The following are all words I have to say about "DB Stadium Try Outs", a burst standard unranked tournament that took place after Guilty's release in DB Beystadiums.
- It was a nice day. Not too warm, not too cold. A nice breeze in the air. Autumn. Autumn is prime time for Beyblade tournaments in the mid-Atlantic.
- We had a 15 person double round robin, with 8 in one group and 7 in the other. We only ran 3 beystadiums and they were usually running matches. It finished very quickly, compared to other tournaments. One of the good things about round robin is you don't need to wait for all the matches in a round to complete before conducting matches from another round; you already know who everyone is going to face (everyone else in the group) and it can be a very speedy tournament, especially if you don't run into ties all that often. We didn't run into ties all that often!
- We used the DB Beystadiums exclusively. It makes for a very different experience. Actually I found it a lot more Fun. More enjoyable. Less boring. The two outer rings have almost no incline, and beys can spend a lot of time there depending on how you launch. This can work for and against you, depending on your combo. The middle bowl is MUCH STEEPER than standard beystadiums, and as a result the ties usually weren't. That increased angle led to way fewer ties. Funny.
- Important to note, Rubber Flat attack tips DO NOT WORK WELL IN DB BEYSTADIUM. They suffer TREMENDOUSLY. If you flower pattern launch, they barely spend any time in the middle, losing most of their stamina up on the side rings. You can't, you just can't. Use Destroy or a stationary attack tip. Or Drift.
- Attack types have a much harder time here, as there are only two pockets. They're angled much sharper than the flat back pockets in the standard beystadium, so when they bounce off the pocket wall, they go Straight Down into the pocket. No mystery here, they're just gone. I did not see a single pocket wall bounce back in all tournament. I discussed wall bounce with Crisis ahead of time, and it sounded like for testing purposes we were going to skip counting them as a KO. It Never Came Up. We can probably just do away with the wall bounce KO rule on DB beystadiums and let the beys fall where they may (into the pocket).
- That isn't to say that I didn't see KOs. They happened. There was a lot of Guilty and Savior at this tournament (some people were testing attack types almost exclusively) and attack types DID get the KOs they sought. It can be a little harder, but it happens.
- Originally we were planning on having both the pockets be on the left and right of each bladers, but they would not fit in the cardboard boxes we were using to fence off beystadiums. We ended up having them at a 45 degree angle. Honestly, this was fine. It probably led to a few more KOs, and the occasional rare self-KO.
- I helped main judge one of the three beystadiums. We had 5 judges total out of 15 people, so, this went quickly. I saw a lot of different combos and tips and discs, but overall I'd say that the steepness of the main bowl led to scraping on some tips and discs, more than usual. Depending on the angle of your tip and your opponents, it was possible to get pushed down against the bowl, to the detriment of your stamina.
- It was also possible in same spin that some launches came down to lucky situations where one bey pushed the other into an outer ring or the wall. My bey felt the crunch on that wall more than once!
- We had some ties, not many. There were some matches we felt we needed to record; not many. A few more in the finals of course.
- I went 6-0 in the first round. Crisis and Allen and others were busy testing attack types in the beystadium, others were using different stamina and defense combos. But me? I finally remembered that I had a really good Drift driver, that launches really well without going wild TOO often (it still can). So I thought, I'll just just Dynamite Belial+F Over Drift-10 for the entirety of round robin. It's a winner, isn't it? It did well in standard beystadiums, maybe it will do well here. And it did. Extremely well. Not many ties either. Some, but usually in its favor. What can I say? I have trouble switching away from what's working.
- I went 6-0, JL-Blader went 5-1, and we had a 4-2 in the group of 7 I was in. The other group with 8... the top was four people with a 5-2 record. Amazing. It came down to amount of wins against tied bladers. Two of them had beaten 2/3 of the other people in the tie, and two of then 1/3. The 2/3s went to the finals. The seeding went me, JL-Blader, Ryanthedragon, and then Allen (Ryan had beaten Allen in their match). Round Robin's funny, you never have to worry about oddities like Buchholz. You KNOW who's going to the finals and if you have to do a tiebreaker it's rare.
- High Mode did not do all that well in this tournament. There were some people locked onto high mode because of the L Gear on Dynamite, and there were some people who chose to switch to High Mode. I do not recally seeing a ton of high mode success. In particular my Dynamte combo (unchanged from stage 1) did well against Allen. He has some very good combos against low mode Dynamite Drift, but he did not bring them to our match.
- In the finals I faced Ryanthedragon. He's quite good. Our match was fairly close. It was the first time all tournament I switched away from using Dynamite Drift, and scored a point with Roar Fafnir Giga Bearing-0. That combo? Still good in DB Beystadium. But I ended up switching back to Dynamite because Ryan had an L gear on his own Dynamite, and I decided the answer was "launch harder". It was fairly close, but I managed to eke out a victory. I got 1st place, Ryan 2nd, Allen third, LJ fourth.
- I carried my eventual deck format with me the entire time, despite using one single bey 94% of the time. The other combos I'd built were my Roar Fafnia Giga Bearing-10, and Guilty Longinus Karma Destroy'-2. I can't bring myself to use Metal Destroy, I'm not sure if I'll ever use Metal drivers. I must protec my teefs! I did not use the Longinus the entire tournament.
