World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Character who doesn't act his/her gender most
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Probably Yuu. He is pretty androgynous. I didn't know if he was a little guy or a tomboy until it was established he was a guy.

I also think rutaro (sp?) is pretty feminie. He looks like a woman and I am pretty amazed the dub version shows him as a male. I think that is pretty cool that they didn't cencor it and just make him a her.

Tsubasa looks a little girly but he acts like a guy (he does act a little feminie but nothing unusual.)

I don't think Hikaru is particularly masucline. Yes she has short hair and she is tough but those are not completely male qualites. She still acts and looks feminie to me.
Brooklyn. He pets butterflies.

'Nuff said.
I would say Damian but the girly laugh makes him seem a little more devious and evil with that high pitched sort of insane bad guy laugh.. like ryuuga's.

No but i would say Teru.... when you see him in some of the shots from the tv, like episode 3 (i think) of MFBE he looks incredibly feminine to me, he probably threw me off the most lol
In Original Series, I think it's Kenny.

In MFB, I think it's Hikaru.
Hikaru. She acts more like a man than a woman. And she plays hard like a man which makes her even more manly.
... Hikaru is far from manly ...
my first bey was a hasbro storm aquario because i thought the tip was cool and when i saw hikaru on the card with the beyblade battles code and thought it was a boy till my friend told me otherwise Chocked

p.s is faust/toby a male or female?
Probably Kenta or Gingka
Umm..I have to say Kenta...he sounds(in the Hindi dub) and acts like girls sometimes...he can be compared to Madoka
(Aug. 20, 2011  2:39 AM)Epic Blader Wrote: [ -> ]p.s is faust/toby a male or female?

toby is a boy
At one point, Kenta and Masumane.

*image removed*

After Galaxy Pegasus blew up, so it isn't what it looks like.

Faust looks like a female
i saw a pic of tsubasa before i saw the episode and thought he was a girl but he really looks like a girl.
I thoughtthat Chi Yun Li was a girl with growth hormone problems and If Titi(purple haired legend blader with quetzlcoatl) ismale og female
I think yuu acts like a girl.
for some reason tsubasa so far looks more female from how he dresses to how he eats check out episode 67 of metal masters/ explosion
I would have to say Dynumis (I think that's correct) , he does those weird hand gestures when he battles and he just looks weird o.O
the guy who has earth virgo for sure, he looks a bit like one, he's got a bey for a virgo...
(Sep. 18, 2011  3:49 PM)Hell Kid Wrote: [ -> ]I would have to say Dynumis (I think that's correct) , he does those weird hand gestures when he battles and he just looks weird o.O

He is called Dunamis.
I always thought Yuu was a girl, I thought Yuu+Kenta......

Then i found out it was a he........
I'm thinking Yuu too...
My parents said that guys can't wear white jeans, and if you try, there won't be any in the guy's section unless you go to the ladies. So, when I first saw Tsubasa, I acctually thought he was a girl LOL. I was so badly mistaken lol
I have white jeans ...
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