World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: MFB Explosion: Episode 91 - The Climactic DJ Battle!? (01/09/11)
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91. The Climactic DJ Battle!?
Hakunetsu no DJ Batoru!?

(Dec. 10, 2010  8:01 AM)DranzerX13 Wrote: [ -> ]91.
Sakonetsu no DJ Batoru!?

Holy carp, Blader DJ battles!?
Hah yeah, what does he have; Laser Cruxier? Im guessing it will shoot lasers and have SuperUltraMega Smash attack. Another potential top-tier Uncertain
is DJ that commentator guy? if he is, the old version of him battled in the video games.
can't wait for this! hope he beats the carp out of all of the bladers in one hit...
Bring on Blader DJ vs Blader Ken.
or blader DJ vs ryuuga, ginga, kyouya, hyouma, tsubasa, benkei, kenta, yuu, douji, guy with hell kerbex, guy with flame byxis, guy with vulcan horuseus, all dark members, tyson, brooklyn, kenny, kai, ray, max and every other blader in the world! heck yeah! Blader DJ would win in one hit!!!
wow cool
(Dec. 10, 2010  11:40 PM)metalfusion1998 Wrote: [ -> ]wow cool
Try to add more content to your posts.
From what I got out of the horrible Bing Translator, it seems that Yuu and Tsubasa will do another match against the Chinese team.
Now all we need is for blader dj to post here... Hopefully he will.
Tsubasa and Yu are probably still unconscious due to their encounter with Damian, so Gan Gan Galaxy are looking for a replacement. Personally, I think it'll ultimately end up being Ryuga.

"If they win their next match, then Gan Gan Galaxy will become No. 1 in the world, however, Tsubasa and Yu fell into a crisis being unable to battle. So, both Kenta and Wang Hu Zhong come forward to be of assistance, and the battle to determine the additional member had begun."
(Dec. 14, 2010  6:32 AM)Saigo Wrote: [ -> ]Tsubasa and Yu are probably still unconscious due to their encounter with Damian, so Gan Gan Galaxy are looking for a replacement. Personally, I think it'll ultimately end up being Ryuga.

"If they win their next match, then Gan Gan Galaxy will become number one in the world, however, Tsubasa and Yu fell into a crisis being unable to battle. So, both Kenta and Wang Hu Zhong came forward to be of assistance, and the battle to determine the additional member began."

What a shame for Tsubasa and Yuu to fight and not be able to participate in the finals. I see what's going on here though. In the manga it was Masamune who got injured since there are no Yuu or Tsubasa in the Gan Gan Galaxy team.
In the anime, it looks like you're right, probably Ryuuga will replace both of them, while in the manga, Ryuuga may come to replace Masamune. If that happens, then it would be obvious to expect that in the anime, the battles would be:

Masamune vs Zeo (obvious)
Ryuuga vs Jack (had a missing battle with him)
Ginga vs Damian (more obvious)

And in the manga, well, by elimination it's obvious.
It would be interesting though if Ryuuga really ends up aiding the Gan Gan Galaxy team.
(Dec. 14, 2010  7:01 AM)Flosal Wrote: [ -> ]Masamune vs Zeo (obvious)
Ryuuga vs Jack (had a missing battle with him)
Ginga vs Damian (more obvious)

And in the manga, well, by elimination it's obvious.
It would be interesting though if Ryuuga really ends up aiding the Gan Gan Galaxy team.

... you forgot about Faust, the owner of Hologium, he hasn't even appeared yet... so don't speculate so early.

Funny that how it feels like Gan Gan Galaxy is to face team America in just a few eps, but in reality its actually longer than that; remember GGG vs Excaliber? that took what? 2-3 months until it finally happened, so it should no doubt be the same for this as well.
(i hope December's manga gets scanned/uploaded soon)
Ive watched it on Youtube, its an awesome episode dont ya think?
(Dec. 17, 2010  3:02 AM)Escolpio WD145B Wrote: [ -> ]Ive watched it on Youtube, its an awesome episode dont ya think?

...airing date is 09 January 2011..
The 2 worlds of beyblade run seperatly, but parralel to eachother. if the blader DJ's are different. i really liked DJ from the old series and would love to see him battle todays Blader DJ (in real life and in the anime) It would be a helleva interesting battle...

anyway, cannot wait to see what bey DJ will use and how well he does
It is a battle between Japan's Blader DJ and the United States'.
(Dec. 26, 2010  4:18 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]It is a battle between Japan's Blader DJ and the United States'.

LOL. What Beyblades do they use?
(Dec. 26, 2010  4:22 AM)Chaos Blader Wrote: [ -> ]LOL. What Beyblades do they use?
I do not know, I think the preview did not show them. I really hope they are not Light Wheels or something ...
I hope both beys can be strong as (Meteo) L Drago. Because that will be one entertaining battle.
Just a small note, the title is "白熱のDJバトル!?" (The Climactic DJ Batle!?) as opposed to "迫熱のDJバトル!?", so yeah.
I watched the preview of two Dj's....Who will win.
Going for the original!
MAN can't wait for this episode it sounds interesting.
(Dec. 26, 2010  8:40 PM)ultimatebladers Wrote: [ -> ]The original will win because he has more knowledge saying he has already seen tyson battle

.... this has been said many times now and its the fact that MFB characters are not affiliated with the Bakuten Beyblade characters in anyway; so this speculation is extremely off.
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