World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Trash combos or cursed combos
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So in this thread I thought it would be cool for us to post our weirdest, worst or illegal beyblade combos. For mine, I’d say my weirdest me is Spryzen s2 paradox nexus unite. Really weird. My worst is Zwei luinor (hasbro pro series) any disc (I used armed) and hasbros charge metal. If you launch it it bursts immediately. For coolest illegal I would say bloody Longinus 0wall charge metal perfect phoenix armor. Strange. I’d post a video of luinor but I am not sure how. I am on an iPad if anyone knows how.[img]blob:[/img][img]blob:[/img]
Rudr R5 Ratchet Linear -H I'm telling you it's way to speedy
brutal luinor 10 needle-s, it's too frickin fast
Hollow Hyperion Xtreme 2D
(Aug. 15, 2021  3:52 PM)Kiryu Kazuma Wrote: [ -> ]Hollow Hyperion Xtreme 2D

holy nuts i can imagine how cursed that looks
(Aug. 15, 2021  3:53 PM)GenesisBlader Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 15, 2021  3:52 PM)Kiryu Kazuma Wrote: [ -> ]Hollow Hyperion Xtreme 2D

holy nuts i can imagine how cursed that looks

The 2D chassi  must be unawakened to make it perform more worse.
Glide Hyperion 4A Convert (unbalanced) operate' ( attack)
Garuda G3 Shot
Crash roktavor r4 00 dagger fusional sp

Way too fast, has bad stamina and it's weight is LITERALLY horrible
Wild Wyvern ignition’ and rage Longinus aero’ fusional-sp 1d

Maximus Garuda nexus s gear quest also is horrible
Savior Belial 0 bump needle Sp 2

IT'S TOO fast
Longinus 3a destroy’

Basically rage Longinus but no layer

Also how do I post a video? (Like a video I took on my phone
Hollow Ragnarok 4A (unbalanced) 1' dagger charge metal spm

Just read it and imagine how bad it is

Just read it and imagine how bad it is
Union Hyperion 8 ultimate reboot h, even the chip comes out when it bursts

(Aug. 15, 2021  5:28 PM)Dread hades12 Wrote: [ -> ]Savior Belial 0 bump needle Sp 2

IT'S TOO fast

I just tried that and it’s completely stationary
Glide doomscizor 3A destroyer SPM (All Hasbro)
Ogre o5 stock combo is garbage

How to post a video I took on a phone?
Brave roktavor 00 wall variable
Off topic, but how do I find local tournaments?
A whole video dedicated to the worst beybade combo

(Aug. 15, 2021  5:56 PM)NinjaCraft2000 Wrote: [ -> ]Off topic, but how do I find local tournaments?

Just press tournamen ts or find a community
(Aug. 15, 2021  5:56 PM)NinjaCraft2000 Wrote: [ -> ]Off topic, but how do I find local tournaments?
I think that there is already a thread for this topic. Just that you know. 👍🏾
Okay but can we still use this thread
Yeah, you could also talk about this in Random Beyblade Thoughts so, this topic didn't really need a thread
Brave Valkyrie 2D bullet driver
(Aug. 15, 2021  6:44 PM)UnseenBurst Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, you could also talk about this in Random Beyblade Thoughts so, this topic didn't really need a thread
Sorry I am new here
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