- The Burst Standard meta is a lot easier to put up with on a DB Beystadium. Yes, you get opposite spin matches, but they don't tie nearly as much because of the angle of the beystadium bowl. I enjoyed it and I'm starting to see why some people want to make DB Beystadiums an option in ranked Burst tournaments. The ties did not weigh us down and make us miserable. Drift and Bearing and Zone'+Z are still a curse but the matches were at least fun to watch because the beystadium behaves so differently. This tournament made me think maybe we don't need 3v3 or 3 consecutive tie rules if we allow this beystadium. Guilty is helping to solve the Bearing problem with maximum violence. Good thing too, since Bearing' is on the way, for some absurd reason.
- After the tournament, Allen and Crisis and Friedpasta all took turns testing combos to defeat my Dynamite Drift combo. Some of them worked, some of them didn't. But I stuck around and let them throw combos against it because I'm hoping they come up with some good defeats for it. Astral has possibilities. Atomic can work, although it's not 100%; Drift does a lot of destabilizing itself. Anything in high mode is Basically Doomed. Opposite spins are Usually Doomed. Guilty and Savior were mostly unable to thwart my particular Dynamite Drift in the DB Beystadiums.
- There was a lot of Guilty testing going on in both standard and DB beystadiums. In a standard Beystadium, Guilty is exactly the kind of destructive force we need to unclog the defensive meta. Guilty Karma is 8 grams heavier than Rage 3A when I weighed it, and plenty violent. It does extremely good things on a standard beystadium. On a DB beystadium, it suffers quite a bit because rubber flat tips Do Not Work well in that beystadium, but I saw plenty of Guilty on Drift and Destroy and other tips. I saw it burst a Dynamite. I saw them do plenty of KOs. I think it will save us from standard beystadium problems, and it's still viable (less so) on a DB beystadium.
- I would not mind having more round robin tournaments. I could really go for a 4 group round robin tournament. That'd be fun. Top two from each group. Make it an option for 24-32 bladers. Round robin tournaments don't get stuck waiting for one match at the end of a swiss round. You finish a match, there's always more matches to do, and it doesn't matter what round they're from. Yes, it does peculiar things to the pool of people you play against. I didn't get to face Allen or Ryanthedragon until the finals, after all. But there's never a question of who goes to the finals when round robin is involved. No complicated Buchholz, tiebreakers perhaps a little more common but not guaranteed. And what's even better, if you know someone's going to arrive late you can just add them and start without them, and start doing their matches once they arrive, because they aren't holding anyone up, and you can do whichever matches whenever in the first stage. Unlike in Swiss, where all the round 1 matches have to happen before round 2 matches can be assigned.
- I got some bad family medical news between the semi-finals and finals match. It really took the wind out of my sails. It didn't affect my ability to win, I mean, I won today. No prize, but I'm not really motivated by prizes or beyrank anyway. But I've had some work and family difficulties lately, and this particular health issue is icing on a very distasteful cake. I should be celebrating... but I can't. Folks, please make good medical decisions and not bad medical decisions. Your health is important.
I got 1st place. I had a lot more fun than I do at standard beystadium double blind tournaments. I like the new beystadium. I actually enjoy group round robin as a format. And I'm looking forward to seeing Guilty destroy all staminas in the old beystadium.
I always loved the idea of having the DB Stadium legal for competitive play, It's basically just an upgraded Standard Stadium. Great to hear, ties arent as bad in this stadium as they are in the Standard one.
Looks like the nerfing of attack types I heard about from these stadiums are correct. If attack types aren’t OP like they were last year, and I don’t recall them being that OP right now, then maybe this stadium isn’t a good idea for ranked tournaments. After all, a good competitive stadium doesn’t favor one type over the other.
Attack types were already nerfed by DB's total lack of burst. You could at least allow this stadium type as an option. We like to think the B-09s are "balanced" but at times based on the beys available, that hasn't been the case, and now they're just too cramped to house the larger beys. BB-10s by their very shape and nature favored attack types. DB benefits a different style of performance tip and disk, but I think there's room for that variety.
I agree with crab there, The beys burst resistance has gotten ridiculous and we already have powerhouses like Savior and Guilty (Potentially Dynamite+LF but more testing needs to be done there) that exist so we don't need Attack to be too OP. And beys have gotten too big to the point where the B-09 stadium may not be entirely viable anymore (at least in Standard Format).
To add on, allowing a DB Stadium to be used in Standard would make the most sense as it does allow the larger beys to move around more and it even adds a bit more variety to the format by not being restricted to just a B-09 standard.
My opinion on DB stadium is that…
It makes stamina matches unpredictable, you may win two points then lose three more.
Same spin attackers are really good. (Slamming others into walls)
Attack types don’t work, stationary attack might though.
For the most part DeceasedCrab has stated everything needed to be said about the DB stadium. It honestly is a really fun stadium to battle in and even fixes some of the bigger issues the game is currently facing.
Today I exclusively used Guilty Longinus with a different attack tip every round. (Except rubber tips because I already knew they are pretty terrible in the DB stadium from my own testing.) I only won 2 matches today because I just couldn’t do what attack beys normally do. Knock Out the other bey. After the tournament I did a lot of thinking and realized that the only way for “attack” combos to be viable in the DB stadium is if you can build a bey that has a high chance at bursting the opponents bey, or a heavy stationary attacker combo that could better KO the opponents bey. The slope of the stadium is just to steep for attack types to grip onto it in order to get the hit they need in for a KO.
