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Transformers: War/Fall of Cybertron - Printable Version

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Transformers: War/Fall of Cybertron - LeonTempest - Aug. 21, 2012

The sequel to War for Cybertron, called "Fall of Cybertron", which won awards at E3 2012, comes out today. I played the demo, and have pre-ordered the game, and I must say, I am rather impressed once again, just like I was with WFC. I will be picking up the game in a matter of moments. I am a bit surprised though, as the original release date was moved down a lot Not something we usually see with games. (i think the original date was september/october?)

Post all discussion, thoughts, questions, comments, (etc) for both game titles here.

RE: Transformers: War/Fall of Cybertron - Cookie Bouquets - Aug. 21, 2012

I honestly do not like the design of optimus prime, but, I'll pick it up anyways.

RE: Transformers: War/Fall of Cybertron - LeonTempest - Aug. 21, 2012

If you pre-ordered it you can get Optimus Prime Classic Armor. It can be best described as his Earth appearance, or what he looked like in the original cartoon show redone as CGI, which I agree, looks a lot better. However, even if you didn't pre-order the game, Gamestop tends to have a lot of those pre-order bonuses left over, so if you get a game within the week it is released, there are good chances you can still get it.

RE: Transformers: War/Fall of Cybertron - Cookie Bouquets - Aug. 21, 2012

Thanks man, Really appreciated.

RE: Transformers: War/Fall of Cybertron - LeonTempest - Aug. 22, 2012

So, I playyed the game. Here are my thoughts. Although, after I formulated my opinion, I looked at the IGN review, and they pretty much completely had the same overall opinion as me

The campaign has some ups and downs, but is overall an improvment from WFC. Levels are designed specificly around a certain character's special ability. From what I have played so far, the most evidentant of this improvment can be found in the level for Cliffjumper, the stealth mission. However, because of this, levels tend to be a bit more linear, but the levels themselves are more interesting and engaging than before. The narrative and plot are much more engaging this time around. The voice acting isnt terrible, but it does get a bit tiresomme when all you here is Nolan North doing some random, cheap, Autobot Soldier voice

The multiplayer is this games gold and glory. Gameplay has been improved since the demo multiplayer, the majority of the bugs, fixed, as well as greater game balancing. Your customization menu has also been tweaked so that you dont have access to armors you shouldnt...oh whats that you say? Never played the demo? Then you are in for a treat, The ability to make your own Transformer is abojt the sexiest aspect of this game. No female autobots though, so this game still has a majority male fanbase, but I encourage people of all genders, Transformers fans and gamers alike, to get this game, if not only just for the multiplayer. Furthermore, Dlc for character options was released on launch day. And it is relativly inexpensive too. 80 points a part, or 800 for all 5 character sets. The poppular Escalation mode is back, being on par with Firefight modes from Gears of War and Halo Reach while still being unique. Of course, the facr tnhat you are a transforming robot and not some Modern Warefare/Battlefield Soldier already adds a unique to gameplay.

Cybertron looks and sounds beautiful. The score isnt anything overly amazing, but it is good. Sound effects from weapons are pretty solid. And the world itself is very level diverse this time around, as well as just having a wonderful, realistic, metallic world feel to it. Everything is consistant within the style it is done in. Occasionaly, you will encounter a few odd graphic glitches, such as things being incredibly blurred. Other times, you wi will find certtain aspects of terrain that don't look as nice as the areas around it, but overall, Cybertron is incredibly beautiful in its death. In the early levels with Optimus Prime, the visuals are really put on display for you, with an environment that is literaly transforming right before your eyes. Character transformations are also really coool to watch, and even the transformations in multiplayer look good, not as good because of the customization feature understanably forced things to get a bit less specific, but still good.

Gameplay itself got some nice upgrades. The addition of the teletraan store was something I did not expect. The amount of upgrades you can make, and how you manange your money to get them, is a welcome addition. While the game is not a cover based TPS, walking behind a baricade and shootin em up feels natural and smooth. Additionaly, the simple yet elegant choice to swap your firing hand is very sweet. New enimies are fun to engage, like the snipers, the ones who see through cloaking, and these really scary looking big guys that charge at you and are almost unkillable unless you strategicly attack from behind.

Hopefuly, I didnt leave anything overly important out. Again, just check out the IGN review, like I said it is spot on.. 4.5/5 or a 8.5/10 really. Excellent game for any gamer or Transformers fan of any age

RE: Transformers: War/Fall of Cybertron - blitzydaunicorn - Aug. 22, 2012

Awesome sauce. I think I will pick up a copy as soon as possible. It seems my worries of unbalanced classes is no more. Is the demo gameplay different from the actual gameplay?

