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Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - Printable Version

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Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - Admiral W - Apr. 11, 2017

There have been some awesome beys in the burst saga so far. I thought coming up with some characters and beys would be cool.

My character: Eldric Wilson

Bey: Nova Phoenix. (Balance Type)
The Energy layer shows the face of a Phoenix with two wings on the edge of the layer both going in a different direction, the whole layer is a red and orange color all with a fire look. The head of the Phoenix is fitted with armor

Special Move: Armored Nova

RE: Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - xXRYDEXx - Apr. 11, 2017

Human:Rydno Amberley

Bey: Spring Storm

Spring storm is an attack type with the energy layer showing a yellow bee in a storm
The outer rim is plated with spikes and the decal is a yellow storm cloud shooting lightening

Special Move: Sun Storm

RE: Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - lost blader - May. 12, 2017

I don't have a character yet
Bey:Shadow Striker
Shadow striker is a balance type that can absorb other beys power and his incarnation would be a ninja his special move would be shadow strikes where he moves super fast and strikes the opponent super fast
His top would be ninja star right with two swords and his logo would be a S with a ninja star background

RE: Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - StormSpryzenS2 - May. 15, 2017

10 words: Amy Mac. Powered by M&C. Top is bowl of M&C

Human is Beez Cheese ( XD all I can think of right now is Mac and Cheese

Special move is burst bomb. It bursts and comes back together again repeatedly.

RE: Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - Suzaku-X - Jun. 11, 2017

I have my own characters, actually.
Name: Arashi Shimizu, Beyblade: gale Susanoo 3Spiker Typhoon.
He's generally comic relief, but is entirely serious in battle.

Marian White, divine Tsukiyomi 0 Saucer
She's generally shy, and tends to be smart at Beybkade engeneering.

Takeshi Kindachi, roaring Thor 5Thorn Change
He's aloof and silent, and is Arashi's rival.

RE: Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - Blader ZK7 - Jun. 26, 2017

(Apr. 11, 2017  3:59 AM)Admiral W Wrote: There have been some awesome beys in the burst saga so far. I thought coming up with some characters and beys would be SUPER cool.

My character: Eldric Wilson

Bey: Nova Phoenix. (Balance Type)
The Energy layer shows the face of a Phoenix with two wings on the edge of the layer both going in a different direction, the whole layer is a red and orange color all with a fire look. The head of the Phoenix is fitted with armor

Special Move: Armored Nova

Is it the same Phoenix from MFB? That would be awesome

Akihito Hagane

Son of the legendary Gingka Hagane, Akihito is determined to follow in his father's footsteps when his father gives him his old Pegasus beyblade, which had turned into Supernova Pegasus, which is a Burst bey. Akihito is 12, and has a personality similar to his father's when he was his age. He is a great blader, because his father taught him well.

RE: Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - Lego bey god - Jun. 26, 2017

Jayden rinno- this little guy is short but strong just like valt but is still learning the basics of blading

Layer: Christ Virgo-has 4 metal balls that shift its balance

Disk: 5

Driver: ball-has a bearing that gives the bey more stamina

Type: balence
Spin: right

RE: Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - Blader ZK7 - Jun. 26, 2017

My other character: Daiki Hansuke

Daiki Hansuke is a 13 year old who is very mature for his age. He is friendly to people he doesn't know, but doesn't trust many people. His bey is Iceberg Libra, which was frozen for about 4 years. It evolved into it's current form immediately after leaving the snowy climate where it was frozen. (This is the same Libra (as in Flame Libra) from MFB. It's past user (whom you may know) had it stolen by the mysterious Ice King .) Libra's previous user serves as a mentor to him. Libra's previous user had gotten a new bey that he found embedded in the ground directly in front if him, which had apparently fallen through the roof.

Energy Layer: Iceberg Libra

Iceberg Libra looks kinda like the design on the original Libra. It has slippery slopes for some of the contact points, and has a small coat of rubber on one of the contact points. It has very good teeth, and it's like in the top 10 for Burst resistance.

Forge disc:8

This came on Drain Fafnir.

Disc Frame:Vortex

Came on gV

Came on R2

Type: Stamina

God Layer System

Right Spin

(Jun. 26, 2017  12:45 PM)Blader ZK7 Wrote:
(Apr. 11, 2017  3:59 AM)Admiral W Wrote: There have been some awesome beys in the burst saga so far. I thought coming up with some characters and beys would be SUPER cool.

