World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: [Toronto, Ontario] Saturday, August 14th, 2010 Beys of Glory!
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(Aug. 15, 2010  5:13 AM)mchlbant Wrote: [ -> ]i really hope kei's fan expo thing works out....

So do do i =)
Sorry, taking this to PMs
Oh Man, this means Marco and Kei can get Quetz!!!!

T-T, that means i need to get First or Second to Get Quetz, If there is any left T-T
(Aug. 15, 2010  7:02 PM)kool-kid9980 Wrote: [ -> ]Oh Man, this means Marco and Kei can get Quetz!!!!

T-T, that means i need to get First or Second to Get Quetz, If there is any left T-T
According to what I calculated last night, Marco only has fifteen Credits.
TT.. If I win one more, Quetz will be mine!
What are credits?
(Aug. 15, 2010  7:35 PM)gurugulu Wrote: [ -> ]What are credits?
Seriously ?

We had an announcement on those too, at the same time as the return of the Beypoint System ...
I wasn't even here during that time.
(Aug. 15, 2010  7:41 PM)gurugulu Wrote: [ -> ]I wasn't even here during that time.
You joined only a few days later, and no other announcement was made then, so the Beypoint System announcement was still featured in the News Bar of the index.
Urgh... those kids are annoying D:
I've been asked "When is x number playing" litterally over 200 times that day....
sorry I couldn't be there
lol i was barley there i would not wait i WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOO board Unhappy
Haha sorry you had to leave early.
There was sooo many people.
When will the video be up?

BTW Daegor you barely beat me the first match (my bey was flame pegasus)
(Aug. 15, 2010  10:51 PM)Inkubinu Wrote: [ -> ]When will the video be up?

It'll be up when it's up.

(Aug. 15, 2010  10:51 PM)Inkubinu Wrote: [ -> ]BTW Daegor you barely beat me the first match (my bey was flame pegasus)

Heroes look best when they come from behind. Cool
my friend (sonic 19983) beat you with a flame libra
(Aug. 15, 2010  11:00 PM)Daegor42 Wrote: [ -> ]Heroes look best when they come from behind. Cool

But your not a hero o.o
(Aug. 15, 2010  11:23 PM)majinshadow11 Wrote: [ -> ]my friend (sonic 19983) beat you with a flame libra

Me? I don't remember this.
(Aug. 16, 2010  12:42 AM)kool-kid9980 Wrote: [ -> ]But your not a hero o.o

Heroes are passé anyway.
(Aug. 16, 2010  12:44 AM)Daegor42 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 15, 2010  11:23 PM)majinshadow11 Wrote: [ -> ]my friend (sonic 19983) beat you with a flame libra

Me? I don't remember this.
(Aug. 16, 2010  12:42 AM)kool-kid9980 Wrote: [ -> ]But your not a hero o.o

Heroes are passé anyway.

You're my hero <3
(Aug. 15, 2010  8:17 PM)Pyro Wrote: [ -> ]Urgh... those kids are annoying D:
I've been asked "When is x number playing" litterally over 200 times that day....

I was asked what number I was by a kid who shouted in my ear...during a match. >=(
(Aug. 16, 2010  1:17 AM)Joker Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 15, 2010  8:17 PM)Pyro Wrote: [ -> ]Urgh... those kids are annoying D:
I've been asked "When is x number playing" litterally over 200 times that day....

I was asked what number I was by a kid who shouted in my ear...during a match. >=(

Hahahaha, for some reason, this made me seriosuly ROFL.
Well, we'll be "ROFL"ing when you do the beypoints. Wink
(Aug. 16, 2010  6:28 AM)Pockyx3 Wrote: [ -> ]Well, we'll be "ROFL"ing when you do the beypoints. Wink

He's done, actually.
It took me like an hour to do em all Smile
so eat that Pockster! :0
And thanks Dae

EDIT: Lets add more content.... What should I say? Oh yeah Pyro when's my next match btw?
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