World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: [Toronto, Canada, 9/4/2010] Project Beyhem.
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IMPORTANT: There is a limit of 30 people for this tournament, so sign up quick! Also, the people after 30, they can sign up, but they can only play in free play, unless one of the members doesn't show up!

Are you Toronto area bladers ready for some Beyhem?

Copy + Pasted from the event proposal.

Name: Project Beyhem (credits to Minion!)
Date: September the 4th, 2010.
Venue:High Park at 1:00PM, free play will start at 12:00.
FormatConfusedtandard format, Universal for free battles.
Prizes:It's a suprise. Wink Let's just say it was a bad move if you bought your wave 2's already.

We now have a selling thread for this!

This is where we will host the tournament.
[Image: tornamentgrounds.jpg]
[Image: tornamentgrounds1.jpg]
(credits to Kei, for the HPT and HPT2 map!)

Please, if you do have a stadium,bring it, even PTW will be open for free play, also if you are bringing a stadium, please wash it out with soap and water beforehand, as it can affect gameplay.

Also, even though we have mats, if you could bring some it would be very much appreciated. Too many is never a bad thing!

The cost to enter a official WBO tournament is $5.00, or $10.00 for a Blader's Passport! A Blader's Passport Will earn you a cool Passport face, and let you go to WBO tournaments year round for free!

Flamedragon25, who is my partner in this tournament, will also be selling some things such as the new metal face design,metal faces, White launcher grips, and beylauncher suspensions! So save up your money!

Finally, (Credits to Ellz for this paragraph.)
We'd also recommend that if you do intend to take part in the tournament, then bring your own beys.
This may sound like an obvious suggestion, but in the past people have come without, expecting to borrow other blader's blades.

This would not be a problem, but more than half the blades that have been lent out to people have either come back damaged from improper use, or not come back at all.
Obviously this has made people a lot more reluctant to lend out their own beys.

Now, what are you doing still reading this Toronto bladers? Sign up for the Beyhem!

Pockyx3 (Host)
FlameDragon25 (Host)
Daegor42 (Judge?)
Kei (Judge?)

Black Night
Z D 1

Possible Attendees:
I'm coming... I already told you. Why wouldn't you put me on the list? Libruhhh
Coming for sure, unless something really unexpected shows up.
So yeah 99% coming. o-o[/align]
Possible ^^
Moved to Official Events.

I'm there.
Oh thanks. I don't have a (Judge?) beside my name LOL
Put me for possible attendees. I so need a beylauncher suspension.
Well, T.O, you Jordan, and Marco are like; back-up if one of us can't make it, so feel special. Wink
Just adding this in; I'll be at the entrance of High park at 12:00 to pick anybody up who doesn't know the way to the tournament grounds.

EDIT: Also, for anybody who is too lazy to look at the calendar, the tournament is on the incoming saturday!
IM IN IM IN IM IN IM IN IM IN IM IN IM IN IM IN =DDDDDDDD just hope i do better then hptd 2
(Aug. 30, 2010  8:05 PM)ali12345456 Wrote: [ -> ]IM IN IM IN IM IN IM IN IM IN IM IN IM IN IM IN =DDDDDDDD just hope i do better then hptd 2

would this mean possible or attendee?
(Aug. 30, 2010  8:07 PM)Pockyx3 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 30, 2010  8:05 PM)ali12345456 Wrote: [ -> ]IM IN IM IN IM IN IM IN IM IN IM IN IM IN IM IN =DDDDDDDD just hope i do better then hptd 2

would this mean possible or attendee?

i love my user name =3
FFFFUUUU high park agian? aw man anyway put me on the list of attendes Unhappy
Add myself as well as Quetzel, burndrago and ElJihado to the attendees list. Can't wait =D
watch the entry limit be exceeded because there are random not signed up people there Tongue_out
put me on the atenndes
Just got 4 Lightning L Dragos (Hasbro) so I was planning on selling them during the tourny.
I'll just list the stuff I was planning on selling here since it's a bit easier.
2 White Launcher Grips
1 White Handle Grip
1 Red Handle Grip
2 Clear Metal Face2
2 Orange Metal Face2
2 Original Metal Face
2 Red Metal Face
2 Gunmetal Metal Face (maybe, depending on a friend)
1 Launcher Suspension (someone offered me for other one)
2/3 Lightning L Drago(hasbro)
1 Cyber Pegasis
1 Counter Leone (Used)
1 Quetzalcoatl (Used)
1 Purple Libra/Burn Pisces (give me offers before tournament and I'll decide to bring them or not)
+some plastics (oldschool beys)
All the above are full beys because some people have been asking
Wow, we sure have a lot of confirmed.
Just saying guys, if you don't show up to an event and your on the attendees list, most likely you'll get a warning of about 20%.

So only say attendees if your're positive!

EDIT: ^ Dang.. Now you tell me there's a quetz and a burn. Tongue_out
Lets see if I can make some money in a few days.

Double edit: I'll also be selling a DF145 and a SD there. DF145 lightly used, and SD moderately used.

Highest bidder will win! Wink Pm me.
i might be there. 50 % chance
Be cuz i live in mississauga

I'm working!! T__________T
oh yeah will this be round robin or double elimination?

(any one want to sell me a beylauncherL?)
It'll depend on the turnout, if there is more than 35 then most likely it'll be double elimination.
(Aug. 30, 2010  11:45 PM)FlameDragon25 Wrote: [ -> ]It'll depend on the turnout, if there is more than 35 then most likely it'll be double elimination.

There's a limit for 30. LOl
never know about the random ppl who arent signed up
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