World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier Outline (updated 6-11!) - Printable Version

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Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier Outline (updated 6-11!) - *Ginga* - Oct. 29, 2012

Zero G Developmental Top Tier Outline

I think that now we are starting to get more and more tournament results, an testing (but we need more of that), we need to start a tier list.

I must implore all of you to please be intelligent about what you post in here. If you are going to propose a brand new custom, you will have to provide actual test and/or tournament results to back your claim up. If there is something that isn't on the list that obviously should be (for example, it is clear E230 and Reviser Reviser should be added for defense) or there is something that you don't think should be on the list anymore, please still provide as much insight into your suggestions as possible.

Smash Attack

MSF/MSF-H Wyvang Wyvang W145/160 R2F/RF/XF
MSF/MSF-H Bahamdia Ifraid SA165 R2F/RF/XF

Zero-G Attack (Sway)

MSF/MSF-H Wyvang Wyvang E230/SA165/SP230 GCF/GF/CF
MSF/MSF-H Revizer Dragooon SA165 CF/GF/GCF


MSF-H Revizer Revizer E230 RS/RB

Sway Defense (Zero-G Defense anyone?)

MSF-H Revizer Revizer E230 BSF/MB/TB/RSF/RS


Duo Cancer/Cygnus/Aquario SA165 BWD/EWD
Duo Cancer/Cygnus/Aquario W145 EWD/BWD
Duo Cancer/Cygnus/Aquario SR200 TB
Duo Cancer/Cygnus/Aquario B:D
Genbull Genbull SR200TB/CS

Spin Stealers

MSF-H Killerken/Revizer Dragooon B:D
MSF-H Killerken/Revizer Dragooon SA165 BWD


MF-H Duo Cancer/Aquario/Cygnus F230 CF
MSF/MSF-H Genbull Genbull F230 CF
MSF/MSF-H Girago/Wyvang Dragooon F230 CF/GCF

RE: Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier List - Ultra - Oct. 29, 2012

Someone should test SA165 in terms of stamina in this stadium. Blitz did very well (I think first maybe) using Duo ____ SA165BWD. This could also been because of the BWD or it could have been a combination of the two. Also I really doubt that Diablo beats the actual Zero G attack type wheels. Also does sway attack even work? Some of the test results i've seen are very poor results. Stuff as bad as like 1 win out of 20. And those tests used Diablo.

RE: Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier List - Ultimo - Oct. 29, 2012

IMHO, I personally think the Zero-G meta could "evolve" a little bit more before we make an Actual Top-Tier list. There are both old and new parts to be tested. Someone might just end up making the next "Top-Tier" combo out of some old and yet random parts. I say to give it some time.

There are an infinite amount of possibilities. Why Rush ?

RE: Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier List - *Ginga* - Oct. 29, 2012

Ultra: I agree with the first part of your post, as for the second, not so much. Sway Attack is very important in the meta, as it makes the stadiums do what they are meant to do. People are afraid to use attack, haha.

Ultimo: I totally disagree. People are looking for a tier list, and they do not have one. Why not gradually update the list as testing is done?

RE: Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier List - Ultimo - Oct. 29, 2012

Its better if we truly know for sure whats "Top-Tier." Zero-G is a very complex and delicate metagame... you should wait just a bit before actually making a Top-Tier" list. Not everyone knows whats truly "Top-Tier" on your list...

I feel that much more testing needs to be conducted before any Zero-G "Top-Tier" list is made.

RE: Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier List - *Ginga* - Oct. 29, 2012

My point stands.

And if you are saying we need so much testing, why not help the people who are contributing and test on your own?

RE: Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier List - Ultra - Oct. 30, 2012

Your point no where near stands. We don't have enough info and one should only be created when we have the testing to make sense of things. You don't do it the way you've said because that's completely different from the way the MFB one is done. A Zero G one is a lot more unstable with the lack of testing on nearly everything. The MFB one clearly isn't this way and it only becomes out of date after months pass with new releases and large amount of testing. This one may change a lot when someone stumbles across the right thing. Which is bad. Do you really not think that a tier list would have been started by members more knowledgeable than you if it made sense (Ingulit obviously comes to mind mainly)?

RE: Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier List - Kei - Oct. 30, 2012

(Oct. 30, 2012  12:16 AM)Ultra Wrote: We don't have enough info and one should only be created when we have the testing to make sense of things. You don't do it the way you've said because that's completely different from the way the MFB one is done. A Zero G one is a lot more unstable with the lack of testing on nearly everything.

You do have a point, but considering how long ZERO-G has been out for, and how many tournaments have been hosted, it wouldn't hurt to start throwing (intelligent) ideas around now. It might encourage people to start doing more testing too if we can all get behind the idea of getting a preliminary list put together.

(Oct. 29, 2012  10:38 PM)Ultra Wrote: Someone should test SA165 in terms of stamina in this stadium. Blitz did very well (I think first maybe) using Duo ____ SA165BWD. This could also been because of the BWD or it could have been a combination of the two. Also I really doubt that Diablo beats the actual Zero G attack type wheels. Also does sway attack even work? Some of the test results i've seen are very poor results. Stuff as bad as like 1 win out of 20. And those tests used Diablo.

SA165 is an amazing Track in general. It has use for all three major types. In terms of Stamina, I do like it in ZERO-G Stadiums. However, I need to do some recorded testing to confirm if it works as well against things like B:D as it did against W145WD in BB-10.

Diablo wouldn't be my first choice in ZERO-G, that's for sure. Weight is more important than attack power in ZERO-G, I feel.