RE: Transformers: War/Fall of Cybertron - LeonTempest - Aug. 23, 2012

Gameplay for both is identical, but the full game obviously has the full customization options, less issues, and just overall better balancing.

In my review, I forgot to mention how the game, believe it or not, is changing. Something unique is that players can rate weaons, gear, upgrades, etc in the Teletraan 1 stores found in game and at the multiplayer menu. Players can change thier rating at anytime, and also see the average community rating while in the store. The game creators then, in turn, act upon the ratings to improve game balancing and the stuff you use in game. Now while it could have been a bit more in depth, but i feel ALL SHOOTERS SHOULD HAVE THIS FEATURE.

RE: Transformers: War/Fall of Cybertron - Ninjaman60 - Aug. 24, 2012

Idk if anyone noticed but Jazz BREAK DANCES when he transforms. What can be cooler than that ha ha.

RE: Transformers: War/Fall of Cybertron - Xander - Aug. 26, 2012

This game is an extreme improvement over an already decent game. I don't like how High Moon changed Megatron's and Optimus's appearance (especially since it doesn't match the character models in the Transformers Prime), when Bumblebee, Ratchet, and Arcee don't align at all with their television counterparts, but that's a minor continuity issue.

Now, the game itself was beautifully done. The levels in and around Cybertron looked amazing aesthetically, and the story is pretty good too. I both love and hate the new campaign. I love that it is more involved, and caters more towards the characters themselves, rather than the players having to just get from point A to point B. This adds to character depth, to the story itself, and is a major improvement over War for Cybertron. However, I hate how I have to stop playing every now and then to let someone else play. I know I can't have it both ways, but I want to play my game!

The multiplayer takes all that was good from the previous and runs it through and fine-toothed comb. The addition of the character creator is a strong point, as is the removal of all the bugs from the first.

All in all, I like the game. My only regret is that it's at my dad's house and I'm at my mom's for the next week, so I don't know all that is in the game, even my favorite part oF the last, escalation.

By the way, how far have you guys gotten in escalation?

RE: Transformers: War/Fall of Cybertron - LeonTempest - Aug. 26, 2012

I just saw the X-Play review, and with a 4.5/5 stars, the general consensus seems to be the same wherever I turn.

This game...I will be playing this alot...until Borderland 2 comes out...and then until Halo 4 comes out...hehehe

Does anybody understand what the deal with Shockwave is? Why does his name appear all the time on the bottom right hand corner of your screen? And why do the Autobots think he is an Autobot? He has always been a Decepticon...or am I not far enough in the campaign to understand???

RE: Transformers: War/Fall of Cybertron - xSTxPhoeniXx - Aug. 26, 2012

just wondered if anyone fancys a game or two on FOC for the xbox? My GT is well my name.

xSTxPhoeniXx if you fancy like adding me Smile would love to team up and chat to a few people

EDIT:- By the way i also think that the main menu tune is epic Grin

Havent played single player yet though my attention is all on multi

RE: Transformers: War/Fall of Cybertron - LeonTempest - Aug. 28, 2012

What is going on with Shockwave's name every time you is so weird...anyone know why that is happening?

RE: Transformers: War/Fall of Cybertron - Tamer Shinn - Aug. 30, 2012

Most seem to think the 'Shockwave' thing is a graphical glitch.

The only thing I dislike are the fans trying to link it to the Prime show. Being an avid fan of the series since i was young it's great to see all the G1 refrences. Wink

RE: Transformers: War/Fall of Cybertron - LeonTempest - Aug. 31, 2012

Prime is not a bad series at all. But Fall of Cybertron has nothing to do with it...I agree...Peter Cullen voiced Optimus in G1 1st you fools, so ha! G1 all the way XD

RE: Transformers: War/Fall of Cybertron - Tamer Shinn - Sep. 01, 2012

Having finally beaten..Have to say I don't see why soo many are disappointed with the ending. It was...almost perfect.

RE: Transformers: War/Fall of Cybertron - LeonTempest - Sep. 01, 2012

Almost. The last level needed to be longer, and more resolved. The fates of Bumblebee and Grimlock take a back seat, and disapear like they weren't even important. The final fight was not at all difficult, but interesting and cool to watch. The ending credits and special thanks were...bizzare to say the least, haha.

Will there be a 3rd game in the series I wonder???