World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Beyblade Burst Tv Tropes Page - Printable Version

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Beyblade Burst Tv Tropes Page - MonoDragon - Feb. 13, 2017

Was really going back and forth between putting this in here, General or Wiki

But anyway, I feel like the Beyblade Burst page on Tv Tropes could do with some information expansion as it's pretty bare as it stands now:

RE: Beyblade Burst Tv Tropes Page - LOL-y Rancher - Feb. 26, 2018

@[MonoDragon] I know I came into this thread very late but are you open to suggestions for what could be added for Beyblade Burst's TV Tropes

RE: Beyblade Burst Tv Tropes Page - MonoDragon - Feb. 26, 2018

(Feb. 26, 2018  1:53 AM)LOL-y Rancher Wrote: @[MonoDragon] I know I came into this thread very late but are you open to suggestions for what could be added for Beyblade Burst's TV Tropes

Well I'm not a moderator for Tv Tropes so anything you think will fit I guess?

Though I noticed some of the details do need cleaning up (like calling Kries Satan's gimmick "rubber") and I feel like a lot of stuff is frivolous and can be cut out on the character sections

RE: Beyblade Burst Tv Tropes Page - Cat - Feb. 26, 2018

I'm sure Wakiya appreciates being "The Chick" and doesn't want to gank the writer of that page for it. Some of this is indeed reaching.

RE: Beyblade Burst Tv Tropes Page - Bastillon - Mar. 10, 2018

Okay... This page is a bit messed up. Wakiya being the Chick? Lui the Smart Guy? If anything, Rantaro or Daina should be the Chick/ Team Mom/ the Heart because they're the ones holding the club together, and Wakiya's constantly arguing with Rantaro in season 1, so I'd argue that Wakiya's the lancer instead. Shu shouldn't even be on the five man band list, and he should be swapped out for Kensuke. Moreover, characters can often have more than one trope assigned to them, so painting Lui as "Smart Guy" only doesn't really encompass what he is. Although the details of the anime are correct, the tropes themselves aren't that accurate. Yes, I know that Kensuke technically doesn't count since he left, but c'mon, Wakiya's the real lancer here. Shu is a bit too distant to even be called a lancer.

RE: Beyblade Burst Tv Tropes Page - LOL-y Rancher - Mar. 10, 2018

On the YMMV page, would Kensuke fit on the Ensemble Darkhorse page? I know he's one of the focus characters so he probably doesn't count but Kensuke does seem to be surprisingly popular despite not appearing nearly as much as the other main protagonists and was even demoted to an extra.

I'd also put Ghasem as The Woobie (maybe).

RE: Beyblade Burst Tv Tropes Page - MonoDragon - Apr. 12, 2018

Things I want to add:

* BoringInvincibleHero: Jig-jagged and Justified. While Valt has a excellent tournament record, he also tends to lose practice matches or matches where losing won't disqualify him. Furthermore, every major battle is shown as an obviously uphill climb for Valt, showing that behind each major victory is endless hours of practice.

* DamnYouMuscleMemory: When using Genesis Valtryek/God Valkyrie his strategy involved sending the Bey into the walls to make use of the [[RecoilBoost Spring Loaded Layer]]. However, when upgraded to Strike Valtryek/Strike God Valkyrie, that tactic became suicidal and thus he's shown struggling not to do so in practice.

* DidntThinkThisThrough: Because he enjoys Beyblade so much, he tended to rush into team matches without determining a proper order first to have fun and ended up putting himself at a heavy disadvantage. When he's losing he realizes too late that this loss will have actual consequences for the rest of the team. [[CharacterDevelopment He quickly learned his lesson]]

* DontThinkFeel: During incredibly difficult battles, Valt tends to enter "The Zone" and creates new and powerful techniques from instinct alone. It's performing those same techniques outside of The Zone that's the problem.