Now let’s talk about the joys of opposite spin stamina battles. They were so much more bearable and I loved it! This coming strictly from a judging point of view. You can see the out-spins more clearly, and even if you need to double check with a camera, I would say, 8/10 times you can see a clear winner. This was absolutely wonderful!
Overall I would say that the DB stadium would be great as an alternative stadium to use. Yes it is upsetting that attacking combos just don’t work like we are use to, but as of now bladers have been pretty upset with the current meta and all of the opposite spin draws and just stamina matches all around. You can’t please everyone. Something has to give.
(Sep. 19, 2021 11:27 PM)DeceasedCrab Wrote: [ -> ]The following are all words I have to say about "DB Stadium Try Outs", a burst standard unranked tournament that took place after Guilty's release in DB Beystadiums.
- It was a nice day. Not too warm, not too cold. A nice breeze in the air. Autumn. Autumn is prime time for Beyblade tournaments in the mid-Atlantic.
- We had a 15 person double round robin, with 8 in one group and 7 in the other. We only ran 3 beystadiums and they were usually running matches. It finished very quickly, compared to other tournaments. One of the good things about round robin is you don't need to wait for all the matches in a round to complete before conducting matches from another round; you already know who everyone is going to face (everyone else in the group) and it can be a very speedy tournament, especially if you don't run into ties all that often. We didn't run into ties all that often!
- We used the DB Beystadiums exclusively. It makes for a very different experience. Actually I found it a lot more Fun. More enjoyable. Less boring. The two outer rings have almost no incline, and beys can spend a lot of time there depending on how you launch. This can work for and against you, depending on your combo. The middle bowl is MUCH STEEPER than standard beystadiums, and as a result the ties usually weren't. That increased angle led to way fewer ties. Funny.
- Important to note, Rubber Flat attack tips DO NOT WORK WELL IN DB BEYSTADIUM. They suffer TREMENDOUSLY. If you flower pattern launch, they barely spend any time in the middle, losing most of their stamina up on the side rings. You can't, you just can't. Use Destroy or a stationary attack tip. Or Drift.
- Attack types have a much harder time here, as there are only two pockets. They're angled much sharper than the flat back pockets in the standard beystadium, so when they bounce off the pocket wall, they go Straight Down into the pocket. No mystery here, they're just gone. I did not see a single pocket wall bounce back in all tournament. I discussed wall bounce with Crisis ahead of time, and it sounded like for testing purposes we were going to skip counting them as a KO. It Never Came Up. We can probably just do away with the wall bounce KO rule on DB beystadiums and let the beys fall where they may (into the pocket).
- That isn't to say that I didn't see KOs. They happened. There was a lot of Guilty and Savior at this tournament (some people were testing attack types almost exclusively) and attack types DID get the KOs they sought. It can be a little harder, but it happens.
- Originally we were planning on having both the pockets be on the left and right of each bladers, but they would not fit in the cardboard boxes we were using to fence off beystadiums. We ended up having them at a 45 degree angle. Honestly, this was fine. It probably led to a few more KOs, and the occasional rare self-KO.
- I helped main judge one of the three beystadiums. We had 5 judges total out of 15 people, so, this went quickly. I saw a lot of different combos and tips and discs, but overall I'd say that the steepness of the main bowl led to scraping on some tips and discs, more than usual. Depending on the angle of your tip and your opponents, it was possible to get pushed down against the bowl, to the detriment of your stamina.
- It was also possible in same spin that some launches came down to lucky situations where one bey pushed the other into an outer ring or the wall. My bey felt the crunch on that wall more than once!
- We had some ties, not many. There were some matches we felt we needed to record; not many. A few more in the finals of course.
- I went 6-0 in the first round. Crisis and Allen and others were busy testing attack types in the beystadium, others were using different stamina and defense combos. But me? I finally remembered that I had a really good Drift driver, that launches really well without going wild TOO often (it still can). So I thought, I'll just just Dynamite Belial+F Over Drift-10 for the entirety of round robin. It's a winner, isn't it? It did well in standard beystadiums, maybe it will do well here. And it did. Extremely well. Not many ties either. Some, but usually in its favor. What can I say? I have trouble switching away from what's working.
- I went 6-0, JL-Blader went 5-1, and we had a 4-2 in the group of 7 I was in. The other group with 8... the top was four people with a 5-2 record. Amazing. It came down to amount of wins against tied bladers. Two of them had beaten 2/3 of the other people in the tie, and two of then 1/3. The 2/3s went to the finals. The seeding went me, JL-Blader, Ryanthedragon, and then Allen (Ryan had beaten Allen in their match). Round Robin's funny, you never have to worry about oddities like Buchholz. You KNOW who's going to the finals and if you have to do a tiebreaker it's rare.
- High Mode did not do all that well in this tournament. There were some people locked onto high mode because of the L Gear on Dynamite, and there were some people who chose to switch to High Mode. I do not recally seeing a ton of high mode success. In particular my Dynamte combo (unchanged from stage 1) did well against Allen. He has some very good combos against low mode Dynamite Drift, but he did not bring them to our match.
