(Oct. 17, 2021 3:13 AM)Lucha Burst Wrote: [ -> ] (Oct. 17, 2021 3:10 AM)GreaterLonginus Wrote: [ -> ]How are bearing', drift etc anti-attack?
Also Ignition'? What?
I mean Ignition' is still floating around the meta in different areas lol
and bearing' and drift were just there cause they have good stamina and defense, more defense/stamina then anti attack
Yeah but he said something like Cyclone is only good at anti-attack and you said that was the point
(Oct. 17, 2021 3:14 AM)GreaterLonginus Wrote: [ -> ] (Oct. 17, 2021 3:13 AM)Lucha Burst Wrote: [ -> ]I mean Ignition' is still floating around the meta in different areas lol
and bearing' and drift were just there cause they have good stamina and defense, more defense/stamina then anti attack
Yeah but he said something like Cyclone is only good at anti-attack and you said that was the point
Yeah, Take anything I say with a grain of salt I had to google anti attack, not what i thought it meant lol
(Oct. 17, 2021 2:21 AM)Beybladedb Wrote: [ -> ] (Oct. 17, 2021 2:14 AM)Lucha Burst Wrote: [ -> ]Savior(awakened ) is a great blade but Valkyrie is bad for attack types... so
Valkyrie core:
Savior Valkyrie Ignition' -0
Savior valkyrie over Bearing' -6
Savior valkyrie Nexus Drift -10
Savior valkyrie Giga Quick' -3
Other Cores:
Savior Belial ll Nexus+S Destroy' -0
Savior Perseus Nexus+2 Quick' -0
Savior Belial ll Giga Zone'+Z -3
Other Blades:
Cyclone Valkyrie Over Drift -2
Cyclone Valkyrie Giga Zone'+Z -6
Cyclone Valkyrie Over Bearing' - 0
Dangerous Valkyrie Nexus+S extreme'
cyclone is only good for anti attack
How strong Cyclone for anti attack combinations? How does it go toe to toe with the current strongest combos?
(Oct. 17, 2021 8:46 AM)Shoyo Wrote: [ -> ] (Oct. 17, 2021 2:21 AM)Beybladedb Wrote: [ -> ]cyclone is only good for anti attack
How strong Cyclone for anti attack combinations? How does it go toe to toe with the current strongest combos?
It is pretty good can os some same spin dbl drift combos when cyclone is on zephry' or accel'
Savior Belial II Giga Xtreme'/Jolt'-6
Savior Valkyrie/Perseus Nexus+S Xceed'+Z/Quick'/Xtreme'-6
In my opinion, the Valkyrie chip is the best with Savior. Savior Valkyrie Nexus+S Xtreme'
AnOtHeR OnE:
Savior Perseus Over Xtreme'-2
Savior Belial2 Giga Xtreme' is now the current strongest combo for Savior blade. Savior blade does not have good burst resistance due to it's intense recoil against other competitive combos but now it's completely preventable due to it's Belial2 core's gimmick making it almost nearly unburstable.
(Oct. 26, 2021 12:11 PM)GhostFox Wrote: [ -> ]AnOtHeR OnE:
Savior Perseus Over Xtreme'-2
That’s good and all but why over? I’d personally use giga because it’s more compact and smooth
(Oct. 26, 2021 4:47 PM)TheRogueBlader Wrote: [ -> ] (Oct. 26, 2021 12:11 PM)GhostFox Wrote: [ -> ]AnOtHeR OnE:
Savior Perseus Over Xtreme'-2
That’s good and all but why over? I’d personally use giga because it’s more compact and smooth
Giga is an octagon. Over is literally a circle, and IIRC hugs the bottom of the layer more closely than Giga does. Are you mixing the two up?
(Oct. 26, 2021 4:53 PM)Kaizoku Burst Wrote: [ -> ] (Oct. 26, 2021 4:47 PM)TheRogueBlader Wrote: [ -> ]That’s good and all but why over? I’d personally use giga because it’s more compact and smooth
Giga is an octagon. Over is literally a circle, and IIRC hugs the bottom of the layer more closely than Giga does. Are you mixing the two up?
That’s the shape but over is very downward. Over is hands down better than giga for stamina types, but since it tilts down, and giga doesn’t scrape down as much and is smoother on the sides it’s better for attack types. Of course you could use nexus+s in attack types as well to either KO instantly or lose instantly.
Giga is better for Stamina/Defense while you can use over for either type and have decent results. I would personally use Over instead of Giga for Attack.
(Oct. 26, 2021 5:42 PM)Cindercast Wrote: [ -> ]Giga is better for Stamina/Defense while you can use over for either type and have decent results. I would personally use Over instead of Giga for Attack.
I think the opposite, as stated above, but I guess everyone has their own opinions.
(Oct. 26, 2021 5:29 PM)TheRogueBlader Wrote: [ -> ] (Oct. 26, 2021 4:53 PM)Kaizoku Burst Wrote: [ -> ]Giga is an octagon. Over is literally a circle, and IIRC hugs the bottom of the layer more closely than Giga does. Are you mixing the two up?