* HeroicSecondWind: The true ability of the Reboot Driver which increases the Bey's speed midway through battle, revitalizing its attacks even stronger than they were in the beginning of the match. However, it can only set up with a strong enough Launch. [[spoiler: The Ultimate Reboot Driver strengthens the effect]]

* MidSeasonUpgrade: Two over the course of Beyblade Burst Evolution/God.
** The first is the [[spoiler: Strike God Chip which [[MinMaxing disables the Spring Layer but dramatically increases the Bey's Attack Power]].]]
** The second is the [[spoiler: Ultimate Reboot Driver which increases the [[HeroicSecondWind speed boost]] of the original Reboot Driver]]

* MinMaxing: The addition of the [[spoiler: Strike God Chip disables the Spring Layer which cushioned impacts against the wall and opponent and allowed for [[RecoilBoost high speed rebounds]], thus reducing Valtryek's/Valkyrie's Burst resistance. In return however, [[GlassCannon normal Attacks with the Locked Layer become far stronger than what the Spring Layer could ever hope to achieve]].]]

* PowerIncontinence: Whenever Valtryek/Valkyrie improves in some way, Valt has to overcome a learning curve to control it
** First is when the Variable Driver becomes "awakened" and drastically speeds up. The Rush Launch/Shoot became sloppy and inconsistent and wasted power (though it was still powerful) before Valt was able to control it.
** Second is when Valt's Beyblade was upgraded to Genesis Valtryek/God Valkyrie as the Reboot Tip didn't work well with the angles the Variable Tip needed
** Third is when Valt discovered the true function of the Reboot Tip and had trouble with the timing and launch strength it needed
** Fourth is when the [[spoiler: Strike God Chip was first applied as the strategies used previously became inapplicable.]]
** Fifth is when the [[spoiler: Ultimate Reboot Tip was introduced as it was too fast and sent Strike Valtryek/Strike God Valkyrie flying into the walls which caused self-Bursts. Weaponized since the Layer without the Chip thrived off of wall collisions, allowing Valt to perform well in the tournament until he could control it properly with the Strike God Chip in place.]]
** Subverted with the upgrade to [[spoiler: Wining Valkyrie]] where he can control it just fine.

** SoLastSeason: Valt's Winged Launch/Jet Shoot allowed him to become a Front-Runner in the Japanese Nationals. On the World Stage? It's upgrade the Spring Winged Launch/Bound Jet Shoot is typically the bare minimum needed to make World Level Bladers flinch.

* WreckedWeapon: Twice:
** The first battle against Silas/Sisco badly damages the Victory Valtyrek/Valkyrie Layer
** Genesis Valtryek/God Valkyrie's Reboot Driver gets destroyed during Valt's first match with [[spoiler: Shu's Spriggan Requiem. Thankfully Zoro creates an upgraded replacement]]

*BrainwashedandCrazy: His experiences in [[spoiler: the Snake Pit's Requiem Project and his ever increasing obsession to win ends make making Shu actually believe he is Spryzen/Spriggan. He snaps out of it through the shock of losing to Valt in the finale.]]

* Determinator: Will never stop training to improve his skills as a Blader
** [[spoiler: Deconstructed when said determination drives him to take rather [[FaceHeelTurn dubious]] methods to grow stronger after being curb stomped by [[WorldsStrongestMan Free]].]]

** HarmfulHealing: Shu's strategy with [[spoiler: Spriggan Requiem in Left Spin Attack Mode is to ''give'' spin to the opponent. So much so that the opponent's Beyblade goes out of control and severely damages itself against the stadium walls until they become easy targets for a Requiem Slash]]

* MasterofAll: [[spoiler: What Spriggan Requiem was designed to be and does. The Bey is capable of Dual Rotation, has rubber on the Layer allowing it to drain spin from opposite spin opponents (read: anyone) and the Driver has three settings; Attack, Defense and Stamina and can perform the same feats as the previous Spriggan Beyblades.]]

* Signature Move:
** [[spoiler: Requiem Spin: Set Spriggan Requiem to Stamina Mode and opposite rotation to the opponent and drain away the opponent's spin]]
** [[spoiler: Requiem Zone: Set Spriggan Requiem to Defense Mode. Never seen in the anime but is shown in the video game.]]
** [[spoiler: Requiem Slash: Set Spriggan Requiem to Left Spin Attack and strike. Typically strong enough to break a part of the opponent's Beyblade.]]

* WreckedWeapon: Storm Spryzen/Spriggan's Layer breaks in two during his battle with Lui due to previous damage caused by the battle with Wakiya that Shu never had time to repair. [[spoiler: As Red Eye, he does this to many other Beyblades.]]

