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Marijuana - Printable Version

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Marijuana - Ryuki - May. 16, 2008

Who smokes it?
Should it be legal or illegal?

I'm quite in favor of legalization.
Medicinal uses..and well
Lets be honest, Personal use.

RE: Marijuana - djspida5 - May. 16, 2008


RE: Marijuana - Bey Brad - May. 16, 2008

I am rather sick of the almost theological faith teenagers have in marijuana.

RE: Marijuana - AnnieDuck - May. 16, 2008

i like how it's better for you than alcohol

RE: Marijuana - Sega - May. 16, 2008

Yeah it should be legalized only because when you're baked you don't do sh*t you would when you're drunk, well for me anyways im usually quiet most of the time, which is better than being loud and destructive.

RE: Marijuana - Guitar_Legend - May. 16, 2008

i dont want it legalized; i dont want my friends to do pot more then they already do.
i hate hanging out with any of my friends that are high, its a carp bore
i dont preach on them for doing it but i dont like it at all.

RE: Marijuana - Bey Brad - May. 16, 2008

Guitar_Legend Wrote:i dont want it legalized; i dont want my friends to do pot more then they already do.
i hate hanging out with any of my friends that are high, its a carp bore
i dont preach on them for doing it but i dont like it at all.


RE: Marijuana - knux - May. 16, 2008

Should definetly be legalized. Over here in the UK the laws are already kinda relaxed on it. If i was to get caught with it i'd just get it taken off of me and sent on my way. Obviously with a large amount i'd be arrested. I havent blazed in a while, and dont plan to again for a while because of the carp gangs and dealers have been putting into the weed. Crack being one of them. And household cleaning products to make the weed smell lemony.
So what they should do is allow people to grow it, and smoke their own but not allow it to be dealt. Afterall weed isnt dangerous like alcohol and ciggerettes. unless messed with from whoever dealt it.

RE: Marijuana - Ominous - May. 16, 2008

Guitar_Legend Wrote:i dont want it legalized; i dont want my friends to do pot more then they already do.
i hate hanging out with any of my friends that are high, its a carp bore
i dont preach on them for doing it but i dont like it at all.

Get better friends?

I've tried it once and decided it wasn't for me. I'm naturally high on life as it is.

RE: Marijuana - Minion - May. 16, 2008

I would like to see it legalized, if only so that potheads would shut the carp up about it. There is no other drug oriented culture that is so entirely obsessed with itself. Rarely does being stoned lead to anything productive beyond self exploration or a nice art piece. Social interaction while stoned is generally as follows "holy carp guys, I'm so stoned..." "yeah, me too.." "lets buy some more weed" "kay".

Not to mention that I think the high is god awful. Why people willingly submit themselves to feeling that way all the time is beyond my comprehension.

RE: Marijuana - Bey Brad - May. 16, 2008

Minion Wrote:I would like to see it legalized, if only so that potheads would shut the carp up about it. There is no other drug oriented culture that is so entirely obsessed with itself. Rarely does being stoned lead to anything productive beyond self exploration or a nice art piece. Social interaction while stoned is generally as follows "holy carp guys, I'm so stoned..." "yeah, me too.." "lets buy some more weed" "kay".

Not to mention that I think the high is god awful. Why people willingly submit themselves to feeling that way all the time is beyond my comprehension.

i have to say i am pleasantly surprised by this post

RE: Marijuana - Roan - May. 16, 2008

Guitar_Legend Wrote:i dont want it legalized; i dont want my friends to do pot more then they already do.
i hate hanging out with any of my friends that are high, its a carp bore
i dont preach on them for doing it but i dont like it at all.

Minion Wrote:I would like to see it legalized, if only so that potheads would shut the carp up about it. There is no other drug oriented culture that is so entirely obsessed with itself. Rarely does being stoned lead to anything productive beyond self exploration or a nice art piece. Social interaction while stoned is generally as follows "holy carp guys, I'm so stoned..." "yeah, me too.." "lets buy some more weed" "kay".

Not to mention that I think the high is god awful. Why people willingly submit themselves to feeling that way all the time is beyond my comprehension.

Pretty much explains my views on the subject.

To be entirely honest with you, I detest pot more than any other drug because of situations like this. So many people are willing to stand up for it and fight to legalize it when there is no real benefit to doing so, just as Minion said.

