World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Thoughts and concerns on Single Bey Format? - Printable Version

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RE: Thoughts and concerns on Single Bey Format? - BladerBeast - Jul. 04, 2021

I think that 3 on 3 is a bit more slick based then most of the other ones even just choose one bc you can’t really predict what there gonna use without predicting all 3 but I still think it’s one of the most fun formats and pick three choose won was also fun a bit less fun then 3 on 3 but imo the most skill based other then deck format

So I overall think 3 on 3 a bit more fun pick three choose one more competitive.

RE: Thoughts and concerns on Single Bey Format? - StayCool - Jul. 08, 2021

I’m gonna go on out on a limb here and bring something up that Shindog spoke about when this convo first started. WBBA format, 3G and 5G. Also with respect to having deck format in WBO events also.

I’ve been back and forth with P3C1 vs single Bey for a while for various reasons. After the concept of having new players involved in P3C1, it would be a big disadvantage for them from more skilled players. Still it’s hard on skill players trying their luck in single Bey format. Deck is overall great, less mind games than P3C1 but still fair enough for new players and of the vets of the game can definitely have fun with experimenting with new combos.

My thoughts involving WBBA though are the 3G rulings. In my understanding you just choose 3 combos or 5, order them and let the judge know. And you battle one by one until a victor is decided by accumulating whatever amount of points. This is FUN actually. My son and I do it often. It’s fair too. True you have no idea the order your opponent will position their Beys but it helps for new players and it’ll test the skills of experienced players. Changing modes on Xtend+ can literally change the outcome of a guaranteed losing match.

Another thing with 3G/5G is Bey direction. Shindog mentioned this too and it makes a lot of sense. We spend a lot of money on our Beys and some have incredible gimmicks. The fact that we can’t change spriggans rotation is a big loss in my opinion. With 3G or 5G it can open the doorway for those direction changes. It’s a really cool gimmick that would be great to utilize in a fair way.

Now I don’t think 3G/5G should overtake the entirety of WBO events but for the prefinals phase it would be fun and things will definitely move along quickly. Even incorporating the fact that if you have 2-3 draws with the same Beys you just move onto the next combo. In the finals it can be all deck 3v3 format for those who make it.

I plan to test this out at an four-gaming event in the future and hopefully it works out. I think it could be great to have at WBO events as well.

RE: Thoughts and concerns on Single Bey Format? - DeceasedCrab - Jul. 14, 2021

Alright. I gave it some thought. I wrote out more thorough rules. But here's the simple version. if they allow me to, I'll run this in August.

Simple rules explanation:

* Each Blader assembles 3 Beyblades with no repeating parts in secret. A deck box will be provided at each stadium, with spots numbered 1 through 3. Each blader uses the deck box to determine the play order of their 3 beys.
* Bladers reveal their beys and their order.
* The match then begins using the first bey from each Blader's deck box. Once a point is scored by one of those beys or a launch ends in a tie, the next beys in each Bladers' lineup will be used.
* If all 3 beys of the Bladers are used in a match, and neither Blader has yet scored 3 or more points, then the Bladers will turn around and in secret take 30 seconds to (optionally) reorder their 3 beys in the deck box how they see fit. Bladers may make one non-disassembly mode change on each of their three beys at this time, but it is limited to one mode change per bey per match.
* Bladers then reveal the new order of their beys as well as announce any mode changes.
* Play resumes using the first bey in each Blader's roster, moving on to the second or third as necessary until one of the Bladers scores the points necessary to win the match.
* This process will repeat until one of the two Bladers has won the match.

RE: Thoughts and concerns on Single Bey Format? - Shindog - Jul. 14, 2021

How does everyone feel about different types of draws?
For example:
-double burst
-double KO
-Same spin stamina ties
-opposite spin LAD ties

What I mean is, would ppl prefer to move on to the next bey immediately after any type of draw?  Or would ppl rather play a couple three more times to see if they can break the tie?   Should different types of draws be treated differently?  (hopefully not)

RE: Thoughts and concerns on Single Bey Format? - DeceasedCrab - Jul. 14, 2021

(Jul. 14, 2021  5:16 AM)Shindog Wrote: How does everyone feel about different types of draws?
For example:
-double burst
-double KO
-Same spin stamina ties
-opposite spin LAD ties

What I mean is, would ppl prefer to move on to the next bey immediately after any type of draw?  Or would ppl rather play a couple three more times to see if they can break the tie?   Should different types of draws be treated differently?  (hopefully not)

The problem Burst Standard has right now is how common draws are. There's too many opposite spin LAD ties. It's repetitive and it's heinously difficult to judge and it gets boring.
I know at least some people want 3 ties before switching in 3v3. And... no. Just, no. The entire point of doing 3v3 is to keep the momentum going, and redoing a single bey matchup over and over if it's just going to keep tying is a waste of time. In single bey format, or in the pick 3 choose 1 formats, we have no choice, we have to keep repeating the same battle. In 3v3, we do have a choice. We can just move onto the next one. I could see potentially forcing players in P3C1 to choose one of their 2 remaining beys if there's 3 ties, but that's complicated if points have already been scored.

Double bursts are rare. I wouldn't treat them differently. Double KOs, that happens, it's uncommon. But I wouldn't treat them differently either. I'm not sure I've seen a same spin stamina tie ever, although I'm sure it can happen. In 3v3, I plan to treat all draws the same way: No points awarded, next bey combo or reorder if it's already on the third.

RE: Thoughts and concerns on Single Bey Format? - StayCool - Jul. 14, 2021

(Jul. 14, 2021  5:16 AM)Shindog Wrote: How does everyone feel about different types of draws?
For example:
-double burst
-double KO
-Same spin stamina ties
-opposite spin LAD ties

What I mean is, would ppl prefer to move on to the next bey immediately after any type of draw?  Or would ppl rather play a couple three more times to see if they can break the tie?   Should different types of draws be treated differently?  (hopefully not)

Double burst and double KO are fine in my opinion. They’re actually cool to see. I agree with DC regarding the stamina ties. Those matches are boring and stressful for the judge. I will say though that 3 draws should be allowed before switching. There are high chances of one of the Beys winning by a smidge of a turn which is what usually happens.

After takins a poll on IG, talking with the NC community and seeing the testing from recent event in Canada I’m gonna try to have an event merging aspects from Deck and 3G.

Deck is possibly the most fair for novice and experienced. Little to no luck and no intense mind games. I’m gonna try to run a full deck event soon, and allow one layer rotation change per match (stealing that from 3G).