May. 23, 2022 12:30 PM
Since did not attend this event and everyone seems to look forward to these reports from our region. Doubt mine will live up to his but I'll give it a shot!
This is my tournament report for "Four-Gaming's The Circuit!"
-We had 64 people pre register with 50 people being the final number of player in the tournament. This is way more than we normally run here.
-Weather for the tournament was pretty all over the place. For the first stage of the tournament it was hot and humid definitely not used to the heat just yet. At the start for the final stage the wind really picked up and it began to pour thankfully by this point most of the participants were gone so the rest of us were able to stay under the pavilion the entire time.
-We ran 6 rounds of swiss so that meant 25 matches per round. This was a daunting task but we were able to manage and have the event run at a decent pace.
-I was serving a more as a head judge for the event not being specifically tied to a stadium to judge at like I normally am. This let me be the one to help the normal judges pick a winner for close matches that they encountered, there wasn't too many of these but that could be due to the first stage format we ran for this event. We ran with a policy that only the judges footage would be used to determine an outcome of a match and no other spectators footage would be used. We had some players trying to contest rulings after their matches were over with the tournament organizer. Players must remember that the judges ruling is final if you have an issue with the way a match was handled you can get in touch with the staff through the link in the rulebook. Players also still seem to do things like talking to the judge when they are trying to make a decision on a winner. I don't know if this is always the intention but things like this can change the outcome of the match so player please refrain from any discussion of the outcome of a match or any gestures that indicate who won or lost to allow the judges to make a fair decision.
-Now for the things that unfortunately didn't go so well.
-The amount of fakes we found today seemed way more than normal. It felt like every other player in the first round had fake parts. I get that you bought your beyblade off Amazon but that doesn't make them real! Thankfully had his box of spares to lend things out to people who needed beys for the day. No idea how much of that stuff he got back or if he cares but if you know you borrowed and did not return it reach out to him please!
-Another issue that seemed to pop up today was a lack of listening from participants young and old at the event. When the tournament organizer tell you to clear out the tournament play area that does not mean to leave the space for two minutes and come back and crowd it again. We also had a large amount of players who were not paying attention to matches being called and would come up to bug judges and the organizer with questions like "Did you call ____ yet?" or "Did you just call me?" This was getting really annoying with this seeming to be a constant during the event while we were doing other things like judging. We had a few time where match losses were almost given out because of players not coming up to play when it's their turn. I know it was a larger event making it louder but we don't want to get rid of free play at events because its stopping people from paying attention.
-Throughout the tournament we had a few players leave some who were nice enough to tell us that they were leaving and others who were not. I understand if you or your child is ready to go but please just take the second to let us know that you're leaving it does us a huge favor not having to call your name and search around seeing if you are still here. This seems to be a reoccurring issue but I don't really know if there is a good solution to this.
-Even with all of these issues we were still able to have the first stage finish only a little later than we normally have it done by.
-The meta game still seems to be about the same for standard as it has been with divine seeing little to no play. I saw a lot more usage of ultimate during the first stage but with nexus-s it was coming up short in most cases with guilty still being the more consistent attack type for burst standard. Thankfully with the nature of 3v3 first stage there wasn't too many opposite spin drift matches to judge with players not wanting to risk running into the same spin match up that drift tends to lose unless you have a great mold, though this also could be a result of Crab not being there at the event he seems to always be stuck judging those.
-At the end of the 6 rounds I managed to finish with a record of 5-1 placing 3rd in the standings. We had a 3 way tie for 8th place between Yami, bladekid, and JCMakeEmBurst with JC winning. This left the top 8 players for the day being, , , , , , , and in that order.
-I didn't watch many of the final stage matches or if I did I honestly just forgot how they went but decks like the combos for first stage haven't changed all that much from the normal burst standard meta. More drift was seen in this stage since the aspect of hoping you don't run into an unfavorable match up isn't really there in deck. Maybe someone else that made top 8 can comment more on the final stage meta game.
-In the end I came out in 3rd losing to friedpasta again in top 4 but can't be upset with that we always have good matches when we are matched up against each other.