My family has more or less been destroyed by this drug and I've seen a lot of people put themselves in awful places because they are addicted to it (I realize Marijuana isn't an addictive drug, but you haven't met my aunt and uncle), and even though they are months behind on their rent and just got evicted, they still manage to find the cash to spend upwards of $200 per month on the carp.

My parents are almost as bad, but at least they make good on their bills and payments.

Ugh, I just hate it. I try my best not to get preachy with people about it as I generally consider myself a pretty open minded person, but sometimes I just can't help myself. Unhappy

RE: Marijuana - Train - May. 16, 2008

Alcohol in moderation is good for you. Particularly Red wine it helps prevent Alzheimer's and thins the blood. Marijuana can cause brain problems. I had a friend once who did a bit before a test. Forgot everything about the program and everything we studied.

Honestly Legalizing it would be great for those people who are so obsessed with it that it actually has become it's own culture. (I knew a few in both High school and college). I'm with Minion I just want them to shut up.

RE: Marijuana - AnnieDuck - May. 16, 2008

Red wine is about as close as I get to an actual illegal drug.

RE: Marijuana - SexyMichael - May. 16, 2008

I don't think legal casual drugs(tobacco, alcohol), are being controlled well enough, so legal marijuana could end up being a disaster.

I also don't see why tobacco and alcohol are legal and perfectly accepted, and the thought of weed makes most people go bat carp.

RE: Marijuana - sam's temp - May. 16, 2008

Bey Brad Wrote:I am rather sick of the almost theological faith teenagers have in marijuana.
Minion Wrote:I would like to see it legalized, if only so that potheads would shut the carp up about it. There is no other drug oriented culture that is so entirely obsessed with itself. Rarely does being stoned lead to anything productive beyond self exploration or a nice art piece. Social interaction while stoned is generally as follows "holy carp guys, I'm so stoned..." "yeah, me too.." "lets buy some more weed" "kay".

Not to mention that I think the high is god awful. Why people willingly submit themselves to feeling that way all the time is beyond my comprehension.

RE: Marijuana - bugturtles - May. 16, 2008

go to california

possession of less than 28.5g and you just get a 100$ fine


RE: Marijuana - Blue - May. 17, 2008

In Toronto, haha its pretty lax, right now its sorta a grey area and it should stay like that imo. legalizing would mean lot more dealing and smoking in plain site...
BUT I REALLY HATE CIGARETTES. I can not fathom how they are legal besides the tax revenue they generate..

Honestly weed is alright, but only amongst friends. Same thing with alcohol, I don't see the point of either otherwise.

RE: Marijuana - knux - May. 17, 2008

Not many people know that weed isnt legal in Holland either. Just tolerated by the law. Its only legal for coffeeshops to sell it and have it smoked on their property. they have to have it delivered to their shop behind closed doors because its illegal even for them to buy it off growers. Its illegal to smoke it on the street.

RE: Marijuana - rooneyt - May. 26, 2008

im against it

RE: Marijuana - Synesthesia - May. 26, 2008

How I feel about it:

Everyone who does pot usually defends it with their honor. My suggestion is that every major city have a pot/alcohol convention inside some secluded arena, and have several knife/dangerous-object booths to raise money. Everyone is allowed to smoke and drink to their hearts content inside the arena, but only inside the arena. Obvious lighters are free of charge, and allowed to everyone. If possible, drag racing courses should be set up in the back of the building, and a drag racing event should be held five hours after the initial event starts.

I say pot be legalized depending on the survival rates of these events after a few years.

RE: Marijuana - Maz - Jul. 02, 2008

If it was legal it would be harder for minors to get there hands on it.

RE: Marijuana - SexyMichael - Jul. 02, 2008

Smoking is legal and like, minors have zero trouble getting cigarettes.

RE: Marijuana - Maz - Jul. 02, 2008

Honestly when i was 17 i could get weed alot easier than cigarettes. Sure i could get cigarettes if i smoked them but i would have to either get a fake id or go out of my way to a store that doesent ID

For weed all i had to do is call one of a substantial amount of people who would then drive to where ever i was at the time and sell it to me.

RE: Marijuana - Bey Brad - Jul. 02, 2008

Maz Wrote:If it was legal it would be harder for minors to get there hands on it.

finally, once we get marijuana out of the hands of our children they will finally be free of their last immoral vice