World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
howdy hi hi - Printable Version

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howdy hi hi - Saranix - Jan. 24, 2010

hello everyone, hows it going!?!?!?!?

ok, dramatic entrance over with. my name is saranix. ok its not, but i wish it were lol. anywayssss, im 18 years of age and love beyblade. i remember watching it when i was like 12 or something and was hooked forever. I love to write and too draw and am currently writing my first novel (WOOT lol).

I'm really excited about joining this site. when beyblade was at its high no one in my area liked it much and so i never really had that many people to play against. as such i cant wait to 'let it rip' with some of you guys, its gonna be sooooo epicly good and great and awesome and stuff lol. i got a metric *insert you know what word here* ton of beyblades and really wanna get some action in with them. cant wait to get involved with the community more, but can anyone tell me more about it? what the history of this place? what kinda things should i do or do not, you know stuff like that.

anyways, thats about when it comes to my info (or is it? dun dun duuuuuuuuun lol prepare for darkness XD), can't wiat to meet you guys. also, if anyone lives in *united kingdom, essex, loughton* and wants to blade, let me know lol

RE: howdy hi hi - Raykon - Jan. 24, 2010

Welcome to the WBO! As for what you should or shouldn't do on the site, read the rules( and that will explain things on what you should and shouldn't do. There are a lot of people that Beyblade in the UK so there might be some in your area.

RE: howdy hi hi - bey tempest - Jan. 24, 2010

hi welcome , it seems you liiiike to streeeeech words lol.

RE: howdy hi hi - Kei - Jan. 25, 2010

Welcome to the WBO. Smile

RE: howdy hi hi - Storm Dragoon - Jan. 25, 2010

Hi nice to meet you

RE: howdy hi hi - Omega - Jan. 25, 2010

Hey, Welcome to the WBO Joyful_3

RE: howdy hi hi - Nuno - Jan. 25, 2010

Welcome! Grin

RE: howdy hi hi - Ashari - Jan. 25, 2010

welcome to wbo Grin

RE: howdy hi hi - Rawr? - Jan. 29, 2010

Welcome to wbo nice to have you.

RE: howdy hi hi - Resistance - Jan. 29, 2010

Hey, Welcome to WBO!

RE: howdy hi hi - Dirge - Jan. 29, 2010

welcome Grin