- In the finals I faced Ryanthedragon. He's quite good. Our match was fairly close. It was the first time all tournament I switched away from using Dynamite Drift, and scored a point with Roar Fafnir Giga Bearing-0. That combo? Still good in DB Beystadium. But I ended up switching back to Dynamite because Ryan had an L gear on his own Dynamite, and I decided the answer was "launch harder". It was fairly close, but I managed to eke out a victory. I got 1st place, Ryan 2nd, Allen third, LJ fourth.
- I carried my eventual deck format with me the entire time, despite using one single bey 94% of the time. The other combos I'd built were my Roar Fafnia Giga Bearing-10, and Guilty Longinus Karma Destroy'-2. I can't bring myself to use Metal Destroy, I'm not sure if I'll ever use Metal drivers. I must protec my teefs! I did not use the Longinus the entire tournament.
- The Burst Standard meta is a lot easier to put up with on a DB Beystadium. Yes, you get opposite spin matches, but they don't tie nearly as much because of the angle of the beystadium bowl. I enjoyed it and I'm starting to see why some people want to make DB Beystadiums an option in ranked Burst tournaments. The ties did not weigh us down and make us miserable. Drift and Bearing and Zone'+Z are still a curse but the matches were at least fun to watch because the beystadium behaves so differently. This tournament made me think maybe we don't need 3v3 or 3 consecutive tie rules if we allow this beystadium. Guilty is helping to solve the Bearing problem with maximum violence. Good thing too, since Bearing' is on the way, for some absurd reason.
- After the tournament, Allen and Crisis and Friedpasta all took turns testing combos to defeat my Dynamite Drift combo. Some of them worked, some of them didn't. But I stuck around and let them throw combos against it because I'm hoping they come up with some good defeats for it. Astral has possibilities. Atomic can work, although it's not 100%; Drift does a lot of destabilizing itself. Anything in high mode is Basically Doomed. Opposite spins are Usually Doomed. Guilty and Savior were mostly unable to thwart my particular Dynamite Drift in the DB Beystadiums.
- There was a lot of Guilty testing going on in both standard and DB beystadiums. In a standard Beystadium, Guilty is exactly the kind of destructive force we need to unclog the defensive meta. Guilty Karma is 8 grams heavier than Rage 3A when I weighed it, and plenty violent. It does extremely good things on a standard beystadium. On a DB beystadium, it suffers quite a bit because rubber flat tips Do Not Work well in that beystadium, but I saw plenty of Guilty on Drift and Destroy and other tips. I saw it burst a Dynamite. I saw them do plenty of KOs. I think it will save us from standard beystadium problems, and it's still viable (less so) on a DB beystadium.
- I would not mind having more round robin tournaments. I could really go for a 4 group round robin tournament. That'd be fun. Top two from each group. Make it an option for 24-32 bladers. Round robin tournaments don't get stuck waiting for one match at the end of a swiss round. You finish a match, there's always more matches to do, and it doesn't matter what round they're from. Yes, it does peculiar things to the pool of people you play against. I didn't get to face Allen or Ryanthedragon until the finals, after all. But there's never a question of who goes to the finals when round robin is involved. No complicated Buchholz, tiebreakers perhaps a little more common but not guaranteed. And what's even better, if you know someone's going to arrive late you can just add them and start without them, and start doing their matches once they arrive, because they aren't holding anyone up, and you can do whichever matches whenever in the first stage. Unlike in Swiss, where all the round 1 matches have to happen before round 2 matches can be assigned.
- I got some bad family medical news between the semi-finals and finals match. It really took the wind out of my sails. It didn't affect my ability to win, I mean, I won today. No prize, but I'm not really motivated by prizes or beyrank anyway. But I've had some work and family difficulties lately, and this particular health issue is icing on a very distasteful cake. I should be celebrating... but I can't. Folks, please make good medical decisions and not bad medical decisions. Your health is important.
I got 1st place. I had a lot more fun than I do at standard beystadium double blind tournaments. I like the new beystadium. I actually enjoy group round robin as a format. And I'm looking forward to seeing Guilty destroy all staminas in the old beystadium.
I hope all is well with the family.
Oh it is very much not but there's nothing I can do about it.
(Sep. 19, 2021 11:27 PM)DeceasedCrab Wrote: [ -> ]The following are all words I have to say about "DB Stadium Try Outs", a burst standard unranked tournament that took place after Guilty's release in DB Beystadiums.
- After the tournament, Allen and Crisis and Friedpasta all took turns testing combos to defeat my Dynamite Drift combo. Some of them worked, some of them didn't. But I stuck around and let them throw combos against it because I'm hoping they come up with some good defeats for it. Astral has possibilities. Atomic can work, although it's not 100%; Drift does a lot of destabilizing itself. Anything in high mode is Basically Doomed. Opposite spins are Usually Doomed. Guilty and Savior were mostly unable to thwart my particular Dynamite Drift in the DB Beystadiums.
Isn't Drifts same spin stamina worse in the DB stadium cuz of the slopes? From what I've seen/tried things that push it around/hit it from above do well vs it...
Did they try any of;
-Universe (with Wheel or 2S, not DB discs)
-Hybrid / Ignition' (They don't get destabilized as easily with their tips worn down, even Pp Ig' works for me)
-World on Drift (The DB stadium is much safer for pre-DB layers and stuff like World/Heaven/Tempest/Master/Tact/Naked have better stamina than DB layers on certain drivers)...