* NextTierPowerUp: Berserk Roktavor/Blaze Ragnaruk is a direct upgrade to Raging Roktavor/Rising Ragnaruk with very similar performance, giving Rantaro a shorter learning curve.
** Deconstructed. Due to how similar Berserk Roktavor/Blaze Ragnaruk is to its predecessor, there are few, in any, strategies Rantaro can use that he hasn't already explored with  Raging Roktavor/Rising Ragnaruk. As such, Rantaro theoretically has very little room for growth.

* MidSeasonUpgrade: Obtains (read: Steals) a Knuckle Grip with Weight Dampener attachment from Trad. When used properly, Rantaro's launch speed improves dramatically. However...
** PowerUpLetdown: The Grip is heavy and awkward and very easily makes Rantaro's mislaunch so badly he Bursts against a [[RedShirt generic blader]]

* OvershadowedbyAwesome: Rantaro is genuinely a strong blader as shown by his ability to casually curb stomp generic bladers and his close battle with Ukyo, a blader who was a Nationals Veteran, proving he is at least in the middle tier of the National Level. However, compared to the likes of the Supreme Four, he just can't compare.
**This is also shown in Beyblade Burst Evolution/God where he curb stomps every BC Sol hopeful in the qualifiers up until he faces Valt. Furthermore, the fact that the Snake Pit created a copy of his Beyblade and trained one of their members to copy Rantaro's technique to further their research proves that he's well above average. Just not enough to stand up to the upper echelons.

* TookALevelInBadass: Upon his rematch with the Snake Pit's Yellow Eye in the team championships, he easily defeats Yellow in a one round Burst.

* DemotedToExtra: While he returns in Beyblade Burst God/Evolution, he's never shown battling nor is it ever implied that he's playing on the World Stage, [[GameplayandStorySegregation despite the existence of the Switch-Strike/God System Guardian Kerbeus in the toy-line.]]

* BadassDecay: Wakiya doesn't fair well in Beyblade Burst God. His team Subnat United/Real Sunbat is eliminated from the running in the team championships early on and he's defeated by Valt and Rantaro while both were still inexperienced with their upgrades while he was fully familiar with his.

* NextTierPowerUp: Tempest Wyvron/Tornado Wyvern is a direct upgrade to Wild Wyvron/Wyvern with very similar performance, giving Wakiya a shorter learning curve.
** Deconstructed. Due to how similar Tempest Wyvron/Tornado Wyvern is to its predecessor, there are few, in any, strategies Wakiya can use that he hasn't already explored with Wild Wyvron/Wyvern. As such, Wakiya theoretically has very little room for growth.

* CripplingOverspecification: Xhaka's strategy boils down to "Attack. If the Attack is not strong enough, lose two clicks to attack harder" and Xcalius'/Xcalibur's design does not allow for any other strategies. Downplayed however as Xcalius'/Xcalibur's Attack power is so strong that trying to counter it is still incredibly difficult.

*MinMaxing: Xeno Xcalius/Xcalibur has incredible Attack Power but very poor Stamina in exchange. Surge Xcalius/Sieg Xcalibur takes this even further by reducing defenses to further increase Attack to the point where it cannot rebound off a wall and will instead gouge gashes into it while sustaining heavy damage. Weaponized by Xhaka who will send Surge Xcalius/Sieg Xcalibur into a wall to lose clicks and activate "Triple Impact" if the opponent prevents him from doing so normally.

*TookALevelInBadass: Goes from one of the top four bladers in Japan to fifth best in the whole world. [[spoiler: Goes further in the solo world championships where he defeats Ruwei (No.4) and Joshua (No. 3) above him.]]

* DemotedToExtra: Zac's only appearance in Beyblade Burst God is a cameo as a spectator in the finale, he's never shown battling nor is it ever implied that he's playing on the World Stage, [[GameplayandStorySegregation despite the existence of the Switch-Strike/God System Galaxy Zeus in the toy-line.]]

* AntiVillain: Lui is this at worst. He's an antagonistic Jerkass but he has as much of a right to win the tournaments as anyone else and never takes anything further past Beyblade matches.

* ALighterShadeOfBlack: Lui's battle against Red Eye has him as this since.

