World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - Printable Version

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A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - T. L-Drago 9207 - Apr. 15, 2012

Summary: (Rago-centric) When Nemesis was destroyed, Rago and Pluto were killed with it, but the Fates decided to resurrect Rago and give Nemesis back to him, on the condition that he is not to take over a new world that he will placed in. Rago agrees after being told that he wouldn't have to take any more orders from a certain descendant of King Hades.

Prologue: A Deal with the Fates

(Rago's POV)

I could not believe this, not even in a thousand years! I, Rago, along with my all-powerful Nemesis, as well as Lord Pluto, were soundly defeated by that pestilent Gingka Hagane! I felt massive, agonizing pain from that Special Move of his, as he and his Pegasus finished us off once and for all. All was going white, as I knew no more. After what felt like an eternity, I find myself in a pitch black void, no longer merged with the God of Destruction himself. Before I could do anything else, three lights appear before me. I demanded of them, "Who are you three, to appear before the Child of Nemesis?", before the lights revealed themselves to be three women in ornate togas. One woman is youthful, the second one is middle-aged, and the third one is elderly. These three women, are the Moirai, the Fates of ancient Greece. The youthful one is Clotho, the middle-aged one being Lachesis, and the elderly one must be Atropos. They introduced themselves to me, before telling me that they're offering to bring me back to life in a new world, on the condition that I do not try to take it over. "Also", added Atropos, "You will never have to follow any more orders from that coward, Pluto."

At that last statement, they have certainly got my attention. I never truly liked Pluto; He always hides behind me if there is something that can threaten him, and he is also a pathetic snob. I only respected him and followed his orders, for being descended from King Hades, and sending Doji to free me and the Nemesis Bladers from that musty cavern, for which I am grateful. "Oh, and I have almost forgotten", started Lachesis, "We'll also give you back your beloved Nemesis, but just remember; Do not try to conquer this new reality that we will place you in." At that, I smiled, before calling out to them, "Fates, you have yourselves a deal!". "Very well, Rago.", spoke the Fates all together, "We shall now send you to this new world.", before everything went white once again...

Chapter 1: A stranger in a new Beyblade world!

It has been a year since that fateful Beyblade battle between Tyson Granger and Brooklyn, resulting in the thwarting of the evil scheme of the former BioVolt accomplice Boris Balkov, who was since sentenced to life in prison, for his conspiracy to take over the world by corrupting the sport of Beyblade. BEGA is no more, with the return of the BBA, starting from the bottom as a Beyblade training school, before becoming the wholesome, international sanctioning body for Beyblade once more, with Mr. Dickenson acting as its head again. Of course, the training school run by the Grangers, is still there, teaching next-generation Bladers the skills they need to compete. Not only that, but the world ravaged by that battle has since recovered. Also, the Heavy Metal System, invented by Kenny A.K.A. Chief, has become a smash hit (no humorous pun intended), with many Bladers upgrading to it, though there are some that are still using Spin Gear System and Engine Gear Beyblades. One day at the training school, we see Tyson teaching a young Blader on how to properly use an HMS Dual Shooter, when the student suddenly noticed something strange appearing in the sky, plain as day. "Hey, look up there in the air!", he shouted, pointing to a purplish-black wormhole in the sky. Tyson, his grandpa Ryu, and some other students looked up to see the wormhole, as it crackled with hot-white bolts of energy. "Whoa...", started the champion Blader, "What the heck's gonna come out of this thing?".

Indeed something did come out of the wormhole, as it then crashed to where the park was. Tyson, along with Chief and Hilary Tachibana, went over there to investigate whatever had crashed in the park. When they got to the park, they found a huge, smoking crater. The park owner is also there, looking at the crater with awestruck eyes, before noticing something down there, or rather, someone. "Hey, there's someone down there! You get him out of this crater, and I'll call an ambulance!", said the park owner, as he ran off to call 911. The person in question is a young man clad in a purple cloth over a white shirt with gold trimmings on the collar and sleeves. He also wears gold collars on his wrists, in addition to a purple cloth restin and a pair of sandals like those worn in ancient Greece. He also has a pale complexion, and a large amount of black hair that comes down enough to reach his ankles. This individual, is Rago. Tyson remarks, "Wow, who's this guy?", as he then noticed the Bit Protector on his Dragoon MSUV glowing brightly, "What's wrong, Dragoon?". He then heard his Bit-Beast's voice reply in his mind, "Tyson, something is off about this unknown individual. He carries a dark power that seems to be on par with that of Brooklyn's Zeus; Be careful!"

He nods to his Beyblade, before jumping down into the crater to retrieve the prone body, with Hilary warning to him, "You better be careful down there!". As he got closer, he started feeling a fierce sensation, but Tyson wouldn't let it stop him. After thirty seconds, he reached the bottom of the crater, and puts the prone body on his shoulders, before proceeding to climb back up. He eventually climbed out of the crater with Rago's body in tow, just in time for the medics to arrive and pick him up. As Tyson helped Rago onto the stretcher, he noticed something falling out of his hand. A medic went to pick it up, but Tyson beats him to it, and insists, "I'll give that to him when he wakes up in the recovery room.", as the medic nods in understanding before going with the others to the hospital. Chief asks Tyson, "Hey, what was that thing that fell out of the newcomer's hand?", to which the world champion himself replied, "I don't know, Chief, it looks like some sorta Beyblade, and it looks wicked, too.", as he hands it to Chief for closer examination.

