World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Feb-20-2022: "Silver Spring's Burst Revolution!" reports - Printable Version

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Feb-20-2022: "Silver Spring's Burst Revolution!" reports - DeceasedCrab - Feb. 21, 2022

The following are words I have to say about "Silver Spring's Burst Revolution!", a ranked Burst Standard 3v3 tournament following the release of Atomic'.

- We knew going into this one that it was going to be frightfully cold. Around 32 degrees. The wind wasn't terrible but it was present. I lost my hat and had to wear a scarf around my ears like a babushka. Also to keep it from falling off I had to tie it around my neck, like a tourniquet. Not a great idea! It's February, it's just too cold for this. I gave serious thought to bailing on the tournament, but in the end I decided to have a nice day of Beyblade instead of continuing to confront the grief in my life. Huzzah!

- We had a 30 person 5 round swiss, followed by a 8 person single elimination finals. 3v3 format. We didn't get started until about 12:30 and didn't finish until 5:30. It was slow going because of ties, and very cold.

- I was one of the judges at the tournament today. There were 3 beystadiums total, and we had a lot of judges around. It could have gone faster if we'd done 4 beystadiums. But we didn't. Honestly, it's hard to do 4 beystadiums there.

- I didn't see a heck of a lot of Atomic' being used during the tournament. I only saw one person actually use it; me. I realized quite late that Atomic' might work very well on Greatest Raphael, countering its non-DB weakness with a proper dash driver. I really must try that next time. I had other plans.

- I went 3-2 in the first stage. My deck was actually the same in all 5 matches: Roar Bahamut Tapered Metal Drift-10, Dynamite Perseus Giga Bearing'-0, and Vanish Fafnir Over Atomic'-9. I meant to put the 9 on Dynamite, and I didn't, because I goofed. Here was my logic: Roar and Vanish are still 2 of the most likely combos you see in competitive first stage use, and in 3v3 the likelihood of seeing one or both of them in a single deck is almost 100%. The chances of being matched against a same spin left spin combo are high. So, I put Atomic' on Vanish. As long as I don't self-KO (which I historically do with Atomic A LOT but today I didn't do AT ALL) I would be in great shape. Honestly, it worked well. The other two combos need no explanation.

- For the first three rounds, it did really well. Stable wins. The last two? Well, my opponents were RED NINJA 0829 and CrisisCrusher07. They were hard fought matches, I think they both went 2-3 although I can't quite remember, I suspect Crisis 1-3'd me. They got me fair and square. What can I say? I'm good, but they are also good. Can't win em all.

- My buchholz was 1 short of putting me in the tiebreaker for 7th and 8th place. I was really counting on RED NINJA 0829 winning his last match for that reason. Ah well.

- Today, I encountered too many ties. There were a lot in the first stage, there were boatloads during the finals, same problem as always. I didn't see Guilty vs. Guilty until the finals, but I saw a fair amount of Guilty vs. everything else. Honestly, it goes about half and half. Ties are still a huge nuisance, the last couple of releases have made almost no signficant impact.

- I didn't make it to the finals, and that's totally understandable. We had a ton of good bladers here today, I would say out of 30 of them, 19 are seasoned experts who pose a worthy challenge

- We had a 3 way tie for two of the last spots in the finals. Mini round robin, maxrod beat both his opponents and bladekid beat one. Simplified who wound up in the finals.

- We had a people drop out of the tournament early, at least two, maybe more. I think they told us this time around. It was too cold and they couldn't take it anymore. It was too cold.

- The finals were the way they always are; opposite spin ties. I saw almost no Prominence in first stage, and I saw it in most decks at finals.

- There were a bunch of 4-5 matches during finals, it was very close. Mostly because of all the danh ties. and even some 5-0 sweeps. Lot of Guilty too. I saw some Ultimate, but I did not see Ultimate succeed. Savior and Ultimate are just disappointments compared to the legacy of Judgement.

- The finalists were no surprise. geetster99 made it to 4th, CrisisCrusher07 3rd, Allen Schaffer 2nd, and (not a surprise to me at all) maxrod made it to 1st. All quite good. In 5-8th were other good bladers bladekid, JCMakeEmBurst (glad to see him make it to finals at last), @SPN_Z3RO, and RED NINJA 0829.

- Judging ties is still completely miserable. It's an unsolved problem. I'm starting to think we should switch to WBBA's "Whatever moves last wins".

EDIT: Added 2/21
- In 3v3 and deck format, repeat parts are not allowed between beys. This includes Armor Discs on DB layers! This is what most people miss. Early on I found some repeating armor discs on a few of the newer bladers combos. In round 4 I found repeating armor discs on one of the more experienced bladers combos. Folks, check your armor discs! Judges, check their armor discs! If you think it doesn't matter, then fine, get staff to change that rule. But for now? No repeating armor discs!