My character: Eldric Wilson

Bey: Nova Phoenix. (Balance Type)
The Energy layer shows the face of a Phoenix with two wings on the edge of the layer both going in a different direction, the whole layer is a red and orange color all with a fire look. The head of the Phoenix is fitted with armor

Special Move: Armored Nova

Is it the same Phoenix from MFB? That would be awesome

Akihito Hagane

Son of the legendary Gingka Hagane, Akihito is determined to follow in his father's footsteps when his father gives him his old Pegasus beyblade, which had turned into Supernova Pegasus, which is a Burst bey. Akihito is 12, and has a personality similar to his father's when he was his age. He is a great blader, because his father taught him well.

Supernova Pegasus 

Layer: Supernova Pegasus 

This thing is a absolute tank. Along with decent teeth (on a scale of one to ten, the teeth are 6), It has great contact points and even has some metal contact points. 

Disc frame: Glaive

Forge disc:6


God Layer System 

Right spin

RE: Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - Valt oye - Jun. 27, 2017

Bey: Legend God bey victory valkryie

Name: Yugi Yami

RE: Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - BeyBladeGaming - Jul. 10, 2017

Name: Ace Kurenai
He is an infamous highschool student that want to find his sister

Beyblade: Seer S2.6G.Bd

Layer: Scorching Seer
-The layer has flames and edges. And has blindfold design in two sides that symbolize the justice.

Forge Disk: 6
Frame: Grand
A frame with spikes and flame designs on it

Driver: Bd- Bearing Defense
A free spinning defense driver

Type: Balance

Special Move: Enlightenment Justice

RE: Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - Deathscyther04 - Jul. 24, 2017

Name:  Eiji Oshikawa
He's a blader who is not very social and usually trains outside during the evening when he can focus the best, he is Japan team's lead blader.

Beyblade: Eion Orion 10Spyre Shield.

Type: Stamina

Energy Layer: Eion Orion. Has a similar shape to Phantom Orion's stamina mode. Has a very good OWD with two medium sized contact points, its god ability is that the contact points equalize spin whe it's close to losing stamina.

Forge Disk: 10, has ten large circles on the outside for good stamina and weight distribution.

Frame: Spyre, it has 6 blades, 3 on each side, with rounded points on the ends for stability.

Performance tip: Shield, it has a circular free spinning shield piece and a bearing tip shaped like wide version of survive but is made out of POM at the base and rubber on the outer end of the tip.

Attacks: Baragon Launch, Celestial Launch, and Banard's Loop Launch.

RE: Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - Red Eye - Jul. 25, 2017

Name: Jasper
He is a member of the New York bulls he moved to Japan and joined team Japan he battled shadow orclicam and bursts it but shadow lost on purpose so he could drain the power of jasper and his beyblade turning them to stone next valt finds out that showdow evolved in to twin nemesis the most powerful beyblade in existence.

(Jul. 25, 2017  1:11 AM)Red Eye Wrote: Name: Jasper
He is a member of the New York bulls he moved to Japan and joined team Japan he battled shadow orclicam and bursts it but shadow lost on purpose so he could drain the power of jasper and his beyblade turning them to stone next valt finds out that showdow evolved in to twin nemesis the most powerful beyblade in existence
Beyblade: Blast Genius 

RE: Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - MWF - Jul. 25, 2017

Name: Marcus Maganda 
Age: 15
Personality: Generally laid back and care free but can turn on a dime and become serious and competitive in battle.
Beyblade: charge Hyperion Or. Mu
Layer: charge Hyperion. A four tooth balance type layer that looks like a set of two Roman shields. The shields retract at the beginning of the match giving a high recoil contact points but the shields extend to the full length after the third click and creates a defensive wall to resist bursting. The first three teeth are average but the last tooth is tall. The god chip is Black with a Dark Red ℌ to distinguish from the horosood line.
Disk: orbit. this disk has a metal outer ring with a plastic center core. for balance it is about the weight of polish
Driver: multi. This driver can be set to be a defence, accel, or survive before battle.
Special launch, sweeping launch: the beyblade is launched with great force by swinging the launcher forward instead of pulling the ripcord and does different things dependent on which mode multi is in.
Special moves:
   Defence hold: when multi is set to s it takes the center and will take attacks until the enemy bursts
   Partition slash: the beyblade goes to the edge of the stadium and swoops down to the center in a strong attack when multi is set to a
   Gladiator: when multi is set to d it tightly circles the center and when a beyblade goes for the center it tightens the circle and traps the beyblade thrashing it around.

