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This is a thread for all the Pokemon Unite players, they can talk about upcoming news or talk about how they're doing in the game. Anything related to Pokemon Unite can go in here! So, enjoy!
I love the game, I main Garchomp and Charizard. I am so excited for Mamoswine .
(Aug. 20, 2021  2:21 AM)LJ-Blader Wrote: [ -> ]I love the game, I main Garchomp and Charizard. I am so excited for Mamoswine .

I just started playing and I'm in Great Class lol :) I really want Scyleveon cause Scylveon is one my top 5 fave pokemon list
Lucky!!!!! I want me self a Riulu
I did some grinding and I'm happy to say I'm in the Expert Class now! And I ain't stopping till I'm in Master Class then I'll try becoming Number 1!
I am really waiting for mobile, my joy cons drift like… well drift.
(Aug. 20, 2021  10:59 PM)LJ-Blader Wrote: [ -> ]I am really waiting for mobile, my joy cons drift like… well drift.

Nice! What class are you in? (If you say Master ima scream)
Great, I am not really competitive. I play for fun.
(Aug. 20, 2021  11:00 PM)LJ-Blader Wrote: [ -> ]Great, I am not really competitive. I play for fun.

Yeah, I understand that, I really like playing Competetivly I'm in Expert, but if I lose again I'll drop back to Great
bruh thats kinda sussy i cant play it since i have a chromebook
Well then, I have some great advice.

UGH!!! I had to carry my team because they were literally doing nothing and I didn't get enough points to win so I'm gonna have to climb back to Expert Class
Lol I was AFK once and my team member carried me the whole game when I was secretly back from the bath room and just being lazy 😅😅
I just have to wait till September to play it. I don't have a switch (Nintendo doesn't sell it's products in my country lol).
I had so much fun in a ranked battle, I used Charizard and when it evolved I literally burned everything and everyone in my path I kinda went crazy burning stuff it got so bad that the opposing team actually surrendered :) How to win a Ranked Pokemon Unite Battle lol, definitely using Charizard again lol

I know you are busy but I need some advice, so, when I'm playing Pokemon Unite say I need to go do something, I can't exit the game and I get a penalty, if I get one more I can't do Ranked Battles anymore, the Penalties are really becoming a pain, any advice?
Oof, I have no clue. I have found no way around it. But I agree, it is a pain.
(Aug. 22, 2021  2:02 AM)LJ-Blader Wrote: [ -> ]Oof, I have no clue. I have found no way around it. But I agree, it is a pain.

Have you gotten a penalty?
Yes, it took about a day to go away. Note, I will be more active on this thread September 22
(Aug. 22, 2021  2:10 AM)LJ-Blader Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, it took about a day to go away. Note, I will be more active on this thread September 22

Wait, penalties go away?
Mamoswine for September!

Yeah! After a day or so. If you do not repeat it again. At least it did for me.

My favs are currently

(Aug. 22, 2021  2:12 AM)LJ-Blader Wrote: [ -> ]Mamoswine for September!

Yeah! After a day or so. If you do not repeat it again. At least it did for me.

I honestly really want Sylveon, it's one of my faves.

I did it about 3 times today so, I'll try not getting any for a while.
Sylveon is also awesome, I hope they add more eeveelutions. Also Blastoise.
I never realize how good pikachu is lol

I bought it when I started the game but never used it because of its damage
I enjoy using Talonflame and Zeraora.

Chamandar is ok.
I’m pretty good with Absol and Blissey
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