* CriticalStatusBuff: The closer Nightmare Longinus is to Bursting, the stronger its Metal Dragon Crush Attack becomes. At it's strongest, the technique is capable of [[spoiler: Bursting Drain Fafnir]]

* DefeatingTheUndefeatable: [[spoiler: Becomes the first to defeat [[TheJuggernaut Red Eye]] and later defeats [[WorldsStrongestMan Free]] in a practice battle (after many draws). Lui ends up on the receiving end during his rematches with both]]

* GracefulLoser: Downplayed. [[spoiler: When Lui lost to Free in the semifinals, he was certainly upset but didn't dispute the result and simply swore to beat him in the finals. Upon losing to Shu in the finals, Lui sees potential to grow stronger from this and simply laughs in anticipation]]

* SuddenDifficultySpike: Is this in the Big Five in Beyblade Burst Evolution/God. To wit:
** [[spoiler: Red Eye had curb stomped everyone who had faced him before, including fellow Big Five member Xhaka, but ends up curbed stomped by Lui]]
** [[spoiler: Valt had defeated Numbers 5 through 3 of the Big Five, used every attack in his arsenal and even brought back the Sprint Boost/Bakusou Shoot for their battle, but ends up curbed stomped by Lui]]
** [[spoiler: Silas/Sisco had curb stomped Numbers 5 through 3 of the Big Five, but ends up curb stomped by Lui]]
** [[spoiler: Xhaka had defeated Numbers 4 through 3 of the Big Five, but ends up curb stomped by Lui]]
** [[spoiler: Free had never had to get serious to curb stomp everyone who had faced him, Lui manages to defeat him due to that lack of seriousness]]
** [[spoiler: Shu curb stomped everyone who faced him with Spriggan Requiem, Lui becomes the first person to Burst Spriggan Requiem]]

* TookALevelInBadass: Goes from the top Blader in Japan to second best in the World and far surpasses those below him in rank. Those who have almost been able to defeat him before (Valt and Shu) find themselves curb stomped with ease now.

* Wrecked Weapon: Does this by accident to Storm Spryzen/Spriggan. [[spoiler: Nightmare Longinus is on the receiving end by Spriggan Requiem]]

* [[IAmNotLeftHanded I Am Not Right Handed]]: His first appearance had him launch right handed. His second appearance reveals that he is actually Left Handed and switches over to his dominant hand for the rest of the show.

* TookALevelInBadass: Silas/Sisco goes from being able to put up a fight against the Fifth best Blader in the world (Xhaka), to being able to just defeat the Third best (Joshua) to curb stomping the Fifth, Fourth and Third best by the end of the series. It's only his loses against [[SuddenDifficultySpike Lui]] and [[WorldsStrongestMan Free]] that prevents him from moving onto the finals.

* DefeatingTheUndefeatable: [[spoiler: Is on the receiving end against Lui in a practice match. Free returns the favor [[CurbStompBattle and then some]] in the championships semifinals.]]

* DullEyesOfUnhappiness: Due to his incredible strength, Free has yet to have a challenge for a long time, giving him these. [[spoiler: They disappear when up against opponents strong enough to challenge him]]

* TheGlovesComeOff: When he becomes completely serious, Free develops SuperStrength, TaintedVeins, VoiceOfTheLegion and SuperNaturalGoldEyes. [[spoiler: Rolls over into DeadlyUpgrade as his arm cannot handle repeated launches in this state.]]

* GracefulLoser: [[spoiler: He takes his loss against Lui well, but it's clear he's bitter about it and begins training seriously once again.]]

* LightningBruiser: [[spoiler: Once Free gets serious, Drain Fafnir spins so fast that its incredible defenses grow even stronger to the point where not even other Left Spin opponents can budge it and Fafnir's Nothing Break creates high speed movements and attacks faster than most Attack Types.]]

* LogicalWeakness: Drain Fafnir cannot Drain Spin against Beyblades that have free-spinning components in their Layers or against other Left Spin Beyblades. However, Free is very familiar with the former and knows how to bypass them and Drain Fafnir's rubber function identically to powerful points of attack against Left Spin opponents.

* NonGameplayElimination: [[spoiler: During his battle against Valt in the Finals, Free was leading with Valt struggling to keep up. However, Free's arm give out, forcing him to forfeit.]]

* SignatureMove:
** Drain Spin: Stealing spin form a faster, right rotation opponent.
** [[spoiler: Nothing Break: Use a full power launch which creates enough Downforce that Drain Fafnir's Nothing Driver is pushed down to the base, granting sudden high speed movements and powerful attacks.]]

* WillfullyWeak: Due to Free's incredible strength, he hold back heavily in most of his matches. He still wins anyway. [[spoiler: This lack of seriousness lets Lui defeat Free in a practice match.]]

