Just post your characters here and we can role play and start teams.
There is no specific way you can post your characters information, just tell us about it, if you want to post a picture too that is fine.
Here's mine:
Species: A desert species called Paraechinus aethiopicus
Lives: in a desert, in a hut made out of sand (oasis in backyard)
Sex: Male
Specializes in: Speed, faster than speed of light
Abilities: Controls fire, can make a shield out of pure energy that can deflect even the strongest attack
Forms: Normal form, phoenix-fire form
Appearance: Top spine curves and points up. Top side spines curves and points up. Bottom side spines points diagonally straight in front of him. Hes brown with red highlights. Blue eyes.
Story: Furnace was the Proto-type to Shadow the Hedgehog, everyone thought he was junk, so GUN threw his body out, but kept his memory. All his life he cannot remember what has happened to him 50 years ago, he remembers faces, but they are a bit fuzzy. He is very mysterious, but persistent. Ever since Dr. Eggman has revived him, he has been rivals with Metal Sonic, just like the rivalry between Shadow and Sonic. He can use the power of pure energy to use Chaos Control with out even having a chaos emerald, that is why he is faster than the speed of light. He enjoys hot springs since he has one in his backyard. I know his story is similar to Shadows, but it was the best story I could come up with.
I was gonna post a picture, but my scanner's broken


He travels around
Power:can shoot beam of energy as well as many other powers he hasn't mastered yet,he is also very speedy
Appearance: Black body dark green spikes. wears green gloves, red shoes
Forms:Normal form ,Spirit form
Story: He was made by doctor Eggman from DNA collected from Sonic,Shadow and Silver the hedgehog.
Before Eggman could implant his memory of being on the evil side, Eggman's lab had an explosion. Soul got out without a scratch. Eggman still searches for Soul in order to change his memory to the evil side.
name: shred
species: hedgehog
location: travels
gender: male
power: can fire supersonic vibrations and shred the gorund tuen into a spin ball and fire super sonic vibration in curcular motion runs at the speed of light
apperance: black body orange highlights gray gloves with rings red and black jet shoes like shadow spikes point down
forms: normal form super form ultra shred mode
story: shred was sonics best freind and when the chaos control was going to explode he did some exploring in eggmans lab he saw shadow in the tank and tried to pry it open and then saw all seven chaos emralds and the master emrald he went for it and the chaos control exploded all chaos power was sent into him and when he woke up he found out he could fly and shot super sonic waves and he had great agility he found sonic one day fighting egg man sonic saw seven flashes of light and the robot blew up and then he saw something spin like him and fire a wave like around the place and the egg pawns exploded he loked at him after he stode still and said good to se ya bud then shred saed right back at ya and they traveled together ever since
Name: Inferno (in power form otherwise its Jason).
Species: Human (Hedgehog ninja in power form).
Location: Usually at a volcano.
Gender: Male (duh)
Power: Firebend and Earthbend (shoot flaming rocks) flight.
Power form: Sandy brown with hair like shadow. Rock gloves and boots has a tri-force on his hands, feet, and chest.
Normal form 12 year old with tan skin, brown eyes, and brown hair. He wears his rock gloves and boots all the time.

Power:Can poison people,can turn things in to stone,can make others afraid

ark green
Lives in the city
Gender is Male
Colored:White and gold
Specializes in speed and in his super form
name: Blade
species: wolf
location: mostly found in forests and such
gender: male
power: elemental powers:lightning, fire, water/ice, he can run as fast as a regular car (about 160-200 km/h, but not the speed of sound like sonic, Blade can also can use plasma (sort of like shooting lasers out of ones hand) based attack
apperance: he is about three inches taller than sonic and shadow, he has grey fur, with sort of shadows stripes that change shape and colour according to power/element used, i.e. for fire the stripes are red and look like flames, lightning, the stripes are purple and look like lightning bolts, water/ice the stripes are blue and looks like rivers, and for plasma the stripes are glowing cyan and look like shadow stripes
forms: normal=his form with power switch, elemental destruction (mixes all his elements together), and ultimate form (mixes all his powers and gives him a super sonic like powers)
story:he was mutated be either the government to fight Dr. Eggman, but turned on the government its self (though he still fights Dr. Eggman as well) so he is wanted and is beening chased by G.U.N agents, including Shadow, who he has fought many times winning some and losing some, but he always gets away
name:project x(often called zora)
location:travels but mostly desert
power:has the power to change arms into wings and back(so can fly)can run at super sonic speeds and when dives can go the speed of light zora also can use his speed to create a tornado and can use chaos spear
appearance:zora is a falcon that can change color based on location(normally the color of sand in desert at night is black)about the hight of shadow has the same rings around arms and legs so doesnt loose power in flight or running or combat
forms:flight,regular running(has running and flight becaause flight tires him out and so does running without rings)
story:in a failed experiment(or so eggman thinks) to create yet another ultimate life form project x was born and escaped eggman looking for memory he stumbled across the desert and stayed there tho he sometimes come out
personality:is like shadow kind of he has reasons for actions but hardly shares them sometimes he will other not so much
that makes me the only falcon
Species:Genecitlly-Morphed Hedgehog

