World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Whats the cheapest beyblade in money that you have got?
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I have noticed that in some shops ( online ect. ) the price of 1 beyblade differs by alot. Once i got a real thermal lacerta for $10 and one shop was selling it for $25!.
So I want to see the price range of diffrent types of beyblades that you have seen!
In a shop in australia the owner said he was getting a mercury anubis because his shop won a competition and he would probably sell it for $25 like he always does, usually is like $80-90.

I got a two pack of beys for around $9.
Storm Capricorn. I traded it for a Paddlepop stick and it cost me two dollars Uncertain
LOL, good paddlepop deal. Why would the other guy trade storm capricorn for a paddlepop?
Because Storm Capricorn is hard to use unless you practice ALOT.
Yeh i know, the quake tip is really annoying sometimes.
It makes me want to shoot it into a stadium full of pop its!
It is such a a spas beyblade!! Its probably my least favourite!!!
It's not that hard to predict. I can do a sliding shot in a PTW with it.
I just hate the bounces so much! It reduces the stamina alot. I would prefer somthing that is at controlled speed with more stamina than somthing with a boost of energy at the start and then a random sudden loss of energy.
Do Support Parts count? If so, I bought a Spring Support for HKD$8. Haha.
If only count Beyblades, the cheapest would be Random Boosters Light 2 and 3, costs HKD19 each. Pinching_eyes_2
I got a Beylauncher and 8 oacks of Random boosters for 12.00.
I got a draciel G bey for winnin a nasty tourney of launching your beys of the 6th floor of our building and the beyblade shudnt break and should still be spinning, I used a plastic bey which cost something like Rs 15 which is not even equal to $1. its lesser than $1

I bought a Random Booster Light Vol.3 for $4 CAD.
Draciel MS for $1.55 CAD lol
i got a black dragoon gt for a quarter (0.25 USD) didnt know it was rare so i bought it for a quarter Tongue_out but i lost it XD he said he thought his friend used a sharpie really good on it and so he said it was ruined. (so many regrets in such a small bey)
(Jan. 03, 2011  9:32 AM)Nano Wrote: [ -> ]It makes me want to shoot it into a stadium full of pop its!

Im gonna try that
(Jan. 04, 2011  12:57 AM)BurnPisces97 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 03, 2011  9:32 AM)Nano Wrote: [ -> ]It makes me want to shoot it into a stadium full of pop its!

Im gonna try that

I will when I get my Capricorn.
Meteo LDrago, Ray Unicorno and an Attack Stadium for under $30; top that? Smug
Last year I went to a Market place and they were selling HMS Beyblades ( real legit ones ) and they were on special for about $8 aud. I gave it to a friend of my mine, though.
(Jan. 04, 2011  1:16 AM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]Meteo LDrago, Ray Unicorno and an Attack Stadium for under $30; top that? Smug

I think NOBODY can...
NIB Dragoon MS for $8.
^LOL, you win.
Mint Blue Dragoon MS for $10. :L
Dark for SD, RF and (Green) Aquario CW.
Lol yeeeee. Well, that was when I was living in Korea. But not anymoreee T_T. Should've stocked on Dragoon MSes.
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