Over all cℌ.0w.Mu is a moderately heavy beyblade that goes from highly aggressive to defensive mid battle.

RE: Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - Ion_Discharge - Aug. 02, 2017

Character: Silas S.
Bio: Wields a balance-type beyblade called Sigma Sorion 12G.Sn
Layer: Sigma Sorion | Covered in runic symbols, this layer's God Ability is that the layer can loosen itself off balance and attack from many different angles, pretty much getting to attack a lot. It wields four attack points, but  they look like snake fangs (divided like Deathscyther)
Forge Disk: 12. This is a VERY defensive disk, it has 12 "shields" on it's sides. They're small rubber rollers, with space in between.
Driver: Supernova | Can change modes to a preset before battle, modes are mainly aggressive, but one is just defensive.
SPECIAL LAUNCHES: Quantum Cut - The beyblade goes to strike the center, but misses. It goes to the outer edge, and it starts speeding up. It hits off of part of a wall, and then retaliates by hitting the opponent with obscene power. | Nova Shield - Goes straight to the center, as if it's Wakiya's Shield Launch, and then it starts spinning in a little circle. This circle spins insanely fast, keeping any beyblade who attempts to take the center out. |
True Quantum Cut: This move is a bit more advanced than Quantum Cut. It does the same procedure, but after going to attack, it repeats, but without missing the center. | True Nova Shield: This move goes again, with the same procedure as it's original counterpart, but the beyblade does a bit of Quantum Cut first, getting it more speed. | Rush Destroyer: It's Wakiya's Shield Crash but with Quantum Cut before it, allowing for agility.
BACKSTORY: Silas was 2 when Beyblade was introduced. He watched the nationals for the first time when he was 5. He was immersed in it, it's all he would watch. He'd dream of being a member of the Supreme Four. He eventually got invited, when he was 11, to go to the District Tournament. He won. He went to Nationals. He wasn't aware that Lui would beat him. He got to the finals, defeating all of his opponents, same as Lui. They fought intensely at the finals. He was burst twice, so he was sort of mad, but glad that he saw Lui's moves. He trained every day for half a year, and he eventually learned about Valt and the Beigoma team, entering Nationals. He won his District Tournament again. He wasn't sure about going to Nationals this time, because he didn't see Lui there. He moved to where Lui lived. He was never heard from again, he was a recluse.

Sorry for the long post XD

RE: Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - Ion_Discharge - Aug. 02, 2017

But the reason for the long post was that Silas is a very interesting and detailed original character.

._. just realized something

Rollers and a Frame? Really?
(no frame, actually.)

RE: Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - MWF - Aug. 02, 2017

Name: Lily Maganda 
Age: 15
Personality: she is a supportive friend with a strong moral compass.

Beyblade: Just Themis.2C.Be
Layer: Just Themis (jȶ) is named after the goddes of  justice has four defensive walls to depict two scales. It's gimmick is that the scales are made of metal giving reasonable weight. It has only three semi tall teeth. The Gray god Chip has a black ȶ to differentiate from trident.
Core: 2
Frame: cross
Driver: bearing. This driver is a metal bearing on a POM base reminiscent to the B:D
Special launch, Counter launch: the beyblade is launched at an angle causing it to roll on the bearing.
Special move: counter strike: the beyblade utilizes the knockback to roll back and unleash a barrage of counter attacks.

Over all jȶ.2C.Be is a heavy balance type specializing in taking attacks and countering.

A fact I forgot about on both of them. They are twins. That is why both beys have the Greco/Roman theme to them.

Just to make sure everyone knows I am talking about the owners of cH.0W.Mu and jT.2C.Be

Fun fact! I have made the bearing driver by putting a bearing on the jaggy driver. How I described it's movements are actually mostly based of actual testing of the driver.

RE: Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - Ion_Discharge - Aug. 02, 2017

MWF. I have the perfect name for your newer one. Lilith. Or Lilly/Lily.

Again, MWF. I'll translate something for their last name.

