World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Is this a real set?
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I found this on Plamoya.

I wan't to know if it is real, if it worth getting and what those two things are.
Sorry if I sound rude or anything but next time just use Purchase Consultation instead of creating a new thread.

I think they are some sort of special series Beyblades.
Of course not like the real ones, more like gimmicks but they are made by Takara-Tomy.

EDIT: Capsule Toys, I think they are.
(Oct. 30, 2010  1:50 PM)blah Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry if I sound rude or anything but next time just use Purchase Consultation instead of creating a new thread.

Oh, ok...
Yes it's real but the blades aren't proper MFB. They're capsule ones I think.
Is the stadium any good? (That's all I really care about.)
(Oct. 30, 2010  2:00 PM)Rashamon Wrote: [ -> ]Is the stadium any good? (That's all I really care about.)

It's probably sized for the Capsule Beys.
It is. The stadium is quite smaller, you cannot really fit two normal Beyblades in it.