World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: The Advanced Forum is born!
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Hmm, this advanced forum is kinda like motivation to try to contribute to the forum more(hopefully for the better). and with this rapid growth of people, there's gunna be more people who need help.
Congrats to blah, he obviously got this position cause he's hawt.
I'll try my best to get into the Advanced Forum, count on it Tongue_out
(Nov. 25, 2010  3:39 AM)alexscott12 Wrote: [ -> ]: I realize you are a veteran and i'm not but you are still spamming with "I feel special"

I was included in the group even though I'm not the most active anymore and I was grateful for that. Clearer?
ok yes it is now clearer and sorry for the misunderstanding about your comment and I believe from what I have seen you post you could be a mod, I mean, come on, you're just as smart as Blah and he became a mod
(Nov. 25, 2010  3:29 AM)Khel Wrote: [ -> ]I feel special

You are special,lol, and you helped alot of people
(Nov. 25, 2010  4:23 AM)alexscott12 Wrote: [ -> ]ok yes it is now clearer and sorry for the misunderstanding about your comment and I believe from what I have seen you post you could be a mod, I mean, come on, you're just as smart as Blah and he became a mod

I was a mod for a fair while Wink

Also forgot to congratulate Blah. Enjoy the newfound responsibility. You obviously earned it. Smile
Wow, this is quite the developement. This should really help with the off topic stuff (which I seem to be occasionaly guilty of). Now everyone can get down to the important stuff. And congratulations blah. It takes alot to get this kind of privelige. I can deffinately tell I won't be posting on the advanced forum any time soon. I really believe that this will be an improvement though.

gratz Blah! =D
go dude you deserve it
Remeber call it call of duty
I've personally congratulated blah when I saw his name italicized in blue, but I'll say it again: congratulations blah! Conversing with you on complex Beyblade topics has been fun!

I also noticed my name was italicized; being here for six months, I never knew I would be considered as one of the "veterans" yet, hahah. I shall do my best to do my part to stimulate the Advanced Forum and provide useful information when needed.

Congrats to blah again, and congrats to my fellow veterans!
Wait so will u be only choosing peole in the veteran group to become mods?
Congratulations Blah, Haha it's even more amazing to think that you're from Melbourne. You've grown very fast since the time you joined. I only wish I could have been more active Pinching_eyes_2 School finishes next week, so I'll be doing more to contribute to the forums.

I hope you do well, Joyful_3
congrats blah!
im suprised momji manju hasn't been turned into a veteran yet.
(Nov. 25, 2010  6:59 AM)Ra Wrote: [ -> ]Wait so will u be only choosing peole in the veteran group to become mods?
If such correlation exists, however somebody who has enough knowledge to be a Veteran does not necessarily have the ability to be a moderator.
Congratulations blah! This forum idea seems pretty great for the people who want an honest-to-goodness beyblade talk, now to just be able to get in...

Edit: Well it looks like they transferred some threads into the Advanced Forum. I commented on one of those Pinching_eyes_2
congratz even though u used to nag me about threads lol!
Hm that is a pretty neat idea for the advanced older members of the W.B.O., and you have my congrats blah!
Nice to see something like this finally implemented! Hope to be a Vet one of these days.

Congratulations to blah!
This new forum sounds like an elitist idea. But whatever.
(Nov. 26, 2010  3:23 AM)Commie Wrote: [ -> ]This new forum sounds like an elitist idea. But whatever.

It gives voice to members who deserve it. Not drowned in the numerous "Dark Wolf 145FS is sooo gooood!"-type of comments.
(Nov. 26, 2010  3:23 AM)Commie Wrote: [ -> ]This new forum sounds like an elitist idea. But whatever.

This is not what we want to convey with the addition of the Advanced Forum. Just as much as the forum is an outlet for the more experienced members to discuss advanced concepts in Beyblade without the added noise of certain members who do not have that experience or knowledge, it is also meant to be another resource for those very members who are new to the game or do not have a high level of knowledge to learn and grow themselves. And then one day perhaps they would be able to join the Veterans group. We are always open to adding new members who have demonstrated they have the type of knowledge we are looking for.

We have 20,000+ members now, and with this immense growth, it has also become more difficult to find great, productive, and informative posts. In doing this, hopefully finding such posts will be a little bit easier. That being said, do not mistake all of this as us trying to segregate the community, that isn't our intention.
(Nov. 26, 2010  3:23 AM)Commie Wrote: [ -> ]This new forum sounds like an elitist idea. But whatever.

Think of it as when you're on the phone. When having a discussion with someone on the phone, do you not want to be in a quiet room where someone won't disturb you? This is like that.
(Nov. 26, 2010  3:23 AM)Commie Wrote: [ -> ]This new forum sounds like an elitist idea. But whatever.

If it were truly elitest they would have removed the Customizations Forum.
Congrats to blah and all the people selected for the Advanced forum.
so how exactly does one get granted access, all i know is you have to be a veteran, does that mean you have to have been on her for ages or just make knowledgable and useful posts?
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