MWF, last name for the two cousins: Maganda (Filipino for "beautiful")

RE: Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - MWF - Aug. 02, 2017

(Aug. 02, 2017  10:49 PM)Ion_Discharge Wrote: MWF. I have the perfect name for your newer one. Lilith. Or Lilly/Lily.

Again, MWF. I'll translate something for their last name.

MWF, last name for the two cousins: Maganda (Filipino for "beautiful")

Thanks! So so far from this I have Lily Maganda and let's say her twin brother's name is Marcus Maganda.

Lily and Marcus Maganda. It has a good ring to it. I am going to edit the bios now.

RE: Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - Ion_Discharge - Aug. 02, 2017

I'll go next for new characters, my new one being Adam S.
Adam: A very serious 16-yr-old, leader of an elite squadron of Bladers. They all train at a fortress in Siberia, being exposed to harshly cold temperatures in the process. His four backups, Silas, Rose, Emily, and Gavin, have all been at the academy he went to. Team in Nationals: Blades of Solitude.
Bey: aS.10G.Gr
Layer: Alpha Sentient - A layer that has a whopping 10 attack points. Each attack point is a medium size, and about two are metal. It looks like Beast Behemoth but with 10 attack points, filling in the gaps.
Disc: 10 - A disc with 10 indents, shaped like Gravity.
Frame: Granite - A sturdy Frame which would allow the Beyblade to take more hits.
Driver: Grasshopper (Offensive Mode) - The bearing is retracted. This is for an offensive mode, making the tip flat somehow. (Defensive Mode) - The bearing is out, making it act like Wyvern in that one episode of Burst (english) that Wakiya faced a random character. (it goes in small circles tho)
SPECIAL MOVES: Cold Crush - The beyblade spins otherworldly fast, and "crushes" a beyblade in the center. | True Cold Crush - The beyblade spins so fast it generates sound waves that crush the opponent. | North Push - A "compass" activates in the layer and magnetizes the opponent, disabling their stamina. | True North Push - Like Horusood Field, a field of attracting/pushing energy is created, but with magnetism. (North Push uses the god ability.)
A little info on Adam - He was invited to the Nationals by Silas, a friend of his who won the District Tournament. He made it to the finals, where Rideout was waiting. Lui was there. He faced Lui head-on. Lui broke his old bey (aS.0C.Oz (Alt Shard 0 Control Ozone)) with his Nightmare Shot. Adam fell to his knees and invited Silas, Rose, Emily, and Gavin to his house. They traveled to Siberia where they all found an academy willing to accept them. They were all powerful enough to fill the Top 5. They were a permanent team, no matter what. (Three of these people are based off of people I know/knew. One is based off of my favorite graphic novel series, Amulet.) (Know/Knew: Emily, Gavin, Adam) (Amulet Series: Silas) (Rose is based off of Steven Universe's Rose Quartz. I look forward to doing the other characters in the future, actually.)

(Aug. 02, 2017  11:03 PM)MWF Wrote:
(Aug. 02, 2017  10:49 PM)Ion_Discharge Wrote: MWF. I have the perfect name for your newer one. Lilith. Or Lilly/Lily.

Again, MWF. I'll translate something for their last name.

MWF, last name for the two cousins: Maganda (Filipino for "beautiful")

Thanks! So so far from this I have Lily Maganda and let's say her twin brother's name is Marcus Maganda.

Lily and Marcus Maganda. It has a good ring to it. I am going to edit the bios now.

Why, thank you! It makes me feel accomplished to know I have helped a fellow creator like myself. Or anyone, for that matter.

(I just get a good feeling when I help someone)

And I have a character for any RP called "Time Agent Silas." I'm not going to be explaining him as he's irrelevant to this topic. Just wanted to say that I had another "Silas" character.


