World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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I would like to make a character.
Name: Storm Strike
Bey: Storm Striker
Special move: Storm Assault
Bio: He's misunderstood blader with no family. He doesn't think anybody deserves to know him or have anything to do with him and he destroys or steals any bey his Storm Striker beats.

P.S. He should be a bad guy.
can you change my blades parts?
105 MES(MetalEternalSharp)
Chapter 7: Master
My bey wouldn't stop, even when I yelled at it to. When he finally did stop, he looked different. He looked the same except for his fusion wheel and performance tip. His fusion wheel still looked like a ray wheel with crescent like this: (. Except they were like this instead: )(. His performance tip was familiar. R2F. I named his fusion wheel master. His new name was Master Cepheus GO 145 R2F. I went to go train. "Special Move!", I shouted. Then I remembered he had a brand new wheel. He suddenly came out in his spirit form. He was fully silver now, his blade golden with a silver and gold hilt with a big crown on it. Both his arms were like the demon arm I had seen before, except his legs were also like it. His torso was dressed in steel armor, with a big gold crown in the middle. his head was the same, except the beard was pointier than before. Everything went dark like his old special move, except he turned a bright silver. Then he turned a lead color and attacked a tree. He carved his facebolt into the tree again, except this time, after he was done, the tree went into him and he got more spin power. Then I told him to stop and he spun straight toward me. "Stop!", I yelled.
Is this the end?
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how do u like it?
that was good you stole my cresent design jk
awsome story man
Chapter 8: STOP!
With Cepheus charging toward me with such force, I had no choice but to just wait and see what happened. Cepheus hit me so hard, I was knocked out. I woke up in a hospital bed, surrounded by Sam, Kevin, and Cain. My bey, Master Cepheus GO 145 R2F was in my hands. He was glowing harshly, giving off a radiant light. Cepheus was obviously sensing something. When I stopped looking at him, every thing was as before, except for a weird guy in the corner or the room. He had a Cepheus symbol on his cloak, (He does'nt have a Cepheus, but U will find out what this means) and in his hand he had a bey with a fusion wheel that looked like lightning, except she was missing the parts she needed for multi hit mode. She had a diamond colored energy ring that looked like ropes. She had a 100 spin track and a WB performance tip. " Get Him!", I yelled. They looked and nobody was there. "What are you talking about ?", Cain asked. Was I delusional?
To be Continued...
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By the way, this is Azriel Stone:
Wears: Blue Jeans, Unzipped hoodie with checker pattern, Pentagram t-shirt, black sneakers, Silver Crown
by the way, sorry about short chapter
Chapter 9: The Static Princess
"He was right there!", I yelled, "I swear I saw him!" They all looked at me as if I was crazy. "No you didn't.", Cain said. Maybe it was just a thought "I saw him!"
"No, you didn't."
"Yes I DID!"
"NO you didn't, Azriel!"
I looked in my palm and Cepheus was glowing gold. Corvus was glowing purple. Suddenly Cepheus blasted Corvus, and they weren't even spinning. Corvus fell to the ground and transformed. Corvus had the GB 145 track but his tip changed, and so did his fusion wheel. The tip was one of the tips of an old bey - one I idolized. Gaia Dragoon. This bey had the metal flat tip. His fusion wheel was like a grand wheel, except all 6 parts had tiny spikes. he called this the phantom wheel. His new bey was Phantom Corvus GB 145 MF. Phantom Corvus I knew strongly rivaled Master Cepheus. About 4 days later, when I got out of the hospital, I gave each of my friends a communication chip. "Use these when you need help", I said "and someone will come to your aid." They all nodded and we split up. I went north. Cain went south. Sam went west. Kevin went east. When I got far enough, I saw the man from the hospital. He was wearing the same cloak as before. "My name is Kyle", He said, "And this is my fully evolved bey, Static Andromeda 100 WB." "What!?", I said. "How can that be?"
"I'm just like you, Azriel."
"What do you mean?"
"I am unique like you."
"Are you going to talk all day, Kyle, or are you going to battle?"
"If you say so."