* HeroicBSOD: Cuza begins to lose confidence in himself which affected his performance after being subjected to curb stomp after curb stomp in the Solo Championships, unable to gain even a single win under his name until his battle with Kurtz.

* MultiFormBalance: Alter Cognite/Chronos has two modes:
** Super Stamina Mode: By setting both the Layer and the Driver to their Stamina modes, Alter Cognite/Chronos gains Stamina equal to a full-fledged Stamina Type Beyblade.
** Super Attack Mode: By setting both the Layer and Driver to their Attack modes, Alter Cognite/Chronos gains Attack power equal to a full-fledged Attack Type Beyblade.

* OvershadowedByAwesome: Cuza is genuinely a powerful blader, his acceptance into the Solo Championships cements this. However, compared to the upper-echelons of the Beyblade world, Cuza struggles to keep up.

* HeroicBSOD: Losing twice in the Team Championships, even after trying to save face severely damaged his confidence. [[spoiler: He mostly returns to normal after taking a point off of Free.]]

* VillainForgotToLevelGrind: Joshua is genuinely strong, however it's clear he didn't get stronger before the Solo Championships as he is defeated by Xhaka (who was two ranks below him) and curb stomped by Silas/Sisco despite their first battle being neck and neck.

* AwesomeByAnalysis: He can accurately predict the path of the opponent's Beyblade by examining the launcher angle and the position of his opponent's eyes. No matter how complex the opponent's launch technique is.

* BadassDecay: By the time of the Solo Championships, many of the participants have grown stronger than him, leaving Ruwei unable to secure a single victory and ending up with the worst record of 0-5.

* CripplingOverspecification: Ruwei's entire strategy boils down to "Predict the opponent's path, then intersect and weaken. If a Burst or Knock-Out is not achieved, activate Shelter Defense and win by Spin Finish." If anything doesn't match his predictions (i.e. Genesis Valtyrek/God Valkyrie's ever increasing speed or Arc Balkesh/Bahamut Left Rotation) then his effectiveness will sharply drop.

* VillainForgotToLevelGrind: Being defeated by Xhaka who was ranked below him and Joshua (who also didn't develop in strength) confirms this.

* WeakButSkilled: Ruwei's battles tend to be very drawn out as he chips away at the opponent's Stamina until they're weak enough for him to Burst or Knock-Out.

*CriticalStatusBuff: Arc Balkesh's/Bahamut's Defense grows strongest when it's just about to Burst. Deconstructed in that if the opponent can break through that Defense, there is nothing else Boa can do and Arc Balkesh/Bahamut will Burst.

* OvershadowedByAwesome: Boa is genuinely a powerful Blader, his acceptance into the Solo Championships cements that. However, compared to the upper-echelons of the Beyblade world, Boa struggles to keep up.

* GoneHorriblyRight: [[spoiler: Subverted, Shu is growing incredibly strong as he planned and he doesn't care how much mayhem Shu's causing.]]

*KarmaHoudini: [[spoiler: The fact that he's the leader of the Snake Pit isn't brought up again after the Championships are finished and he suffers no consequences. Justified in that, despite how harsh the Snake Pit's training is, no one's life has been endangered, there was no "Take Over The World Plan" and by the looks of Boa, there is no mental trauma from his training regiment.]]

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: He's a former World Champion and the leader of an Underground Beyblade Ring and he more than lives up to both reputations. [[spoiler: After the TimeSkip in Beyblade Burst Super-Z, he faces off against Valt in finals of the World Championships, without a Super-Z upgrade]]

* BeefGate: The only people capable of defeating him are those who are already in the upper-echelons of the Beyblade World (Shu) or those who have the potential to reach that level (Valt). Everyone else is casually curb stomped, even high ranking Snake Pit member Norman.

* CripplingOverspecification: Subverted. He can and will use every method of Attack possible in battle from simple angled launches to rebounding off of walls to even a GoombaStomp

* CriticalStatusBuff: When Beat Kalzar/Kukulcan loses two clicks, its Attack power grows.

* GracefulLoser: He takes each of his loses very well. [[spoiler: The first against Shu has him laughing at the excitement of the challenge and swearing to meet again in the finals. The second against Cuza has him smile to himself and calmly accept it. The third against Valt is to admit he had a lot of fun and urge Valt to win the whole tournament so they can battle again.]]

