisted. It looked like the arm of a steel man. It was coated with armor made of thorns and steel. And Excalibur grew into the hand. It turned a golden color with a shining silver hilt. The hilt had a big crown on it. He struck Corvus and Corvus fell and stopped spinning. Why was I gaining so much power?
Spoiler: This might lead to an evolution of Cepheus!
can i make a person: kyle he is unkown cloaked blader his hood has cepheus face and smart he listens to only his bey : lightning cepheus 100wb left side spin special move :lightning protection his shield appiers and deflects all attacks. BAD GUYYYYYY
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