I attached my white launcher grip to my metallic blue string launcher, and let it rip. Static Andromeda was in no particular mode. Now I could see why. When ever I hit it created static. "Special Move! Static Protection!", Kyle shouted. A wave of static formed a shield around Andromeda, and when Cepheus tried to strike, He got shocked. Obviously, Andromeda was a defense type. I tried one final strike, when a blue energy surrounded Cepheus, a metallic sapphire. He was at full power. But he stopped spinning. When I lost he took my bey."No!", I yelled. Then he was right back in my pocket. Then I looked back and Kyle was gone. "Help-p m-m-me..", mumbled a familiar voice. It was Kevin. "Are you alright?", I said.
"No..." And then his voice faded.
I rushed back from inside technology infested room. Then I was inside a room filled with electric rods. A strange person stood in the middle, wearing a Cepheus cloak. He had a mask on. A blank mask. He pulled out bey that wasn't based on a constellation. It was called "Storm Striker". Kevin was knocked out on the floor. I didn't talk to the man. We both pulled out launchers and launcher grips and let it rip. Our beys clashed with a familiar energy. Energy like a blue and red energy clashing. The bey had red storm energy. The energy was so powerful, it knocked us both away. This energy was from my last battle I had before I had Cepheus. Then both of our beys stopped, but I knew my bey won. Without any talking, I ran up to the man and removed his mask. "I can't believe it.", I said "You betrayed us....."
to be continued...
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Familiar Energy was small spoiler.
Nice suspense!!!! cool man totally narley
What do you think of my chapter? If u like, vote on poll.
good chaptahhh!!! not gonna make mine 2nite though
This is a pic of azriel:
[Image: d4e7191.png]

And Cain:
[Image: 12a7813.png]

And Sam:
[Image: bd73272.png]
And Kevin:
[Image: e848213.png]
As far as I know Anyway.
sorry they didn't have male layered t's or Pegasis symbol
Chapter 10: How Could YOU!?
".....Luis", I said in astonishment. I couldn't believe my eyes. My once best friend had now betrayed us. "What happened to Storm Leone?", I said
"I broke him."
"How did you break him, Luis"
"I crushed him with my bear hands. HAHAHAHAHA!"
"Youv'e gone insane, Luis."
"That's Why I joined the Cepheus Order Of Killing Internal Energy
"In other words the C.O.O.K.I.E.?"
"Yes the C.O.O.K.I.E! HAHAHAHA!"
I was about to laugh so hard because there alliance name was the C.O.O.K.I.E.
"You guys need a better name"
"We will get one eventually! But for now, destroying you is enough!"
He pulled out the same gear he had before he switched sides. A black launcher grip with a red string launcher.
He let rip his bey and I did to and it reminded me of old times. I told cepheus to attack and then I thought. I had an idea. "Special Move! Master Execution Destroyer!", I yelled. Everything went dark. My bey was a lead color. Then he flashed blue and went to attack Storm Striker. Storm Striker was knocked off balance. But then Luis yelled, "Special Move! Storm Assault!" He dissapeared. Then he struck my bey about 20 times. Then he created a tornado. And lightning and rain came down and they all hit my bey. But he survived. He attacked Storm Striker. Storm Striker lost all his energy when he attacked. I had won. "Here is a new name. The Cepheus Alliance.", I said. And ever since that day there name was changed to The Cepheus Alliance.
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It was kind of a stupid chapter.
Chapter 11: The Beautiful Cassiopeia (This is the most epic battle so far.)