RE: Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - MWF - Aug. 02, 2017

(Aug. 02, 2017  11:18 PM)Ion_Discharge Wrote: I'll go next for new characters, my new one being Adam S.
Adam: A very serious 16-yr-old, leader of an elite squadron of Bladers. They all train at a fortress in Siberia, being exposed to harshly cold temperatures in the process. His four backups, Silas, Rose, Emily, and Gavin, have all been at the academy he went to. Team in Nationals: Blades of Solitude.
Bey: aS.10G.Gr
Layer: Alpha Sentient - A layer that has a whopping 10 attack points. Each attack point is a medium size, and about two are metal. It looks like Beast Behemoth but with 10 attack points, filling in the gaps.
Disc: 10 - A disc with 10 indents, shaped like Gravity.
Frame: Granite - A sturdy Frame which would allow the Beyblade to take more hits.
Driver: Grasshopper (Offensive Mode) - The bearing is retracted. This is for an offensive mode, making the tip flat somehow. (Defensive Mode) - The bearing is out, making it act like Wyvern in that one episode of Burst (english) that Wakiya faced a random character. (it goes in small circles tho)
A little info on Adam - He was invited to the Nationals by Silas, a friend of his who won the District Tournament. He made it to the finals, where Rideout was waiting. Lui was there. He faced Lui head-on. Lui broke his old bey (aS.0C.Oz (Alt Shard 0 Control Ozone)) with his Nightmare Shot. Adam fell to his knees and invited Silas, Rose, Emily, and Gavin to his house. They traveled to Siberia where they all found an academy willing to accept them. They were all powerful enough to fill the Top 5. They were a permanent team, no matter what. (Three of these people are based off of people I know/knew. One is based off of my favorite graphic novel series, Amulet.) (Know/Knew: Emily, Gavin, Adam) (Amulet Series: Silas) (Rose is based off of Steven Universe's Rose Quartz. I look forward to doing the other characters in the future, actually.)

(Aug. 02, 2017  11:03 PM)MWF Wrote: Thanks! So so far from this I have Lily Maganda and let's say her twin brother's name is Marcus Maganda.

Lily and Marcus Maganda. It has a good ring to it. I am going to edit the bios now.

Why, thank you! It makes me feel accomplished to know I have helped a fellow creator like myself. Or anyone, for that matter.

(I just get a good feeling when I help someone)

If you ever need help with ideas for a beyblade for a character even if it is just you have problems with the name I can help.

RE: Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - Ion_Discharge - Aug. 02, 2017

I forgot his special moves and god ability, my bad.

RE: Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - Ion_Discharge - Aug. 08, 2017

Rose C.
A blader that appears weak at first glance but is hiding her true strength within. Wields cA.0V.Eg.
Core Artemis - It appears to have little contact points like lightning all around it. It's center design has the little hole in the middle looking like a tesla.
0 - It looks like Hasbro's S disk but with rollers.
Violet - It's a violet frame.
Energy - A hyperactive driver. It's the only way you could describe it.
God ability - Before battle, there's a tab on Energy. It will change from defensive to offensive.
Special moves: ??? (currently unknown.)

Gavin M.
A strong blader who knows a lot about Beyblade and it's physics. Wields bP.2O.Ts
Blast Poseidon - A layer shaped like Nepstrius (Hasbro) but it features Poseidon's trident on it's middle.
2 - A disk shaped like Upper. Creates downforce.
Ocean - Boosts 2's downforce, blue.
Tsunami - This is shaped like Flugel and Cyclone together. It creates more downforce than their individual counterparts.
God Ability - A middle piece of layer that spins around.
Special Moves - Torrent Launch (Rush Launch but it's a heavier volley of attacks)

Emily R.
A blader who isn't afraid to fight at full force. Wields kP.7F.Bl
key Pheonix - A layer similar to Ragnaruk's. Flames are at all attack points. (4 attack points.)
7 - Disk that appears to have seven flames.
Flame - Surrounds 7 and gives it a more detailed flame appearance.
Blast - An attack type driver that excels. It's god ability is like Betromoth's. (again, hasbro.)
Special Moves - Flamed Rush - ???

Full collection of team Frostveil, actually. Blades of Solitude sounds dumb as I realize it.

RE: Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - MWF - Aug. 08, 2017

(Aug. 08, 2017  12:37 PM)Ion_Discharge Wrote: Rose C.
A blader that appears weak at first glance but is hiding her true strength within. Wields cA.0V.Eg.
Core Artemis - It appears to have little contact points like lightning all around it. It's center design has the little hole in the middle looking like a tesla.
0 - It looks like Hasbro's S disk but with rollers.
Violet - It's a violet frame.
Energy - A hyperactive driver. It's the only way you could describe it.
God ability - Before battle, there's a tab on Energy. It will change from defensive to offensive.
Special moves: ??? (currently unknown.)

