World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Proposal: Unban SP230 from MFL and remove the Ranked Clause
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When SP230 (Spike 230) was banned over a decade ago, it was banned alongside BD145, SA165, and E230. The rationale was the wide plastic disks of these Tracks worked too well against low height Attackers. With 10 years of hindsight, it seems that this 2013 assessment may be questionable. The spikes on the disk produce high recoil which make it detrimental, and perhaps not as oppressive as the other Tracks. For the few regions who have tried the unban Ranked Clause, SP230 has won and lost a fair number of matches, and does not appear to be exceptionally remarkable.

Changing it to be unbanned by default and just removing any SP230-related Ranked Clause will streamline the MFL experience for players and Organizers, reducing rule clutter and letting SP230 roam free without stigma.
(Apr. 20, 2024  1:27 AM)KIO Wrote: [ -> ]Changing it to be unbanned by default and just removing any SP230-related Ranked Clause will streamline the MFL experience for players and Organizers, reducing rule clutter and letting SP230 roam free without stigma.

I voted “Yes” for this reason. No use in having a clause for a part that doesn’t change anything, at least in my opinion.