*Ashton and Aiden would run into a large open area*
Ashton: Where are we?
Intercom: Hello blader's welcome to the dungeon challenge. in front of you is 20 wrist bands, you will choose one to wear the entire time.
*everyone would grab one and put it on, it would light up*
Aiden: cool, mines red!
Ashton: mines silver.
Intercom: Around you are 20 stadiums, one for each of you, its simple, you battle against random opponents for 1 hour, you lose once your done.
Aiden: oh, this could be hard.
*doors around the dungeon would open, people would flood out and surround the stadiums*
Ashton: 1 hour, no losses. we got this.
Aiden: of course we do!
Ashton(Thoughts): I'm gonna have to be strategic in this, looks like my first opponent is using cyclone ragnaruk, attack mode should do the trick
everyone: 3...2...1...Let it rip!
*10 minutes later*
*aiden would look around*
Aiden(Thoughts): 4 bladers have already been eliminated.
Ashton: seems like the challengers are harder as time goes bye.
Aiden: That's alright, there still no match for us and the BattleCore system.
???: What system?
Ashton: BattleCore, it's a system i created myself, you can come check it out after were done here.
???: alright, I'm Seth. nice to meet you.
Ashton: 3...2...1...Let it rip!
*20 minutes later*
Ashton: *out of breath* half way done.
Aiden: 10 bladers left.
seth: Let it rip!
Ashton: seems like he's still going.
Aiden & Ashton: 3...2...1...Let it rip!
*30 minutes later*
Intercom: alright blader's. times up, the remaining blader's move on. congratulations on passing the entrance exam.
Aiden: We did it.
Ashton: Yay.
*they'd collapse*
Seth: well looks like we're going into this together.
Aiden: oh hey Seth.
*Someone would walk in*
???: Follow me to your dorms.
*Later that day*
Seth: Alright so what's this BattleCore system anyways?
*Ashton would explain and show Seth the system.*
Seth: wow cool! *He'd hold up curse Satan* Could i make My Satan into this system.
Ashton: of course..
*Later that day in the bey room at Longinus training camp*
Seth: Done! Insanity Satan!
Aiden: Cool!
Ashton: Seems like this system is success! can't wait to make it public.
*the next day*
Intercom: Rise and shine, meet down in the breakfast hall in 30 minutes.
Aiden: it's 5 A.M.
Ashton: Alright time to make this system public.
*30 minutes later in the breakfast hall*
Seth: I wonder what's for breakfast.
Aiden: I hope it's sleep.
Seth: You can't eat sleep.
chef: alright, breakfast is served, Bacon, sausage, eggs and pancakes. hope you like it, you'll be eating it a lot.
*they'd start eating*
???: Have you guys heard of this new bey system?
Aiden: Yeah my friend created it.
Ashton: Yup, the newest and greatest system designed by yours truly.
???: wow! can you help me and my friends design our beys in this system.
???: Alright, I'm Leo, the owner and operator of Longinus training camp. Hope you ate your breakfast, cause the workouts you will do today are intense. now lets start with the launcher machine. every time you hit the top mark the machine will make it harder.
Aiden: Alright! Let's do it.
*They'd run to the machines and start there workout*
Leo: hey you what's your name?
Aiden: Names Aiden Clarke.
Leo: your forms wrong. if you want a strong launch, you got to have proper form. *He'd demonstrate*
*1 Hour later*
Ashton: Can We Stop Yet.
Leo: once you've maxed out your machines you can stop.
Ashton: So close.
*Ashton, Seth and Aiden would max out there machines at the same time.*
Aiden: Finally
Leo: Now you can move on to the 10k run, hit the treadmills.
Aiden: seriously? i thought we were done?
Leo: you are, with that machine. Now get up.
*They'd start on the treadmills, the other's would slowly join them*
Leo: the sooner you finish, the sooner you get lunch.
*later that day*
Aiden: Man I'm tired.
Chef: Lunch is served, Ramen.
Ashton: Oh, cool ramen!
Aiden: That was exhausting and it's only lunch.
Ashton: Yeah, wonder what the rest of today will bring.
*later, after lunch*
Leo: Alright, next is the mountain challenge, climb up the side of the mountain and retrieve one of the launchers, climb back down the mountain and defeat the bot in a battle.
ashton: alright
Leo: ready.... set.....go!
Seth: we can get this done faster if we work together.
aiden: yeah.
Ashton: so whats the plan?
Seth: to get the three lunchers and get down.
*they'd start running up the mountain*
Ashton: There's a small path up that way, we should try it.
*Half way up the mountain*
Seth: the path cuts off here, it,s a sheer cliff, anyone know how to rock climb.
Aiden: finally something I'm good at, move.
*at the top of the mountain*
Aiden: there! the launchers. * he grabbed 3and raced down*
*down the mountain*
Aiden: got the launchers let's go.
Seth: why? why make us climb a mountain.
*at the mountain base
Seth & Aiden & Ashton: Let it rip!
*there beys would blow through the bot's beys.
Leo: excellent, fastest time I've seen from newcomers.
Ashton: finally, that was hard. can't believe we gotta keep doing this everyday.
Aiden: well could be worse,we could be doing it alone.
Ashton: true.
Name: Seth Harwell
Personality: Seth is a pretty laid back guy, he usually just wants to help others. in battle he's pretty confident and usually never doubts himself.
appearance: Seth has short green hair similar to drum's hair. his style is pretty much the exact same as silas
Bey: Insanity Satan -5 1D-W core-spin Saturn.
Type: Defense
BattleCore: Satan - the Satan BattleCore has a similar design to the sparking chip, the new design features metal in it unlike the other designs.
Blade: Insanity - the insanity blade features 5 large roller's on the insanity blade, the rollers free spin well and protrude from the round design of the blade, these act as the only contact points on it.
Battle Weight: 5 - the 5 weight has 5 weight blocks in a star pattern, it can line up in between the rollers or line up with the rollers, when lined up with the rollers the free spin tightens and becomes a lot tighter.
chassis: 1D-W - the 1 defense-weight chassis is a single chassis with a fat metal ring around the outside, when launched, the weight of the chassis shifts out for more OWD. when stamina gets low the weights pull in.
Battle disc: core - the core disc is a large perfect circle with holes towards the inside which provides high OWD and stamina.
Disc Armour: spin - the spin armour has a free spinning ring around it, when hit it absorbs attacks. when the disc scrapes it wont lose any stamina.
Driver: Saturn - the Saturn driver has a sharp tip with a free spinning ring, when the driver leans over it hits the free spinning ring.
when awakened the Saturn driver tip will also free spin.