- We set up a tarp between the two built-in picnic tables and set up the third stadium on there. I had to break out my orange cones to help people with the idea of "DO NOT WALK OVER THIS OR THROUGH THIS" but you would be amazed at how terrible people are at adhering to basic traffic conditioning. Had a lot of people just walk on there in the middle of matches. I did not appreciate that!

- I am scraping
  There is opposite spin
  You are coming down with me
  Hand in unlovable hand
  And I hope I burst
  I hope we both burst

- February is way too early for an outdoor tournament in the central Atlantic region. Bladers lost feeling in their hands. It was grim.

I had a fun time. I hope anyone else who attended did too. I would like the cold to go away now.

RE: Feb-20-2022: "Silver Spring's Burst Revolution!" reports - CrisisCrusher07 - Feb. 21, 2022

Thanks for the tournament report DeceasedCrab ! I always enjoy reading them. You are correct it really was to cold this time around. It’s really unfortunate that in this part of the USA you can have days that are a nice mild chill and comfortable and then the next day Freezing cold. 😢 Maybe next month would be better? I dunno maybe with the VA tournament coming up I’ll just do that and not host this month, and I’ll give us an April tournament!

RE: Feb-20-2022: "Silver Spring's Burst Revolution!" reports - DeceasedCrab - Feb. 21, 2022

April is a reasonable time to start hosting outdoor again. Before then, it's usually too cold.

RE: Feb-20-2022: "Silver Spring's Burst Revolution!" reports - maxrod - Feb. 21, 2022

Had a blast today! It was one of those tournaments where my confidence was fluctuating because of how GOOD the bladers that come out are, but trusting your gut and practice time put in is key 🙌

I must say that Roar Drift vs. Prominence Mobius matchups are indeed toxic, and pretty much most opposite spin equalization battles, but hey ya gotta do what ya gotta do to win! I was on a mission and it feels good to win, but more importantly I’m humbled and not finished yet! 

Thanks for the fun as always everyone ✊

MaxRod out ☝️🔥

RE: Feb-20-2022: "Silver Spring's Burst Revolution!" reports - AJL Blader - Feb. 21, 2022

So I know I didn't attend this tournament(Because it was too cold) but I want to ask
Did either savior or ultimate find any competitive use in right spin attack combos at this tournament and if not do you guys think if those kinds of combos started being used more often it would lessen the issue of constant draws?
I personally think it would

RE: Feb-20-2022: "Silver Spring's Burst Revolution!" reports - th!nk - Feb. 21, 2022

(Feb. 21, 2022  4:09 AM)AJL Blader Wrote: So I know I didn't attend this tournament(Because it was too cold) but I want to ask
Did either savior or ultimate find any competitive use in right spin attack combos at this tournament and if not do you guys think if those kinds of combos started being used more often it would lessen the issue of constant draws?
I personally think it would

I did hear this funny story of someone at this tournament telling someone else to take the game seriously and that it was because they used a rubber driver, but I'm going to assume that is all a misunderstanding because it would be hilariously out of touch to discourage the use of an entire type in an area which has struggled with LAD matches. 

To be fair though, I think I'd struggle to sliding shoot anything of db weight in the temperatures y'all had today 😅

DeceasedCrab Wrote:Judging ties is still completely miserable. It's an unsolved problem. I'm starting to think we should switch to WBBA's "Whatever moves last wins".
Hard agree. As much as I want my plastics stuff looked at... This is really critical.

RE: Feb-20-2022: "Silver Spring's Burst Revolution!" reports - Mike.Nightwing - Feb. 21, 2022

Great writeup and tournament as always! Great job everyone!

RE: Feb-20-2022: "Silver Spring's Burst Revolution!" reports - DeceasedCrab - Feb. 21, 2022

(Feb. 21, 2022  9:33 AM)th!nk Wrote: I did hear this funny story of someone at this tournament telling someone else to take the game seriously and that it was because they used a rubber driver, but I'm going to assume that is all a misunderstanding because it would be hilariously out of touch to discourage the use of an entire type in an area which has struggled with LAD matches. 
I don't quite remember that if that was me. It goes without saying that rubber attack drivers can be very successful if the person using them has practiced using them, but even people who have had great success with rubber attack drivers can wind up with a lot of self-kos if they're just unlucky. I don't think anybody believes rubber attack driver shouldn't be used, but it's an incredible gamble trying to use them and backfires a lot. The choice of driver has little to do with how seriously you approach a match. It sounds like you received incomplete context from whoever told you this.

As for savior and ultimate, I didn't see any significant use of them yesterday. Allen had them in first round matches and in his deck, and he did make it all the way to third place, but overall although I saw ultimate and savior within the tournament occasionally, I did not see them succeed all that well. Guilty continues to work well, sometimes. Ultimate and Savior, not nearly as much.

