World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: About myself and stuffiges and things.
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So, yeah, I'm new here on this website and organization. My name is Alex, and I'm 17, I feel really awkward playing this game though sense I only see kids that are like 10 to like 13 playing it, but its whatever I like it. Who says physics can't be fun. Anyways, I'm blind as well. I've been blind since 11, and haven't really had much else to do other than play text games and play instruments and stuff. I've been interested in beyblading since like forever ago when the first season came out, but never baught one. I remember playing it one time with a friend who had a set and a stadium, it was like whoa fun though lol. And so this time when beyblades made a comeback with all new shows and beys I made a point to buy a few. I curently have: El drago, storm aquerio, Dark wolf, Flame lebra, flame sajaterio, rock Aries, and rock orso? or something, its another rock bey though, I think that's it, but probably one more I'm missing, anyways. My favorite combo to make is my aquerio's face, rock wheel, the track from flame lebra, sorry I'm not really good with identifing parts, I know which parts go to which beys though, anyways, and the hole flat from drago, its an awesome recoil attacker. I'm wanting to get earth vergo and mad gasher, but I don't much like the dark wheels so I'm holding off on dark gasher. I have one beystadium lol, I think its just a standard one, it slops down and has two pockets for K.O.'s, and I like to smash around these chinese stress things I got from the mall, its a little harder to knock around then marble, and I had them laying around so yeah. Anyways, thanks for having me, I look forward to reading all the posts and such. Laters.
welcome to WBO, sorry about the blindness part, but everyone is welcome here as an equal, nice collection! if you need anything or any help just PM me...
hey,sorry to hear your blind ;( but how can you see where the stadium is? or which bey is which? sorry you dont have to awnser.........also um how are you typing
he probably uses brail on the key board, and with the stadium someone like his friends tell him where to move his hands...
yeah and how is he going to read anything on here?
hahahahahaha. I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you guys, its just funny somethings the people say to me, as for the typing part, you don't need braille or sight to type, you look at the screen while you're typing anyawys. as for me being able to read the posts on here I have what's called a screen reader, mine is called jaws, you can google it if you like. And the part about me knowing where to launch the beys I just touch the bey areana before launching and I know where I'm launching at and I can predict pretty well where my beys are going to move to though. I generally like to tip my launcher to the right a little bit and line it up with the other pocket, so when I launch the bey kind of skids across the floor of the areana and smashes the other opponents bey when it rebounds from the slope, sometimes if it works right it can cause a K.O. in the first like 10 seconds of the match. um, but yeah. lol if you have any other questions just ask. And thanks for being curious too.
This is quite cool, very interesting. Beyblade is truly unconditional.
Well, welcome. Nice to see someone playing beyblade at blindness.
Quite a number of members here are over 17, so you don't have to feel awkward, haha.

Anyway, Welcome!
ha ha, looks like anyone can play beyblades. nice to meet you. you would be an interesting addition to this site.
Wow. That is really cool. Have a nice time!
You. Are. Awesome! Good work playin blades with the blindness thing, I sincerely admire you for that. YOU ARE AWESOME! Nice combo, might try it myself.
glad you guys think its cool, but yeah. lol I feel welcomed! haha.
You sound really good at beyblading, and I wish I were half as good as you are. You have tons of worthwhile parts to combine, too. Welcome to the WBO, and seriously, I'd like to battle you some time.
byblading is wikid
awesome lol, I'm glad you guys think so, and as for battleing you, I'm up for it any time lol, I'm not really sure how good I am though... I just have a pretty good under standing of physics and what happens when high spin volocity and friction and impacts happen... but never really tested it against anybody. I'm from the USA so yeah, I haven't really seen any tournaments here for it, and not really sure how to go about setting them up in my city. and yah. anyways laters...