World vs Astral comparisons in the DB stadium: , ,
-Hollow Wheel Xt+
-Destroy' (I've tried both Imperial and Astral Gg Ds' and Imp was doing better somehow.)
-Charge' (with Dynamite+L&F)
for same spin. I doubt my Drift is as good as yours but at least some of these should work even vs a Good Drift.
(Sep. 20, 2021 3:50 AM)CrisisCrusher07 Wrote: [ -> ]Today I exclusively used Guilty Longinus with a different attack tip every round. (Except rubber tips because I already knew they are pretty terrible in the DB stadium from my own testing.) ...
(Sep. 19, 2021 11:27 PM)DeceasedCrab Wrote: [ -> ]- Important to note, Rubber Flat attack tips DO NOT WORK WELL IN DB BEYSTADIUM. They suffer TREMENDOUSLY. If you flower pattern launch, they barely spend any time in the middle, losing most of their stamina up on the side rings. You can't, you just can't.
Guilty with X seems viable enough:
(Sep. 19, 2021 11:27 PM)DeceasedCrab Wrote: [ -> ]Use Destroy or a stationary attack tip. Or Drift.
Vn(+V), Un and Ch' are also options
Judgement with Un does well vs World+Drift apparently:
it's probably not as good vs DB-layer+Drift tho.
Guily+Charge' is getting popular in JP (last 7 vids in the channel have at least 1 blader using it)
In terms of attack types, db exclusive drivers like belial’s driver tend to do well on ridges. Like deceased said, attack type driver with rubber sorta do a flower patter but only on the ridge? It’s weird. Hold and mobius hard launched almost do like that one wyvern move, like shield crash or smth. Both are actually not bad, though destroy is so much better, it’s like the db stadium doesn’t affect its performance at all. I feel like accel or assault could do well, but I don’t have assault and I have a fake accel I haven’t used for years so idk. Ultimate reboot could work well too, as the main problem is that the bey has too much power and loses all control and stamina on the top ridge, and it could negate that, but again, I don’t have ultimate reboot.
Through my testing yesterday I found that the best "attack" drivers for the DB stadium ended up being Destroy' and Venture with the V gear.
(Sep. 19, 2021 11:27 PM)DeceasedCrab Wrote: [ -> ]The following are all words I have to say about "DB Stadium Try Outs", a burst standard unranked tournament that took place after Guilty's release in DB Beystadiums.
- It was a nice day. Not too warm, not too cold. A nice breeze in the air. Autumn. Autumn is prime time for Beyblade tournaments in the mid-Atlantic.
- We had a 15 person double round robin, with 8 in one group and 7 in the other. We only ran 3 beystadiums and they were usually running matches. It finished very quickly, compared to other tournaments. One of the good things about round robin is you don't need to wait for all the matches in a round to complete before conducting matches from another round; you already know who everyone is going to face (everyone else in the group) and it can be a very speedy tournament, especially if you don't run into ties all that often. We didn't run into ties all that often!
- We used the DB Beystadiums exclusively. It makes for a very different experience. Actually I found it a lot more Fun. More enjoyable. Less boring. The two outer rings have almost no incline, and beys can spend a lot of time there depending on how you launch. This can work for and against you, depending on your combo. The middle bowl is MUCH STEEPER than standard beystadiums, and as a result the ties usually weren't. That increased angle led to way fewer ties. Funny.
- Important to note, Rubber Flat attack tips DO NOT WORK WELL IN DB BEYSTADIUM. They suffer TREMENDOUSLY. If you flower pattern launch, they barely spend any time in the middle, losing most of their stamina up on the side rings. You can't, you just can't. Use Destroy or a stationary attack tip. Or Drift.
- Attack types have a much harder time here, as there are only two pockets. They're angled much sharper than the flat back pockets in the standard beystadium, so when they bounce off the pocket wall, they go Straight Down into the pocket. No mystery here, they're just gone. I did not see a single pocket wall bounce back in all tournament. I discussed wall bounce with Crisis ahead of time, and it sounded like for testing purposes we were going to skip counting them as a KO. It Never Came Up. We can probably just do away with the wall bounce KO rule on DB beystadiums and let the beys fall where they may (into the pocket).
- That isn't to say that I didn't see KOs. They happened. There was a lot of Guilty and Savior at this tournament (some people were testing attack types almost exclusively) and attack types DID get the KOs they sought. It can be a little harder, but it happens.
- Originally we were planning on having both the pockets be on the left and right of each bladers, but they would not fit in the cardboard boxes we were using to fence off beystadiums. We ended up having them at a 45 degree angle. Honestly, this was fine. It probably led to a few more KOs, and the occasional rare self-KO.
- I helped main judge one of the three beystadiums. We had 5 judges total out of 15 people, so, this went quickly. I saw a lot of different combos and tips and discs, but overall I'd say that the steepness of the main bowl led to scraping on some tips and discs, more than usual. Depending on the angle of your tip and your opponents, it was possible to get pushed down against the bowl, to the detriment of your stamina.
- It was also possible in same spin that some launches came down to lucky situations where one bey pushed the other into an outer ring or the wall. My bey felt the crunch on that wall more than once!
- We had some ties, not many. There were some matches we felt we needed to record; not many. A few more in the finals of course.