Specializes:Fast Speed and Digging
Abilities:Can become large and tall with super stregnth

range with bat wings sonic like hair and large arms and knukles gloves
Name: Freakshow
Species: Dark Matter
Gender: none
Location: Centre of a black hole
Abilities: Reform it's body, 'stretch' it's body to extreme lengths, teleport
Appearance: Usually a hedgehog shaped creature with a body the colour of the skies. streaks of white lining his body. A lot like dark sonic but with more knuckles-like hair and with stripes
(Jan. 03, 2011 5:48 PM)Jason Flav Wrote: [ -> ]Name: Solaris
Species: Hedgehog
Gender: Male (duh)
Power:Is pure energy can control time and space and can cause solar and lunar eclipses and can transform into solaris phase 2
Color: looks like shadow but in stead his colors are in reverse (where shadow is black he is red, where shadow is red he is black, every thing else is the same).
Solaris is already a sonic name right
Story:Its core is all the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald combined. It hunts Sonic and the gang to learn how to channel the power of the Emeralds better.
Powers:Can transform into and use the powers of anyone who touched one of the Emeralds. He can also split into eight androids, one for each Emerald.
Those look sweet! Did you draw them on the back of your homework or something?
Name: The Statue of Super Sonic that Shadow was based off of.
Specs-is: A Statue
Power: Based off Shadow
Weapon of choice: Rocks
History: It was a worshipped statue that Shadow was based off of
Appearance: A cracked, standing still grey Super Sonic
(May. 20, 2011 5:10 PM)sonicsora123 Wrote: [ -> ]Name: Freakshow
Species: Dark Matter
Gender: none
Location: Centre of a black hole
Abilities: Reform it's body, 'stretch' it's body to extreme lengths, teleport
Appearance: Usually a hedgehog shaped creature with a body the colour of the skies. streaks of white lining his body. A lot like dark sonic but with more knuckles-like hair and with stripes
(Jan. 03, 2011 5:48 PM)Jason Flav Wrote: [ -> ]Name: Solaris
Species: Hedgehog
Gender: Male (duh)
Power:Is pure energy can control time and space and can cause solar and lunar eclipses and can transform into solaris phase 2
Color: looks like shadow but in stead his colors are in reverse (where shadow is black he is red, where shadow is red he is black, every thing else is the same).
Solaris is already a sonic name right
ok fine i'll edit it
eye colour:light blue
power:super speed,running on water,creating a tornado
attire(clothes):white shoes with a red strap
best friend: charmy bee
Name: Super
colour: yellow
gender: male
power: super speed and teleportation
shoes: red with a black strap
personality: superactive and very friendly... hates evil
creation: unknown
species: hedgehog
Name: Fable
Species: Babylon Rogue Osprey
Color: Red and white
Gender: Male
Clothing: White with a Green strap shoes,green gloves with white spikes on knuckles.
Personality: Mysterious,but very competitive and is only cocky against tough opponents.
Power: Capable of Achieving extreme speeds on foot and on Extreme Gear(Board),He can use the power of the wind into his own giving him more speed.
Extreme Gear: A Green Hover-board with white and red in the middle. It is called Osprey-F(Fable or Feather).
Story: He was born into the Babylon Garden the same day Eggman invaded it,His garden was wrecked along with most of his family,his father was with him trying to escape,when eggman killed his father and captured him. Eggman kept him in a chamber that was intended to make him powerful and evil,after 12 years in the chamber,Fable broke free,attacked Eggman,and suddenly a secret compartment opened. It was his father's extreme gear,Osprey-F,using it he escaped and found other babylon survivors,setting out on a mission to find out his true identity,until then,He would be called Fable. The only person who knew his true self was his family,which are all dead,but he knew Eggman knew as well. Eggman devised a plan opening a racing tournament,the prize being anything desired,Eggman knew this would attract Fable,still in search of his identity,entered unaware of Eggman being the host. After Fable won,he found out it was Eggman and demanded to tell him who he is,Eggman attempted to capture Fable again,and suddenly,Fable's friends stormed in,attacking Eggman,Fable killed Eggman with a stomp to the face,ending Eggman for good. He was now happy as Fable and set out with his friends to restore Babylon Garden once again.
"I don't care if I don't know myself,I can start fresh again,as Fable,Fable The Osprey.
Name: Strike
Gender: Male
Abilities: SUPER sharp quills
Personality: Brave, arrogant
Species: Hedgehog (duh)
Color: Depends on mood. If he was particularly angry, he might go hot red.
Story: A hedgehog created by scientists that was supposed to be a stronger Sonic. However, it went wrong and instead, Strike was created. The scientists hoped they could use this power to fight for them, but he instead escaped and met Silver. They became best friends, even though Strike doesn't believe in the "traitor." Strike later met Sonic, but Sonic despised him and later fought him. Later, Sonic finds out Strike is working against Dr. Eggman and later learns of Strike defeating a Metal Sonic. Sonic finally gets along with him, but they only get together if needed, because Strike has his own team: The Justice Crusaders.
Species: Hedgehog
Lives: in a Lake
Sex: Male
Specializes in: Fire and speed
Abilities:He can Light anything on fire and can Walk on air and water.
Appearance: Red eyes,black torn up t-shirt,blue shorts and red sunglasses.
Story: His rival is sonic the hedgehog and was once friends with tails untill eggman captured him and persuaded him to kill sonic,shadow,tails and any other friends of sonic