-Overall a shaky start to the day but was a fun tournament overall. Thanks to and 4gaming for sponsoring this event and or hosting . Those of you that had fakes at the event that see this or anyone else wanting products 4gaming is a great store that always sells genuine beyblades at a great price so you're not the one holding up the event next time!
This is my tournament report for "Four-Gaming's The Circuit!"
-We had 64 people pre register with 50 people being the final number of player in the tournament. This is way more than we normally run here.
-Weather for the tournament was pretty all over the place. For the first stage of the tournament it was hot and humid definitely not used to the heat just yet. At the start for the final stage the wind really picked up and it began to pour thankfully by this point most of the participants were gone so the rest of us were able to stay under the pavilion the entire time.
-We ran 6 rounds of swiss so that meant 25 matches per round. This was a daunting task but we were able to manage and have the event run at a decent pace.
-I was serving a more as a head judge for the event not being specifically tied to a stadium to judge at like I normally am. This let me be the one to help the normal judges pick a winner for close matches that they encountered, there wasn't too many of these but that could be due to the first stage format we ran for this event. We ran with a policy that only the judges footage would be used to determine an outcome of a match and no other spectators footage would be used. We had some players trying to contest rulings after their matches were over with the tournament organizer. Players must remember that the judges ruling is final if you have an issue with the way a match was handled you can get in touch with the staff through the link in the rulebook. Players also still seem to do things like talking to the judge when they are trying to make a decision on a winner. I don't know if this is always the intention but things like this can change the outcome of the match so player please refrain from any discussion of the outcome of a match or any gestures that indicate who won or lost to allow the judges to make a fair decision.
-Now for the things that unfortunately didn't go so well.
-The amount of fakes we found today seemed way more than normal. It felt like every other player in the first round had fake parts. I get that you bought your beyblade off Amazon but that doesn't make them real! Thankfully
-Another issue that seemed to pop up today was a lack of listening from participants young and old at the event. When the tournament organizer tell you to clear out the tournament play area that does not mean to leave the space for two minutes and come back and crowd it again. We also had a large amount of players who were not paying attention to matches being called and would come up to bug judges and the organizer with questions like "Did you call ____ yet?" or "Did you just call me?" This was getting really annoying with this seeming to be a constant during the event while we were doing other things like judging. We had a few time where match losses were almost given out because of players not coming up to play when it's their turn. I know it was a larger event making it louder but we don't want to get rid of free play at events because its stopping people from paying attention.
-Throughout the tournament we had a few players leave some who were nice enough to tell us that they were leaving and others who were not. I understand if you or your child is ready to go but please just take the second to let us know that you're leaving it does us a huge favor not having to call your name and search around seeing if you are still here. This seems to be a reoccurring issue but I don't really know if there is a good solution to this.
-Even with all of these issues we were still able to have the first stage finish only a little later than we normally have it done by.
-The meta game still seems to be about the same for standard as it has been with divine seeing little to no play. I saw a lot more usage of ultimate during the first stage but with nexus-s it was coming up short in most cases with guilty still being the more consistent attack type for burst standard. Thankfully with the nature of 3v3 first stage there wasn't too many opposite spin drift matches to judge with players not wanting to risk running into the same spin match up that drift tends to lose unless you have a great mold, though this also could be a result of Crab not being there at the event he seems to always be stuck judging those.
-At the end of the 6 rounds I managed to finish with a record of 5-1 placing 3rd in the standings. We had a 3 way tie for 8th place between Yami, bladekid, and JCMakeEmBurst with JC winning. This left the top 8 players for the day being
-I didn't watch many of the final stage matches or if I did I honestly just forgot how they went but decks like the combos for first stage haven't changed all that much from the normal burst standard meta. More drift was seen in this stage since the aspect of hoping you don't run into an unfavorable match up isn't really there in deck. Maybe someone else that made top 8 can comment more on the final stage meta game.
-In the end I came out in 3rd losing to friedpasta again in top 4 but can't be upset with that we always have good matches when we are matched up against each other.
-Overall a shaky start to the day but was a fun tournament overall. Thanks to