* Jerkass: What does he do when Valt loses to him the first time? Try to stomp on Valtryek/Valkyrie's Layer. [[spoiler: He TookALevelInKindness during their rematch out of respect for Valt's development]]

* TheAce: He used to the Snake Pit's top Blader before [[spoiler: Shu]] came along. He more than proves it by curb stomping everyone he battles and it's telling that his only loses are against [[spoiler: Valt (with MidSeasonUpgrade), [[MasterOfAll Shu]] and [[BeefGate Kurtz]]

* LightningBruiser: His Twin Noctemis/Nemesis has high speed, powerful, rarely seen and difficult to defend against Upper Attack and Force Smash and enough Stamina to where dodging until the opponent is weakened is a perfectly viable strategy.

* OneSidedRivalry: He wants to face of against [[spoiler: Shu to prove who is the Snake Pit's strongest. Shu doesn't care]]

RE: Beyblade Burst Tv Tropes Page - MonoDragon - Apr. 20, 2018

* AnimeHair: His hair [[JustForPun bursts]] from its ponytail into upward spikes when he's completely serious.

* ContrastingSequelMainCharacter: Is this to Valt. To wit:
** Valt started as naive, didn't even know how to launch properly and had to grow bit by bit in his adventure -> Aiga is shown as a prodigy on his first try
** Valt had to slowly figure out how to get the most out of his Beyblade's parts -> Aiga immediately knows how to make full use of the Xtend Driver
** Valt is blue -> Aiga is red
** Valt uses an Attack Type -> Aiga uses a Balance Type

* IntsantExpert: On Aiga's first attempt at Beyblade he perfectly copies Valt's launch technique with no mishaps

* JackOfAllStats: Z Achilles is a Balance Type and is supposed to be this. However, Aiga uses it as if it were nothing but a pure Attack Type.

* SignatureMove:
** Z Shoot: A standard angled launch to attack an opponent in the center of the stadium
** Z Buster: With the Xtend Driver on its higher setting, Z Achilles attack the opponent from a downward angle to circumvent some abilities of the opponent

* TheAce: When first introduced in Super-Z, he's already the regional champion. [[spoiler: Downplayed however as Aiga and Ranjiro have been shown capable of pushing or even defeating him early in the season]]

* MightyGlacier: Emperor Forneus is a Defense Type with powerful CounterAttack abilities.

* SignatureMove:
** Emperor Guard: Take the center of the Stadium and withstand the opponent's attacks
** Emperor Drift: Make contact with the Yard Driver's base to suddenly accelerate into the opponent to Attack (Very much like Sisco's/Silas' Roller Drift and Cyclone Loop)

* TheStoic: Has yet to stop scowling in some form

* AncestralWeapon: Before upgrading it to Crash Ragnaruk, Rantaro gave Ranjiro his Rising Ragnaruk after the former obtained Berserk Roktavor/Blaze Ragnaruk.

* HardWorkHardlyWorks: Subverted hard. After two years, Ranjiro became capable of Bursting Generic Bladers with Rising Raganruk '''after Switch-Strike/God Layer System parts became common place'''. After obtaining Crash Ragnaruk, he was able to Burst [[TheAce Fubuki]]

* JackOfAllStats: Unlike most other [[StoneWall Stamina Types]] Crash Ragnaruk acts more like this as it has both excellent Stamina and powerful Attacks from its Reach Frame

* LuckilyMyShieldWillProtectMe: Screw Trident is reinforced with rubber allowing it to cushion impacts

* MythologyGag: He uses Valt's old Launch Technique (crouching down with the right foot in front)

* SignatureMove: Screw Counter where Screw Trident deflects the opponent's Attack and counter attacks them from behind

* StoneWall: Screw Trident is a Stamina Type that also has excellent Defense potential due to its rubber parts

* SoLastSeason/PowerUpLetdown: In Super-Z, Toko is the owner of the named Beyblade Screw Trident making his distinct from the [[RedShirt generic bladers]]. However, it's still a Switch-Strike/God Layer System Beyblade and thus can't stand up to a Super-Z Beyblade, [[CurbStompCushion though he still fared better than most against Aiga]]

RE: Beyblade Burst Tv Tropes Page - Strider Xanthos - May. 01, 2018

Did you already add the last batch of tropes or will you later?