- I went 6-0 in the first round. Crisis and Allen and others were busy testing attack types in the beystadium, others were using different stamina and defense combos. But me? I finally remembered that I had a really good Drift driver, that launches really well without going wild TOO often (it still can). So I thought, I'll just just Dynamite Belial+F Over Drift-10 for the entirety of round robin. It's a winner, isn't it? It did well in standard beystadiums, maybe it will do well here. And it did. Extremely well. Not many ties either. Some, but usually in its favor. What can I say? I have trouble switching away from what's working.
- I went 6-0, JL-Blader went 5-1, and we had a 4-2 in the group of 7 I was in. The other group with 8... the top was four people with a 5-2 record. Amazing. It came down to amount of wins against tied bladers. Two of them had beaten 2/3 of the other people in the tie, and two of then 1/3. The 2/3s went to the finals. The seeding went me, JL-Blader, Ryanthedragon, and then Allen (Ryan had beaten Allen in their match). Round Robin's funny, you never have to worry about oddities like Buchholz. You KNOW who's going to the finals and if you have to do a tiebreaker it's rare.
- High Mode did not do all that well in this tournament. There were some people locked onto high mode because of the L Gear on Dynamite, and there were some people who chose to switch to High Mode. I do not recally seeing a ton of high mode success. In particular my Dynamte combo (unchanged from stage 1) did well against Allen. He has some very good combos against low mode Dynamite Drift, but he did not bring them to our match.
- In the finals I faced Ryanthedragon. He's quite good. Our match was fairly close. It was the first time all tournament I switched away from using Dynamite Drift, and scored a point with Roar Fafnir Giga Bearing-0. That combo? Still good in DB Beystadium. But I ended up switching back to Dynamite because Ryan had an L gear on his own Dynamite, and I decided the answer was "launch harder". It was fairly close, but I managed to eke out a victory. I got 1st place, Ryan 2nd, Allen third, LJ fourth.
- I carried my eventual deck format with me the entire time, despite using one single bey 94% of the time. The other combos I'd built were my Roar Fafnia Giga Bearing-10, and Guilty Longinus Karma Destroy'-2. I can't bring myself to use Metal Destroy, I'm not sure if I'll ever use Metal drivers. I must protec my teefs! I did not use the Longinus the entire tournament.
- The Burst Standard meta is a lot easier to put up with on a DB Beystadium. Yes, you get opposite spin matches, but they don't tie nearly as much because of the angle of the beystadium bowl. I enjoyed it and I'm starting to see why some people want to make DB Beystadiums an option in ranked Burst tournaments. The ties did not weigh us down and make us miserable. Drift and Bearing and Zone'+Z are still a curse but the matches were at least fun to watch because the beystadium behaves so differently. This tournament made me think maybe we don't need 3v3 or 3 consecutive tie rules if we allow this beystadium. Guilty is helping to solve the Bearing problem with maximum violence. Good thing too, since Bearing' is on the way, for some absurd reason.
- After the tournament, Allen and Crisis and Friedpasta all took turns testing combos to defeat my Dynamite Drift combo. Some of them worked, some of them didn't. But I stuck around and let them throw combos against it because I'm hoping they come up with some good defeats for it. Astral has possibilities. Atomic can work, although it's not 100%; Drift does a lot of destabilizing itself. Anything in high mode is Basically Doomed. Opposite spins are Usually Doomed. Guilty and Savior were mostly unable to thwart my particular Dynamite Drift in the DB Beystadiums.
- There was a lot of Guilty testing going on in both standard and DB beystadiums. In a standard Beystadium, Guilty is exactly the kind of destructive force we need to unclog the defensive meta. Guilty Karma is 8 grams heavier than Rage 3A when I weighed it, and plenty violent. It does extremely good things on a standard beystadium. On a DB beystadium, it suffers quite a bit because rubber flat tips Do Not Work well in that beystadium, but I saw plenty of Guilty on Drift and Destroy and other tips. I saw it burst a Dynamite. I saw them do plenty of KOs. I think it will save us from standard beystadium problems, and it's still viable (less so) on a DB beystadium.
- I would not mind having more round robin tournaments. I could really go for a 4 group round robin tournament. That'd be fun. Top two from each group. Make it an option for 24-32 bladers. Round robin tournaments don't get stuck waiting for one match at the end of a swiss round. You finish a match, there's always more matches to do, and it doesn't matter what round they're from. Yes, it does peculiar things to the pool of people you play against. I didn't get to face Allen or Ryanthedragon until the finals, after all. But there's never a question of who goes to the finals when round robin is involved. No complicated Buchholz, tiebreakers perhaps a little more common but not guaranteed. And what's even better, if you know someone's going to arrive late you can just add them and start without them, and start doing their matches once they arrive, because they aren't holding anyone up, and you can do whichever matches whenever in the first stage. Unlike in Swiss, where all the round 1 matches have to happen before round 2 matches can be assigned.
- I got some bad family medical news between the semi-finals and finals match. It really took the wind out of my sails. It didn't affect my ability to win, I mean, I won today. No prize, but I'm not really motivated by prizes or beyrank anyway. But I've had some work and family difficulties lately, and this particular health issue is icing on a very distasteful cake. I should be celebrating... but I can't. Folks, please make good medical decisions and not bad medical decisions. Your health is important.