That’s the shape but over is very downward. Over is hands down better than giga for stamina types, but since it tilts down, and giga doesn’t scrape down as much and is smoother on the sides it’s better for attack types. Of course you could use nexus+s in attack types as well to either KO instantly or lose instantly.
I don't know that I agree with that. I wouldn't say that Over is significantly lower-slung than Giga. It has a shallow lip around the edges but Over and Giga have very similar profiles. Also, Over presents much less of a scrape risk than Giga does because of its perfectly circular shape. I think it has both better LAD and OWD. I'd pick Over for any stamina build any day.
I feel Giga would be more suited to stationary attack types due to its more angular contact points.
(Oct. 26, 2021 5:58 PM)Kaizoku Burst Wrote: [ -> ] (Oct. 26, 2021 5:29 PM)TheRogueBlader Wrote: [ -> ]That’s the shape but over is very downward. Over is hands down better than giga for stamina types, but since it tilts down, and giga doesn’t scrape down as much and is smoother on the sides it’s better for attack types. Of course you could use nexus+s in attack types as well to either KO instantly or lose instantly.
I don't know that I agree with that. I wouldn't say that Over is significantly lower-slung than Giga. It has a shallow lip around the edges but Over and Giga have very similar profiles. Also, Over presents much less of a scrape risk than Giga does because of its perfectly circular shape. I think it has both better LAD and OWD. I'd pick Over for any stamina build any day.
I feel Giga would be more suited to stationary attack types due to its more angular contact points.
DB beys are low. The disc is lower. It won’t make much contact.
OOOOHHHH! I thought giga didn’t dip low at all but I just looked up a pic of cyclone ragnaruk and it looks like giga dips just as low as over. Damn. Well in that case yeah I’d say just use over for any bey. But if you are using over on a stamina bey in a deck, then giga would be the next best choice for an attack type if you don’t want to scrape too much. If you don’t care about scraping too much then use nexus+s for all out attack. Ok I get it now.
(Oct. 26, 2021 6:01 PM)TheRogueBlader Wrote: [ -> ] (Oct. 26, 2021 5:58 PM)Kaizoku Burst Wrote: [ -> ]I don't know that I agree with that. I wouldn't say that Over is significantly lower-slung than Giga. It has a shallow lip around the edges but Over and Giga have very similar profiles. Also, Over presents much less of a scrape risk than Giga does because of its perfectly circular shape. I think it has both better LAD and OWD. I'd pick Over for any stamina build any day.
I feel Giga would be more suited to stationary attack types due to its more angular contact points.
DB beys are low. The disc is lower. It won’t make much contact.
OOOOHHHH! I thought giga didn’t dip low at all but I just looked up a pic of cyclone ragnaruk and it looks like giga dips just as low as over. Damn. Well in that case yeah I’d say just use over for any bey. But if you are using over on a stamina bey in a deck, then giga would be the next best choice for an attack type if you don’t want to scrape too much. If you don’t care about scraping too much then use nexus+s for all out attack. Ok I get it now.
Yeah, it goes from an octagon but it does taper to a rounder shape towards the bottom. While Over still outclasses it for having functionally zero scraping, Giga doesn't lag behind by much in that area. If you're building a DB-focused deck there's little reason not to have both.
(Oct. 26, 2021 5:58 PM)Kaizoku Burst Wrote: [ -> ] (Oct. 26, 2021 5:29 PM)TheRogueBlader Wrote: [ -> ]That’s the shape but over is very downward. Over is hands down better than giga for stamina types, but since it tilts down, and giga doesn’t scrape down as much and is smoother on the sides it’s better for attack types. Of course you could use nexus+s in attack types as well to either KO instantly or lose instantly.
I don't know that I agree with that. I wouldn't say that Over is significantly lower-slung than Giga. It has a shallow lip around the edges but Over and Giga have very similar profiles. Also, Over presents much less of a scrape risk than Giga does because of its perfectly circular shape. I think it has both better LAD and OWD. I'd pick Over for any stamina build any day.
I feel Giga would be more suited to stationary attack types due to its more angular contact points.
One question: Which disk retains their balance better after getting tilted by intense recoil in opposite spin matches?
(Oct. 26, 2021 6:12 PM)Shoyo Wrote: [ -> ] (Oct. 26, 2021 5:58 PM)Kaizoku Burst Wrote: [ -> ]I don't know that I agree with that. I wouldn't say that Over is significantly lower-slung than Giga. It has a shallow lip around the edges but Over and Giga have very similar profiles. Also, Over presents much less of a scrape risk than Giga does because of its perfectly circular shape. I think it has both better LAD and OWD. I'd pick Over for any stamina build any day.
I feel Giga would be more suited to stationary attack types due to its more angular contact points.
One question: Which disk retains their balance better after getting tilted by intense recoil in opposite spin matches?
Usually over
(Oct. 26, 2021 6:12 PM)Kaizoku Burst Wrote: [ -> ] (Oct. 26, 2021 6:01 PM)TheRogueBlader Wrote: [ -> ]DB beys are low. The disc is lower. It won’t make much contact.