RE: Feb-20-2022: "Silver Spring's Burst Revolution!" reports - th!nk - Feb. 21, 2022

Aye, that's why I said I assumed it was a misunderstanding. That said, not to rag on the point- and I acknowledge it's been a hot minute since my last proper tournament, but they're only an "incredible gamble" if you haven't practiced a steady launch enough - if your hands shake from nerves or cold you probably will head straight to the pit repeatedly, but it's pretty much the same angle every time and some allowance for defensive launching. Toronto manages to see use of it though (and they used to be pretty attack phobic back in the MFB era), so it must be doable right? I don't think it's luck at all... It's practice and keeping focus under pressure.
I respect the skill and dedication of MD bladers a tonne (and even moreso their immense level of engagement), there's a reason I dropped my classic combo on MD and nowhere else and why I'm so nosy with you guys in particular, but I wonder if that mindset might be part (not all by any means, but part) of your issue with stamina draws? Like, it takes experience with more than 1 player to be able to do it reliably, but Guilty and to a lesser extent Utlimate on X/MX are IMO fairly safe combos because you don't have to predict much, just launch well. It takes a lot of the opponent factor out of the equation, and any reliance on lad and balance tuning. A lot of responsibility on you to not muck up in the moment, but that's it really. I get it, it's tough, but it's not luck. It's force and angle really, plus judging stadium orientation if you're going hard.

Though as I said... When it's this cold, well... You do need to be able to feel your hands. I can understand the challenge. I'd probably stick to stamina too in this weather 😅

As I said tho, I hope redefining this rolling etc mess will help with your stamina troubles, because it's totally fine to play what you want - even if you don't want to play attack, ya know? Even if you believe it is too risky like people even said back when it was lld 85rf vs earth c145wb. We're all here to have fun spinning tops and I know Maryland can be a very supportive place - that's the only reason I bothered to post about having heard that really.

Oh, also, how did you guys go with the rule thing in the end?

RE: Feb-20-2022: "Silver Spring's Burst Revolution!" reports - DeceasedCrab - Feb. 21, 2022

Ahhh, yes, the damned Multiple Driver Iterations thing. Well, the staff changed it in the rulebooks, and didn't announce it officially, which a lot of us noticed, and led to some tremendous uncertainty. We're not really surprised by that sort of thing anymore, just disappointed. Crisis got in contact with froztz, who said that because it hadn't been officially announced to just continue playing with the previous "no multiple driver iterations in deck" rules. When Crisis asked me, I said he should just go by whatever's in the book, announced or not, but staff chimed in and saved us that trouble.

It is RIDICULOUS to edit the rulebooks without making an announcement BEFORE OR AT THE SAME TIME OF DOING SO.

Also we had a bunch of repeat armor disc situations show up during the tournament. I'll edit my post to reflect that.

RE: Feb-20-2022: "Silver Spring's Burst Revolution!" reports - Broyeeto - Feb. 21, 2022

This was uhhh an interesting tournament. I usually consider myself good with attack and I think it’s more fun to see a beyblade go in the pocket than sit there for 10 minutes and still not know who won. But… cold, very cold. I couldn’t feel my hands and started bleeding twice mid match. As you could guess it didn’t end up too well.

RE: Feb-20-2022: "Silver Spring's Burst Revolution!" reports - th!nk - Feb. 21, 2022

I am glad you guys at least managed to get an answer in time. I would have agreed with you, personally speaking, but I'm really just glad you were able to get a verdict from someone.

RE: Feb-20-2022: "Silver Spring's Burst Revolution!" reports - bladekid - Feb. 21, 2022

I used exclusively borrowed parts besides a couple of things here and there, and honestly, I did way better than I thought. Getting top 8 was no small thing and it shows I still got the touch. As much as I like attack, I found it was a hindrance a good bit of the time, as the cold made it hard to launch and it would get hits but still not really win. There were a couple matches where my attack fell just slightly too short and it cost me the match which was kinda sad and I didn't really see too much success from anyone using rubber drivers because of the Temps. Quite sad as I respect the grind. I do like that in one battle, I counterlaunched my bey behind the opponent's guilty X', and because they were expecting my bey to in front, they just self koed. I feel like I'm one of the only people who consistently tries to counter launch attack beys and it leads to me sqeeking out a win in a really bad matchup. Glad I could come though, was fun!

RE: Feb-20-2022: "Silver Spring's Burst Revolution!" reports - DeceasedCrab - Feb. 21, 2022

9 times out of 10, when I see an attack tip, it's X'. I myself am not good enough to control X', I self-KO. I've tried, but I've never really had success with it. For me, Qc' is an excellent compromise that still can perform KOs while enduring fewer self-KOs.

RE: Feb-20-2022: "Silver Spring's Burst Revolution!" reports - JCMakeEmBurst - Feb. 22, 2022

Awesome Tournament, I Was Excited To See Everyone Again. I Thought It Was Very Organized And I Had A Ball!! Thanks For Providing These Awesome Opportunities For Us To Grow And Become Better Bladers!