After my encounter with Luis, I was pretty exhausted. I pulled out Cepheus as we were walking along our path. I figured that he would be all right until we got there. We were heading to Nebula City. (Home to all the best bladers.) When suddenly, out jumped a girl about my age who was dressed like an assassin. She wore a black T- shirt, a brown leather jacket, blue jeans, white sneakers, and a black leather belt rigged with weapons. "My name is Queen.", she said. She had dark blue launcher grip with a black string launcher. It looked like she was going to use it, but she surprisingly tossed it to Cain, and he caught it. Instead, she pulled out a fancy blue digital launcher. She put something on her eye - A sniper's glass, like Captain Capri's. It pointed to a specific spot. She launched her bey in that spot. The digital launcher indicated her launch power. It was a high amount. I did what I would do naturally - I let it rip. Our beys collided so powerfully that there spirits just came right out. her bey looked just like my bey spirit in female form. Except instead of blue gems on her crown, they were red. "Attack Cassiopeia!", She yelled. Cassiopeia struck Cepheus with a staff that had ancient writing on it. It had a floating magic symbol. The staff said, "Merlin's Staff". Our beys weapons collided with such force that it blew us both back. I could now see the bey. It's Energy Ring was silver with big spikes sticking up. It's Fusion Wheel was like an earth wheel, but it had 2 spikes on all 4 corners. It's Spin Track was like a Tornado track, except the blades were longer. It's Performance Tip was an ES. It was obviously a stamina type. As our beys clashed I decided to us my Special Move. "Special Move! Master Execution Destroyer!", I shouted. Everything went dark, meaning it was working. But the move stopped. Cassiopeia Shattered my energy like glass. Then she came with the finishing blow. Her bey tilted, and shredded my performance tip. I had lost. Now I would have to go to NewBolt City to get a new Performance Tip - with help that is.
If your going to read my story, vote on the poll and post characters and opinions and such.
Anyone who reads my story gets a new signature if wanted
Oh yeah i didn't like that sig though and good chapter
sup and awesome chapter man
KingCepheusIII are you mad at me
No and here is chapter 12: D-Class
P.S.: This is also an advertisement to not only read my story, but also, read
As we arrived in NewBolt, I saw slums and thrashed streets infested with people. The people looked like they had been forced to live on the streets of NewBolt. I knew that the Dark Nebula had been here. On the other side of the city was covered with nice buildings and rich Dark Nebula members. I knew I had to stop it. I ran into the city with my teammates behind me and ran into a guard. "Where do you think you're going, D-Class?", He said nervously.
"I'm going into the city.", I said angrily,"Either that, or i'll have to battle to get in."
He pulled out an old style launcher with a ripcord, and let it rip. His bey spirit was obviously fake. My bey clashed with his and thrashed it around. My bey was beating up his bey, and I wasn't even using my full power. His bey stopped and was all beat up. Then, something happened. I felt a cold needle at my back. I looked back, and it looked like the others had also been injected. I passed out.
To be continued......
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Thanks for Reading!
Pretty epic. Just saw the pics of your team on page 2 lololololololololololololololololol that is so awesome!!!! Maybe I'm asking too much but can you do a pic of Ethan??
Ethan nightly:
Appearence: dirty blond bushy hair black scarf black under armor tee under a black jacket dark jeans black shoes lololol thanks!!
I made your person.
He's in PM Re: Face Bolt sticker
R U still there? I just made your avatar.
Yah I'm here. Just got your PM.
name: roxas terra aqua ventres
bio: same as roxas from kingdom hearts but a bit older and taller with organastion coat under his coat he wears black/shinny blue jeans he also wears a black long sleeve hayabusa mizuchi rashguard he also wears black and red bake shoes hayabusa ashi foot grip socks and has UFC MMA gloves and a bandaf hat and has a see through from inside to out vuzix wraps 920 has an awsome fake horn pendant/chain and is realy cool he is well fit
bey: TZeus LR'Arceus UCEGBDH60/320EFSCTMES
face: metal face with a half dragon half human warrior with wings and a cape also with a mixture of every keyblade in kingdom hearts with the word excalibur on the blade he also holds a giant fire ball like sol blaze it also has two dragon heads whitch pops out of his shoulders whitch can shoot fire balls backgrond rainbow colour he also has a 16 part solid gold body defence armour plate the spirt of the bey can be the size of pegusis when where just playing but when we get into the game and were trying to win it's spirt grows to 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000​00 ft tall the spirt contain the power of all the legandary pokemon, all th powerfull yu-gi-oh cards, all the shauman king sprits, all the pheniox and has some resembelence to Duel Masters Urth the Purifying Elemental and to the legandary pokemon arceus has the power of all the duel marsters and chaotic creatures the face is a metal face