I got 1st place. I had a lot more fun than I do at standard beystadium double blind tournaments. I like the new beystadium. I actually enjoy group round robin as a format. And I'm looking forward to seeing Guilty destroy all staminas in the old beystadium.
Not too warm, not too cold?! Wish I could be there...
Congrats on your win, the db stadium looks and sounds like a completely different game, hope it's ranked legal someday.
(Sep. 19, 2021 11:27 PM)DeceasedCrab Wrote: [ -> ]The following are all words I have to say about "DB Stadium Try Outs", a burst standard unranked tournament that took place after Guilty's release in DB Beystadiums.
- It was a nice day. Not too warm, not too cold. A nice breeze in the air. Autumn. Autumn is prime time for Beyblade tournaments in the mid-Atlantic.
- We had a 15 person double round robin, with 8 in one group and 7 in the other. We only ran 3 beystadiums and they were usually running matches. It finished very quickly, compared to other tournaments. One of the good things about round robin is you don't need to wait for all the matches in a round to complete before conducting matches from another round; you already know who everyone is going to face (everyone else in the group) and it can be a very speedy tournament, especially if you don't run into ties all that often. We didn't run into ties all that often!
- We used the DB Beystadiums exclusively. It makes for a very different experience. Actually I found it a lot more Fun. More enjoyable. Less boring. The two outer rings have almost no incline, and beys can spend a lot of time there depending on how you launch. This can work for and against you, depending on your combo. The middle bowl is MUCH STEEPER than standard beystadiums, and as a result the ties usually weren't. That increased angle led to way fewer ties. Funny.
- Important to note, Rubber Flat attack tips DO NOT WORK WELL IN DB BEYSTADIUM. They suffer TREMENDOUSLY. If you flower pattern launch, they barely spend any time in the middle, losing most of their stamina up on the side rings. You can't, you just can't. Use Destroy or a stationary attack tip. Or Drift.
- Attack types have a much harder time here, as there are only two pockets. They're angled much sharper than the flat back pockets in the standard beystadium, so when they bounce off the pocket wall, they go Straight Down into the pocket. No mystery here, they're just gone. I did not see a single pocket wall bounce back in all tournament. I discussed wall bounce with Crisis ahead of time, and it sounded like for testing purposes we were going to skip counting them as a KO. It Never Came Up. We can probably just do away with the wall bounce KO rule on DB beystadiums and let the beys fall where they may (into the pocket).
- That isn't to say that I didn't see KOs. They happened. There was a lot of Guilty and Savior at this tournament (some people were testing attack types almost exclusively) and attack types DID get the KOs they sought. It can be a little harder, but it happens.
- Originally we were planning on having both the pockets be on the left and right of each bladers, but they would not fit in the cardboard boxes we were using to fence off beystadiums. We ended up having them at a 45 degree angle. Honestly, this was fine. It probably led to a few more KOs, and the occasional rare self-KO.
- I helped main judge one of the three beystadiums. We had 5 judges total out of 15 people, so, this went quickly. I saw a lot of different combos and tips and discs, but overall I'd say that the steepness of the main bowl led to scraping on some tips and discs, more than usual. Depending on the angle of your tip and your opponents, it was possible to get pushed down against the bowl, to the detriment of your stamina.
- It was also possible in same spin that some launches came down to lucky situations where one bey pushed the other into an outer ring or the wall. My bey felt the crunch on that wall more than once!
- We had some ties, not many. There were some matches we felt we needed to record; not many. A few more in the finals of course.
- I went 6-0 in the first round. Crisis and Allen and others were busy testing attack types in the beystadium, others were using different stamina and defense combos. But me? I finally remembered that I had a really good Drift driver, that launches really well without going wild TOO often (it still can). So I thought, I'll just just Dynamite Belial+F Over Drift-10 for the entirety of round robin. It's a winner, isn't it? It did well in standard beystadiums, maybe it will do well here. And it did. Extremely well. Not many ties either. Some, but usually in its favor. What can I say? I have trouble switching away from what's working.
- I went 6-0, JL-Blader went 5-1, and we had a 4-2 in the group of 7 I was in. The other group with 8... the top was four people with a 5-2 record. Amazing. It came down to amount of wins against tied bladers. Two of them had beaten 2/3 of the other people in the tie, and two of then 1/3. The 2/3s went to the finals. The seeding went me, JL-Blader, Ryanthedragon, and then Allen (Ryan had beaten Allen in their match). Round Robin's funny, you never have to worry about oddities like Buchholz. You KNOW who's going to the finals and if you have to do a tiebreaker it's rare.
- High Mode did not do all that well in this tournament. There were some people locked onto high mode because of the L Gear on Dynamite, and there were some people who chose to switch to High Mode. I do not recally seeing a ton of high mode success. In particular my Dynamte combo (unchanged from stage 1) did well against Allen. He has some very good combos against low mode Dynamite Drift, but he did not bring them to our match.
- In the finals I faced Ryanthedragon. He's quite good. Our match was fairly close. It was the first time all tournament I switched away from using Dynamite Drift, and scored a point with Roar Fafnir Giga Bearing-0. That combo? Still good in DB Beystadium. But I ended up switching back to Dynamite because Ryan had an L gear on his own Dynamite, and I decided the answer was "launch harder". It was fairly close, but I managed to eke out a victory. I got 1st place, Ryan 2nd, Allen third, LJ fourth.
