World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - Printable Version

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RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - Raineth - Apr. 24, 2008

I haven't really done anything related to Beyblade in the past few years, so I didn't have anything to hide.

But when I was 13/14, back when it was super popular, I never told anyone (because that's the age where you want to fit in right?) and none of my friends liked Beyblade. So I decided to keep it to myself and enjoy it instead of going public and giving people a chance to ruin it for me.

RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - Train - Apr. 24, 2008

I told a few people and only one person made fun of me for it because he was a douchebag. He made it some racist slur thing too I dunno wtf he said it for, but yeah I keep to myself all the time because I used to get made fun of by people constantly.

RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - mdhvdukshsj - Apr. 25, 2008

Composer of Requiems Wrote:Some of the people I know reminiscence about the good old days when the world was still bright and cheerful and not bogged down with homework.


RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - Nic - Apr. 25, 2008

bugturtles Wrote:
Composer of Requiems Wrote:Some of the people I know reminiscence about the good old days when the world was still bright and cheerful and not bogged down with homework.

How's Pcyborg? I remember and used to talk to him but I think he's usually asleep or something.

Still good, as much of an enigma as ever I suppose. I wouldn't be surprised if he's lurking here and reading. He's graduating next year from technical school. We'll probably end up drafted into military service at the same time.

RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - Kira - Apr. 26, 2008

Not directly...
in 4th grade, when the world championships was going on, some jerk was like "Who plays with blades so stupid?" and blah... it made me not want to tell anyone...

I'm 13 now, trying to get myself to tell people beyblade is cool... and returning ^^

Not ever directly made fun of, besides my Mom, Dad, Little Brother, and Older Bother. Thats everyone in my family.

RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - Bey Brad - Apr. 26, 2008

Being made fun of by your parents really reflects a sad state of affairs in parenting these days.

RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - Kira - Apr. 26, 2008

Thanks xD

They're okay, not really supporting... but they're not really doing anything to raise my hopes...

I put up with it, after all, they give me allowance, and I use it for buying things for my "other stupid anime" shows.

Liked beyblade since 2nd grade...

RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - Bey Brad - Apr. 26, 2008

Nobody spends money well at thirteen years old. It's not like you'll want most of the carp you buy in five years anyway. Enjoy it man.

As for your parents, tell them that they're supposed to love and support you, and at least you are doing something healthy and fun.

RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - Kira - Apr. 26, 2008

I buy books, save for when Beyblade comes back, some college, I only buy books though... Warriors, Fruits Basket, Prince of Tennis...
Recently I bought about 30 something for Prince of Tennis things.
I will ^^

Healthy? Somewhat... I mean, I sit around computer a lot and search for beyblade stuff, like other fans, new things, my old friends etc. I play tennis and lacrosse too though. I think I'm pretty rounded.

I will tell them... besides anime and manga, they're really supporting and stuff. But its too bad for them that anime and manga is so big in my life.

RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - Bey Brad - Apr. 26, 2008

You'll probably grow out of it, but your parents need to realize that young kids have hobbies.

RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - Kira - Apr. 26, 2008

Nya, I'm not that young... 13 is a teen Grin But yeah, I am a kid.

Then again, everyone has hobbies, and anime is just one of mine.

RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - Pich - Apr. 26, 2008

ive actually never been made fun of for liking beyblades (except by my little sister, lol). my parents wont take me tournaments tho. im 15 now but only like 6 of my friends no i like them and none of them go to school with me. they are also all atleast one year younger than me, lol. i was at about 3rd grade when beyblade got popular so i never got made fun of. (then we moved in 5th grade and we never told anyone we liked them.

RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - AnnieDuck - Apr. 26, 2008

You guys are making me feel so ancient D:

RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - G - Apr. 26, 2008

find something that transfers youth and I'll give you whatever still makes me look like I'm 5

RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - AnnieDuck - Apr. 26, 2008

i still sleep with a teddy bear

his name is grandpa bear, and is pink

is that what you meant?

RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - Pich - Apr. 26, 2008

lol, im not that young, am i?

RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - AnnieDuck - Apr. 26, 2008

no i was referring to myself with the bear thing

RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - Blue - Apr. 26, 2008

dude of course i've been made fun of. not alot though.

RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - DormantSpirit - Apr. 27, 2008

I told a buddy of mine they might be coming back in Japan. He was all for importing them over.

He had a Wolborg MS lying in his closet. Apparently he didn't know the awesomeness that is Wolborg MS. I still manage to beat his carp though. DARK EFFIGY FTW!!!1111

His little brother thought he could win easily with an uncustomised Dragoon V2.

But lets not forget about the good old compact blades. I managed to scrape together a 10bBistoolthe other week.

In other words, I aint doin too bad. It's just my mother dearest thinks it's a nasty little kiddies hobby that I haven't managed to kick yet.

RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - Seldia - Apr. 27, 2008

A big problem with the world is that people like us end up being afraid to show that we like beyblades, almost purely from the animé causing kids (guilty of doing it Tongue_out) to yell at their beyblades and imagine giant beasts roaring out of them and attacking each other. Beyblades in themselves are great but it's the concept that takes it further than a game that makes people dislike them.

I'm 16 and I've re-discovered Beyblades recently, I was and I still am a devout Kai fan and I love the competition, the feeling and the general experience of it, giant, glowing creatures or not. Just cuz I'm twice the age on the label it doesn't mean I'm not allowed to like them but it's hard to get other people to understand that XD My parents don't know and whenever I'm watching beyblade episodes online I have to quickly alt-tab lol. My advice to anyone that's being bullied or made fun of for liking it is simply ignore it, take it from someone that was helped by it- After time it makes you a better and stronger person as long as it doesn't go too far Tongue_out

N.B. Sorry for the essay xD

RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - Minion - Apr. 27, 2008

AnnieDuck Wrote:i still sleep with a teddy bear

his name is grandpa bear, and is pink

is that what you meant?

Thats like two of my bears combined into one. I have a pink one (Eddy Teddy) and a big brown one named Grandpa Eddy. (All of my bears are named Eddy :lol: )

RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - Ryuuga BB Ruler - Apr. 27, 2008

Well I like BeyBlades and I also have a speech problem and a lazy eye and I get nerves and roll my neck( Don't ask) and that why people make fun of me, they called me a fag, gay,retard and other carp. I am fine with little group of people but when I in a place with thousand of people then I Get Nerves. They Also called me a beast and a mental person because I freakling ggrab someone by the throat and punch him( Don't ban me for this Brad)

see people don't understand we people like anime and play these game, they hate them but we like them. They Called us a retard but look at the people that making fun of you.

RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - Seldia - Apr. 28, 2008

Beyblading is great because you don't need anything special to practice, play or even just have fun Tongue_out Sports require alot more while beyblading can be as simple or as complicated as you like. Personally I think football is a stupid game (soccer, I'm british Tongue_out) but because the majority think it's the best thing since sliced bread (Although I don't know which came first: soccer or sliced bread Tongue_out). I know Im sounding like a total beyblade nut but it's true, as hobbies go it's a pretty harmless one.

RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - Nic - Apr. 28, 2008

Seldia Wrote:Personally I think football is a stupid game (soccer, I'm british Tongue_out)

Thank goodness.

RE: ever made fun of for liking beyblade? - FFX - Apr. 28, 2008

I miss Pcyborg.. =(((.

Also of course, I got made fun of. I bought this Driger that was Pink. That didn't help.