World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Flash Escolpio M145Q - Printable Version

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Flash Escolpio M145Q - pocketpulls - Aug. 23, 2012

Yes, you read it right, M145Q. So, I was in an out-of-town Walmart, and i found a two-pack with Storm Capricorn M145Q from Metal Fusion. I bought it and when I got home, I started messing around with it. I noticed that M145Q does not necessarily jump, but more as it just rumbles around the stadium. Later, I noticed, it has a nice attack pattern, as it seems to rumble near the middle of the stadium, then back out to the edge. I also noticed that, when it makes contact, it sort-of makes both beys explode in the other direction (p.s., when I use the term explode, I mean at the exact point of contact, violently moving in the other direction, like big recoil). I thought that, since I had just got a new Flash, that this might be a fun thing to test out. Now, I know this will not be consistent, therefor not competitively viable, however I am going to test it out just for fun. Oh, and, this is my first time testing/making a combo on the WBO, so don't be to harsh if I mess something up, haha. So the name I came up for this combo is Recoil Smasher/Exploder, because the purpose it to try and smash the opponent out while getting wall-saved. I purposely did not use Metal Faces, because the point for it is to have as much recoil as possible. Well, after this huge wall of text, lets get to the testing!

Equipment Used
Standard Procedure
Q Is second mold
Flash Escolpio M145Q always launched second

Against Defense (Click to View)
Against Stamina (Click to View)

As expected, it did well against Stamina and bad against Defense. It actually had more wins against Defense than I thought it would, haha. I will definitely test it against other combos later, I just can't test any more right now.

RE: Flash Escolpio M145Q - *Ginga* - Aug. 23, 2012

Um, Burn Cancer is pretty outclassed.

RE: Flash Escolpio M145Q - JesseObre - Aug. 23, 2012

can u test this combo with top tiers

RE: Flash Escolpio M145Q - pocketpulls - Aug. 23, 2012

I know, my new Duo is coming in the mail soon, and I should be getting a BD145. But this combo obviously wont do good against top tiers.

RE: Flash Escolpio M145Q - Raigeko13 - Aug. 24, 2012

I've used this against Duo based setups. It ain't worth it. It gets mauled. Diablo has notable recoil, so there isn't a surprise there.
And Burn...
Well, I don't have much more to say other than it's been outclassed since Earth was discovered to be much better overall... Which was a long time ago.
Anyways, yeah, the combo isn't really good. Trust me, I've tried.

RE: Flash Escolpio M145Q - pocketpulls - Aug. 24, 2012

Haha, I should have used Earth over Burn, but whatever.

RE: Flash Escolpio M145Q - Angry Face - Aug. 24, 2012

Ha ha ha, I screwed around with Flash Uranus M145Q awhile back, but I couldn't KO Duo with it but once. If anybody is able to make a KO with this setup, it's all because of Flash; not M145 or Q.

RE: Flash Escolpio M145Q - Coach - Aug. 24, 2012

Ha, I've been messing around with this same idea, I find it more consistant on Blitz though, and maybe try MB instead of Q. It's fun I've thought about whipping it out at a tournament but haven't had the guts lol!

RE: Flash Escolpio M145Q - pocketpulls - Aug. 24, 2012

Hmm, I could try some testing with MB.

RE: Flash Escolpio M145Q - StreetDOGE - Aug. 24, 2012

wow,never though M145Q whould be that good

RE: Flash Escolpio M145Q - Cyber Blader - Aug. 24, 2012

First off, GB145 and Burn are outclassed so you need more competitive combo's to test against. Secondly these aren't even good results, very average at best. What equipment did you use, was this in a BB-10?