- I carried my eventual deck format with me the entire time, despite using one single bey 94% of the time. The other combos I'd built were my Roar Fafnia Giga Bearing-10, and Guilty Longinus Karma Destroy'-2. I can't bring myself to use Metal Destroy, I'm not sure if I'll ever use Metal drivers. I must protec my teefs! I did not use the Longinus the entire tournament.
- The Burst Standard meta is a lot easier to put up with on a DB Beystadium. Yes, you get opposite spin matches, but they don't tie nearly as much because of the angle of the beystadium bowl. I enjoyed it and I'm starting to see why some people want to make DB Beystadiums an option in ranked Burst tournaments. The ties did not weigh us down and make us miserable. Drift and Bearing and Zone'+Z are still a curse but the matches were at least fun to watch because the beystadium behaves so differently. This tournament made me think maybe we don't need 3v3 or 3 consecutive tie rules if we allow this beystadium. Guilty is helping to solve the Bearing problem with maximum violence. Good thing too, since Bearing' is on the way, for some absurd reason.
- After the tournament, Allen and Crisis and Friedpasta all took turns testing combos to defeat my Dynamite Drift combo. Some of them worked, some of them didn't. But I stuck around and let them throw combos against it because I'm hoping they come up with some good defeats for it. Astral has possibilities. Atomic can work, although it's not 100%; Drift does a lot of destabilizing itself. Anything in high mode is Basically Doomed. Opposite spins are Usually Doomed. Guilty and Savior were mostly unable to thwart my particular Dynamite Drift in the DB Beystadiums.
- There was a lot of Guilty testing going on in both standard and DB beystadiums. In a standard Beystadium, Guilty is exactly the kind of destructive force we need to unclog the defensive meta. Guilty Karma is 8 grams heavier than Rage 3A when I weighed it, and plenty violent. It does extremely good things on a standard beystadium. On a DB beystadium, it suffers quite a bit because rubber flat tips Do Not Work well in that beystadium, but I saw plenty of Guilty on Drift and Destroy and other tips. I saw it burst a Dynamite. I saw them do plenty of KOs. I think it will save us from standard beystadium problems, and it's still viable (less so) on a DB beystadium.
- I would not mind having more round robin tournaments. I could really go for a 4 group round robin tournament. That'd be fun. Top two from each group. Make it an option for 24-32 bladers. Round robin tournaments don't get stuck waiting for one match at the end of a swiss round. You finish a match, there's always more matches to do, and it doesn't matter what round they're from. Yes, it does peculiar things to the pool of people you play against. I didn't get to face Allen or Ryanthedragon until the finals, after all. But there's never a question of who goes to the finals when round robin is involved. No complicated Buchholz, tiebreakers perhaps a little more common but not guaranteed. And what's even better, if you know someone's going to arrive late you can just add them and start without them, and start doing their matches once they arrive, because they aren't holding anyone up, and you can do whichever matches whenever in the first stage. Unlike in Swiss, where all the round 1 matches have to happen before round 2 matches can be assigned.
- I got some bad family medical news between the semi-finals and finals match. It really took the wind out of my sails. It didn't affect my ability to win, I mean, I won today. No prize, but I'm not really motivated by prizes or beyrank anyway. But I've had some work and family difficulties lately, and this particular health issue is icing on a very distasteful cake. I should be celebrating... but I can't. Folks, please make good medical decisions and not bad medical decisions. Your health is important.
I got 1st place. I had a lot more fun than I do at standard beystadium double blind tournaments. I like the new beystadium. I actually enjoy group round robin as a format. And I'm looking forward to seeing Guilty destroy all staminas in the old beystadium.
Great analysis. One thing that stood out to me that people may have missed is Drift for attack. I saw you mention it in terms of using attack. I’ve also noticed that drift does the flower pattern in the DB stadium with occasional stalls on the ridge. It’s much fun to use.
The pocket angle is legit also. There are no back wall bounces because of the angle. We witnessed the same thing.
For attack it is tough for them but the benefit it the ALL OUT power you can put into an attack combo because you have a little more room. Too much room for rubber to be effective though, I agree.
Hoping the best for you and your loved ones DC. Look forward to meeting you soon
Thank you for the detailed write up. It matches everything I've observed playing at home with my kids and testing various combos.
For attack types one thing I've noticed is that if you reverse the tilt on a tilt launch they will very quickly go across the stadium at a diagonal angle which increases the likelihood of a 1 hit KO.
I didn't know where else to write this but I wanted to give input on the DB stadium. We play in it often in my local area. There has been a large amount of testing to say the least. All in all though I don't think our meta WBO/FGC/or anything outside of WBBA will have the same amount of overall enjoyment in competitive play with the stadium. It's tough to say because I really enjoy the DB stadium but as you all have mentioned, and I am truly realizing now, attack suffers a lot. Stamina is also unpredictable. These things could be positives as it would force the community to look for a new meta or diverse combos but that is also tough with staying active in legit competition. The B-09/33 stadium is still very legit and fair with the overall products of matches. I want a larger stadium for sure, especially with the size of the newer gen beys but I am unsure if the DB stadium is it. Just my 2 cent. The DB stadium is fun but for fierce competition the results may not be what we are looking for.