OOOOHHHH! I thought giga didn’t dip low at all but I just looked up a pic of cyclone ragnaruk and it looks like giga dips just as low as over. Damn. Well in that case yeah I’d say just use over for any bey. But if you are using over on a stamina bey in a deck, then giga would be the next best choice for an attack type if you don’t want to scrape too much. If you don’t care about scraping too much then use nexus+s for all out attack. Ok I get it now.
Yeah, it goes from an octagon but it does taper to a rounder shape towards the bottom. While Over still outclasses it for having functionally zero scraping, Giga doesn't lag behind by much in that area. If you're building a DB-focused deck there's little reason not to have both.
I don’t see why anyone wouldn’t build a DB focused deck. Tempest is outclassed by dynamite+f and rage, while still usable, is outclassed by guilty. So really the only bey that isn’t dB that would be in your deck should be rage. Over is best suited for stamina/defense/lad combos so if you have over on that, and you’re using something like savior, guilty, or dangerous, you could use giga. My brain hurts lol so let’s continue this later.
I usually use Savior valkyrie, zenith, extreme metal, 0. It works very well and has one shot burst vanish Fafnir and cyclone Ragnarok before. itś very fast and hits hard so good for ko. it only lacks stamina
(Oct. 27, 2021 12:19 AM)awesome24 Wrote: [ -> ]I usually use Savior valkyrie, zenith, extreme metal, 0. It works very well and has one shot burst vanish Fafnir and cyclone Ragnarok before. itś very fast and hits hard so good for ko. it only lacks stamina
You've probably heard this before, but I'd advise against using metal cap drivers on anything excluding Bahamut and possibly the Phoenix DB core (If what I've heard is true). Teeth wear is very prevalent when using metal cap drivers (Especially with the Valkyrie DB core, it breaks often enough as is) and can lead to the core being essentially useless.
As for the combination itself, is there a specific reason as to why you chose Zenith? One who possesses Metal Xtreme is likely to own Over/Nexus/Nexus+S as well, so why use Zenith over one of those?
(Oct. 27, 2021 12:28 AM)#Fafnir Wrote: [ -> ] (Oct. 27, 2021 12:19 AM)awesome24 Wrote: [ -> ]I usually use Savior valkyrie, zenith, extreme metal, 0. It works very well and has one shot burst vanish Fafnir and cyclone Ragnarok before. itś very fast and hits hard so good for ko. it only lacks stamina
You've probably heard this before, but I'd advise against using metal cap drivers on anything excluding Bahamut and possibly the Phoenix DB core (If what I've heard is true). Teeth wear is very prevalent when using metal cap drivers (Especially with the Valkyrie DB core, it breaks often enough as is) and can lead to the core being essentially useless.
As for the combination itself, is there a specific reason as to why you chose Zenith? One who possesses Metal Xtreme is likely to own Over/Nexus/Nexus+S as well, so why use Zenith over one of those?
well, to be completely honest, my savior valkyrie is way tighter in high mode for some reason. and the teeth haven worn a bit after I got it in July. I can post a battle of the combo sometime later tonight or this week on my Instagram: beybladeaddict24. will say itś better than stock though.
(Oct. 27, 2021 12:35 AM)awesome24 Wrote: [ -> ] (Oct. 27, 2021 12:28 AM)#Fafnir Wrote: [ -> ]You've probably heard this before, but I'd advise against using metal cap drivers on anything excluding Bahamut and possibly the Phoenix DB core (If what I've heard is true). Teeth wear is very prevalent when using metal cap drivers (Especially with the Valkyrie DB core, it breaks often enough as is) and can lead to the core being essentially useless.
As for the combination itself, is there a specific reason as to why you chose Zenith? One who possesses Metal Xtreme is likely to own Over/Nexus/Nexus+S as well, so why use Zenith over one of those?
well, to be completely honest, my savior valkyrie is way tighter in high mode for some reason. and the teeth haven worn a bit after I got it in July. I can post a battle of the combo sometime later tonight or this week on my Instagram: beybladeaddict24. will say itś better than stock though.
Then use a DB disc in high mode, duh. Zenith is super light.
(Oct. 26, 2021 3:55 PM)Shoyo Wrote: [ -> ]Savior Belial2 Giga Xtreme' is now the current strongest combo for Savior blade. Savior blade does not have good burst resistance due to it's intense recoil against other competitive combos but now it's completely preventable due to it's Belial2 core's gimmick making it almost nearly unburstable.
I'd advise using Nexus+S.
Personally I would’ve preferred something like Savior Belial2 on Giga Xtreme’,it just slaps beys left n right
(Oct. 27, 2021 8:31 AM)g2_ Wrote: [ -> ] (Oct. 26, 2021 3:55 PM)Shoyo Wrote: [ -> ]Savior Belial2 Giga Xtreme' is now the current strongest combo for Savior blade. Savior blade does not have good burst resistance due to it's intense recoil against other competitive combos but now it's completely preventable due to it's Belial2 core's gimmick making it almost nearly unburstable.
I'd advise using Nexus+S.
I have my doubts using Nexus+S because it drains stamina easily for an attack combo that lacks decent endurance. I could use Quick' if I'm ever gonna use Nexus+S for an additional attack power but I prefer consistency for the combo.