Gavin M.
A strong blader who knows a lot about Beyblade and it's physics. Wields bP.2O.Ts
Blast Poseidon - A layer shaped like Nepstrius (Hasbro) but it features Poseidon's trident on it's middle.
2 - A disk shaped like Upper. Creates downforce.
Ocean - Boosts 2's downforce, blue.
Tsunami - This is shaped like Flugel and Cyclone together. It creates more downforce than their individual counterparts.
God Ability - A middle piece of layer that spins around.
Special Moves - Torrent Launch (Rush Launch but it's a heavier volley of attacks)

Emily R.
A blader who isn't afraid to fight at full force. Wields kP.7F.Bl
key Pheonix -  A layer similar to Ragnaruk's. Flames are at all attack points. (4 attack points.)
7 - Disk that appears to have seven flames.
Flame - Surrounds 7 and gives it a more detailed flame appearance.
Blast - An attack type driver that excels. It's god ability is like Betromoth's. (again, hasbro.)
Special Moves - Flamed Rush - ???

Full collection of team Frostveil, actually. Blades of Solitude sounds dumb as I realize it.

I like the characters but is it ok if I suggest some alterations to the core Artemis?
Layer: cA. Core Artemis is a layer named after the Greek goddess of the hunt and depicts a bow with two arrows. The bow arms and arrows create a five blade high recoil layer. This layers gimmick is that the middle of the layer is made of metal to give a strong inner weight distribution making for faster spin speeds. This layer has three semi tall teeth.
Core disk: °. Degree is a core disk that allows for the frame connected to it to rotate.
Frame: Vi. Violet is a frame with a generally smooth surface made to reduce stamina loss if it contacts with the stadium.
Driver: En. Energy is a wide metal driver made for high speed attacks

overall cA.°Vi.En is a very strong attacker with reasonable stamina

I am sorry for changing things but I thought it would deserve a little more accuracy to what it is named after.

I am using ion's idea of creating a team.

Team name: Double Threat
Marcus Maganda with cH.0W.Mu
Lily Maganda with jT.2C.Be
Jay Cordaline with K2.H.Cy
Blake Cordaline with R.8V.X
Bio: this team consists of two pairs of twins who knew eachother for years. They started out as rivals in the doubles tournaments then desided to take on the championship together.

RE: Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - Ion_Discharge - Aug. 08, 2017

Good job. But an official team consists of five members, not four. Maybe a cousin of one of the pairs? Some sort of relative would work effectively here.

Oh, and it's fine. I just had envisionments for the "core" part of Core Artemis.

I might draw up the fight scene between Double Threat and Frostveil.

Oh, I was thinking of nationals from the official anime here in the US.

And, MWF - I have a question. What do Jay and Blake look like? I was thinking that Rose and Gavin fight them in a 2v2 simultaneous battle in the drawing.

Jay's special move: Tornado Lock?
It takes the center and suddenly increases in speed, somehow. It's Cyclone Driver will give it downforce, speeding it up tremendously. It also acts like Horusood Field.

Wow.. I made the same mistake twice.

RE: Make Your Own Beyblade Burst Character - MWF - Aug. 09, 2017

(Aug. 08, 2017  9:22 PM)Ion_Discharge Wrote: Good job. But an official team consists of five members, not four. Maybe a cousin of one of the pairs? Some sort of relative would work effectively here.

Oh, and it's fine. I just had envisionments for the "core" part of Core Artemis.

I might draw up the fight scene between Double Threat and Frostveil.

Oh, I was thinking of nationals from the official anime here in the US.

And, MWF - I have a question. What do Jay and Blake look like? I was thinking that Rose and Gavin fight them in a 2v2 simultaneous battle in the drawing.

Jay's special move: Tornado Lock?
It takes the center and suddenly increases in speed, somehow. It's Cyclone Driver will give it downforce, speeding it up tremendously. It also acts like Horusood Field.

Wow.. I made the same mistake twice.

Double threat has a fifth member John Cordaline, the older brother of jay and Blake, but he pulls a lui and never shows up.

Jays beyblade is K2.Heavy.Cycle though the Cordaline twins may be getting new beys.

John's bey for right now is J2.N.O

And for looks jay and Blake are identical twins with black hair and green eyes. They like to joke around and wear identical black jackets. Jay's hair is spiky Blake's hair isn't.

Fun fact the logo for double threat is the Gemini symbol.
Another fun fact, of all the members of double threat only John is a Gemini.