energy ring: LR'Arceus(a little like l'drago2 atcept heads are meant to go up TZeus wheel and alot more grey/black and grey/white rubber spikes coming out when spikes in wheel come out the eyes glow red and the tattoos are made of plain dimonds and pearls and are the same as l'drago2 coming out it is left and right spin) it also has 16 thin solid gold armour plates it is a clear silver colour
metal wheel: Titanium Zeus(like galaxy but it has gold coloured titanium spikes that store in the wheel but come out on comand facing the same way as drahelix wheel it has fans on bottom of wheel and after the spikes come out the fans move so it can change from left to right and fly and move faster it is all made of titanium atcept the fan and the mechanics one spike is coloured gold while the other is silver and so on until the spikes are all coloured it uses perminent paint the outside galaxy part is black while the inside is white
spin track: UCEGBDH60/320 stands for ultimate change eternal gravity bowl defense height 60 to 320 like ed track but with 3 metal balls in the defense plates it also has sticky stuff on the sides of the plates and in the track whitch means when a bey hits it it does the same thing the ed track does in the show it also means0 it absorbes the hit and changes height from anything between 60 and 320 and is filled with a super powered cell batery in the tack so it adds weight also the cell makes it spin rapidly when the track is set low you can you can push the blades up to the wheel so it spins with the bey instead of spinning freely the track can change height on command the colour of the track is a see through gold thile all the lines and gaps are a thin silver the out line of the track is covered in silver metal atcept the end of the plates whitch are a sticky substance whe hit will stick the other beys metal wheel or whatever hits is sent flying and the other bey loses quite a bit of its stamina the stckey stuff regains its shape after being hit
peformance tip: XEFSCTMES stands for xtra eternal free spinning coated titanium metal eternal sharp spinns freely eternal sharp bottom of tip is titanium and is coated in rubber like ray unicorno's tip the outside of the tip colour is a see through gold colour while the rubber is black/white while the metal at the bottom is permently painted gold the rubber part is wide like XF tip
the bey is has a very big diameter of about 60mm
the bey is has a very heavy weight of about 300g
battle gear inclueds: rapid deploy case,metal assist,led scope light,electric launcher grip with built in compass in the twisting thing the grip is connected to the electric LR rev-up launcher the string lenth is 5ft if you hold a button on the grip whitch makes the rev-up launcher start spinning like a battle striker launcher when you pull the string it adds power and lets it go he also has a bey pointer
ultimate move: armageddon - every body can't see the bey hit's everything around it while moving at 1000000000000 times light speed then creats a wave of energy and destruction witch destroyes the whole milky way if you don't know what that means it's bigger than the universe then the bey re makes it
special move:explosion force field - creats a almost invicible bubble of energy witch when makes contact with another bey makes a explosion outside the energy the size of a human the shield can only be broken if another bey hits it with power straigh after the explosion
special move: final strikes - hit the four corners of the other beys then hits the other bey face with this beys tip the soares through the air and comes to finish the other bey
special move: judgement - gets a lot of energy around my bey then makes a super powerful hit on the other bey
special move: final judgement - get a lot of power like judgemet but does a lot of hits like final strikes until he is told to stop if not told it will break the the other bey
it is a hybrid wheel bey
this bey is the god of all
can i be a main charcter/thought to be bad but found out to be good near the end like pheniox
can you do a avatar/pic of roxas
^uhh.... yeah. that probably won't go in...
Chapter 13: Phoenix?
I woke up in a room, my friends not there. My bey was on a table next to me. I got up from the bed I was in and crawled into a room filled with some people that looked like rogues. They all looked angry about something. Then I saw my friends in the corner. Cain was holding something - an R2F Performance Tip. I rushed over, grabbed the Performance Tip, and attached it to my bey. Then, I looked at my Cepheus' Spin Track. It was destroyed from my battle with that guard, and Queen. 2 of it's Gravity Orbs were missing. So I went back to the room. I pulled out my Flame Aries. I examined it. Then I put it back up. I pulled out an old 145 Spin Track I found. I pulled out an old gear that my Grandpa gave me, and I welded on to to the 145 track. I didn't have a new name for this track. Then, it became obvious. I would call this track the Gear 145 Spin Track. I looked at my newly edited Master Cepheus G 145 R2F. The Gear looked nice. So I went back out and looked to see a person in a mask. He looked like a familiar person. Ginga's Father in full disguise. "Phoenix?", I said.
To Be Continued.....
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