World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Metal Christmas #2/3 : Santa Loves "Swaying" Xmas
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This is “WBO Zero-G Format”.
All players have to read the following Zero-G Format rulebook prior to confirming your attendance to ensure that you or your child have the appropriate equipment to compete:

We will be playing with “Deck format” for the First Stage. Please check the following for the details :

Participant Cap : 12

Event Schedule 
12:20 - 12:29 PM Registration/Bracket Set-up/Announcements
12:30 PM Tournament Starts

Stadium : Zero G Attack Stadium

Location : Clubhouse

Please see additional event information and any local or federal requirements below in regards to COVID 19.

*Please be aware of the new community rules. Registering for the tournament and not showing up is a Tournament violation.
This event has been approved.
The matches for this event have now been processed.