World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Metal Christmas #1/3 : Farewell to "Eddiehh"
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This is “WBO Metal Fight Standard Experimental Event” with RDF Banned.
All players have to read the following Metal Fight Standard Format rulebook prior to confirming your attendance to ensure that you or your child have the appropriate equipment to compete:

We will be playing with “Deck format” for the First Stage. Please check the following for the details :

Participant Cap : 12

Event Schedule 
10:15-10:29AM Registration/Bracket Set-up/Announcements
10:30 AM Tournament Starts

Stadium : BB10

Location : Clubhouse

Please see additional event information and any local or federal requirements below in regards to COVID 19.

*Please be aware of the new community rules. Registering for the tournament and not showing up is a Tournament violation.
This event has been approved.
Notice for Format Change : Since there will be metal fight limited tournament this Saturday, I will change to "Metal Fight Standard" in "Deck format" for first stage.
I received a couple of suggestions regarding "RDF banned" metal standard experimental event. Yes, we are doing it!
Prize Update : We will have Zero G Attack stadium for the prize.
At Each tournament, Winners will get 3 points, Runner up 2 points, and 3rd place 2 point. After all 3 tournaments done, we will sum up and whoever obtains the most points will receive the prize!
The matches for this event have been processed.