The key to effective Sway Attack is being in the same spin direction as your opponent. If the opposing Beyblade is in the opposite spin direction, it becomes much more difficult (hence my use of a Dragooon-based Attack custom to counter all of the Dragooon B:D combos running around at our most recent ZERO-G tournament here in Toronto), unless your opponent is using some light, non-Synchrom Beyblade which is thrown around easily by any type of movement. Of course, the Bottom your opponent is using can also hinder Sway Attack as well, but against B:D, which is basically the best overall part in ZERO-G right now, it can work well.

RE: Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier List - *Ginga* - Oct. 30, 2012

Thank Kei. Again, I meant at Ultra and Ultimo basically in your post. Smile

As for the second part, I yet again agree. While have yet to pick up SA165 and Dragooon, I will try to contribute as much as possible.

RE: Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier List - Raigeko13 - Oct. 30, 2012

Tell me, why is your Diablo combo the only Sway Attack combo up? There are a lot more, mainly any Synchrome with wheels that have an offensive design + RF/R2F/CF/GCF, ect.

EWD needs to be cut. The slightest shift in weight sends it into a spiral of imminent death, unless facing an opponent of the opposite spin direction.

RE: Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier List - ShinobuXD - Oct. 30, 2012

I think while a top tier list is good,it is not even close to being set up. I strongly disagree with Diablo and Flash being top tier in Zero-G. From my experience with Diablo,I have had horrible results. Variares may deserve a spot because it goes left and right, which helps a bunch in Zero-G. Also-RS for stamina?!?! Clearly,with Zero-G in the state it currently is in,there are no top tiers except maybe MSF-H Revizer Dragooon BGrin.

RE: Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier List - *Ginga* - Oct. 30, 2012

Because there have no serious mentions for Sway Atttack besides the Diablo Combo. But I see your point, do you have anything specific?

EDIT FOR SHINOBU: As for RS, you really have not seen my tests. I plan to have multiple setups with it, like Dragooon 2 ED145 RS.

RE: Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier List - Raigeko13 - Oct. 30, 2012

Ifraid, Phoenic, Dragooon, typical "attack" Chrome Wheels. Most Chrome Wheels are around the same weight, so the ones with more aggressive designs obviously have the advantage.

Maybe something like:
MSF/MSF-H Ifraid/Phoenic/Dragooon (Any Synchromed) 230/E230 CF/GCF

That's not a list by the way, just an outline, haha.

RE: Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier List - ShinobuXD - Oct. 30, 2012

Ginga,in your test against MLD BGrin it got one win. On Dragooon,it is probably just Dragooon doing all the work. I will be able to do official testing this week and compare against BGrin.

RE: Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier List - KainHighwind - Oct. 30, 2012

Hasn't Phoenic Ifraid E230CF/GCF placed a time or two? At least start with the winning combination thread before you look to combos that have just been tested by one person.

RE: Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier List - BillyBlast - Oct. 30, 2012

I know that RS has the ability to OS Synchrome Attack Types and some others, Saramanda Ifraid (i think) 230RS did well as a defense type even Earth with RS did good, I think RS is the safest option for defense in Zero-G which doesn't say much since more than likely left spin destroys RS

EDIT: NEVER MIND I thought he said RS for Defense was bad.

RE: Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier List - *Ginga* - Oct. 30, 2012

Billy, you saw this battle with ED145 RS, you know what happened.

I will remove RS for stamina for the time being.

OK, so the following combos have placed in Zero G tournaments.

That should be it!

Anything is open for discussion.

RE: Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier Outline - Nexus™ - Oct. 30, 2012

You should add Gryph Dragooon BGrin that has placed first and done well in my experience.

RE: Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier Outline - *Ginga* - Oct. 30, 2012

Again, it is the Dragooon and BGrin doing all the work.

RE: Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier Outline - Yami - Oct. 31, 2012

Duo____B:D should be up the Stamina list as a counter to Dragoon B:D but depending how hard the Duo user launching

RE: Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier Outline - BillyBlast - Oct. 31, 2012

I always thought they were about roughly equal and decided by "Lucky" events or the Mold of their BGrins Geester did counter Dragooon at the tournament but late in same match ups his Duo BGrin lost to Dragooon BGrin, I am all for Duo BGrin being up there though maybe Phantom too, since its a viable Stamina Tip and Track and Zero-G ATM?

PMed you about this:
(Oct. 30, 2012  12:54 PM)*Ginga* Wrote: Billy, you saw this battle with ED145 RS, you know what happened.

RE: Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier Outline - Yami - Oct. 31, 2012

But remember how Tech won against you. It was rather luck.

RE: Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier Outline - BillyBlast - Oct. 31, 2012

From September? If it was a Dragooon B:D vs < Then it is decided on Launch power. I don't remember if I fought Tech Dragoon B:D vs Duo B:D in August, but I know in September I lost to her 3-2 Dragoon ^2 B:D vs MF-L Duo Bull W145SWD then Beat her 3-2 with the exact same thing except EWD with my losses being 2 KOs from sway.

RE: Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier Outline - Yami - Oct. 31, 2012

Ah it wasnt B:D you were playing against Tech after all but SWD makes me wonder alot.

Ill put up SWD ZG thread up

RE: Zero G DEVELOPMENTAL Top Tier Outline - *Ginga* - Nov. 04, 2012

OK, anybody's thoughts on TB and SWD?
I personally have not (IMO) seen enough testing on TB, granted, I havn't enough testing anyway.