Indeed it was a Beyblade, a Heavy Metal System Beyblade with a design unlike anything ever seen before. The Bit Protector is a deep, purplish-black color, and its symbol resembles a devil in a purple background with glowing red eyes, jagged horns, and an evil, jack-o'-lantern-like smile. Below it reads "Nemesis" in white text. The blackish-colored ABS Caul of its Attack Ring is complex and circular, featuring two different designs for wings. One wing has jagged feathers, and is connected to a fierce, whiskered head. The other wing has feathers like those of a graceful swan, and is connected to a smoother, more beautiful-looking head. The metal frame of the Attack Ring has three intimidating wings, each one with sharp, jagged edges and a skull-like design. Attached to its Running Core, is a three-sided terror of a Weight Disk with about the same width as Dragoon MSUV's Circle Wide. There are three faces on the Weight Disk, each different than the last. One face is that of a mighty lion with paws on the sides and the outline of a mane. The second face resembles that of an fierce lynx, also with paws on the sides, but with sharper claws. The final face featured incredibly sharp teeth in a horrifying snarl, and a glare that could give others nightmare, even if it isn't inanimate. Surrounding the third face are four star-like objects. As for the Running Core itself, it is black with purple details on it. It also appears to have a tip-changing gimmick, too.

(Author's Note: This is how I would probably picture an HMS version of Nemesis.)

Chief remarks, "This Beyblade's design seems to have multiple motifs at once, especially in the Weight Disk. It's like a combination of Advance Striker, Samurai Changer, Shining God, and Bloody Devil, all at once, in more ways than one. Very interesting." Hilary also takes a look at the Beyblade, and replies, "Whatever this is, it's practically the stuff of your worst nightmares, I mean, that thing looks really scary!". Tyson retorts, "All the same, this Beyblade's nothing like all the others. But anyways, let's go to the hospital so I can give it back to its owner.", as he, Chief, and Hilary head out to the hospital.

Chapter End

Be sure to review and tell us what you think! Smile Also, constructive criticism is most appreciated!

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - Damaged - Apr. 16, 2012

i think you should go into less detail tell it the way tyson would

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - T. L-Drago 9207 - Apr. 16, 2012

How much less detail?

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - Damaged - Apr. 16, 2012

a tad, like when you describe nemesis dont compare it to so many beys

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - T. L-Drago 9207 - Apr. 16, 2012

Okay, I gotcha!

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - T. L-Drago 9207 - Apr. 16, 2012

Chapter 2 is in the works, so hang tight, and stay golden! Smile

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - T. L-Drago 9207 - Apr. 19, 2012

Say, if I have Zeo Zagart appear in a later chapter of this, think I should have his Cerberus upgraded to an HMS Beyblade?

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - T. L-Drago 9207 - Apr. 24, 2012

I'm almost done with Chapter 2, so don't fly into an impatient rage. Wink

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - T. L-Drago 9207 - Apr. 26, 2012

Chapter 2: In and Out of the Hospital.

(Rago POV)

I was asleep for what seemed to be an eternity, until I awakened in the recovery room of a hospital, to see three people smiling at me, two boys and one girl. One is wearing one of those caps like those one would see at a game of...what was it again? Baseball. He also has black hair not unlike mine, but much shorter and is spiky. The smile on his face is full of confidence, like a champion Blader. The second boy is shorter, and has dark brown hair the obscures his eyes, also having a pair of glasses in it. He is also holding one of those laptop computers with him. The girl is also a brunette like that other boy, and has the same height as the black-haired one. She also has a sort of bossiness to her, also having it in her eyes that she has a short temper, which gave me a thought: "I wonder what would happen if she is ever to meet Pluto?", as I then imagined a humorous scenario where Pluto acts snobbish as usual, and the girl flies into a rage at him, causing him to hide behind me like the coward he is. I chuckled to myself at it, as the boy in the cap then asked me, "So, how ya feeling?". I replied frankly, "Not bad, considering that I was resurrected and sent into your reality via wormhole.", before I was handed something by the boy in the cap, as he then said to me, "Here's your Beyblade, and I gotta admit, it looks really scary, too."

Could this be my Nemesis in its restored form? I would say yes, because I could sense that familiar dark energy flowing within it. As I looked over at my newly-reborn Beyblade of the Black Sun, I have noticed that it is now recreated in a parts system I've never seen before, but its design has taken cues from when it absorbed the energies of the Beys used by the Legendary Bladers, especially Gingka Hagane. This parts system that my Nemesis is reborn in, appears to be more or less similar to the Hybrid Wheel and 4D Systems. I turned my attention to the shorter boy, whom I figured to be the smart one, and asked him, "What parts system is this?". He replied, "That is the Heavy Metal System, HMS for short. HMS Beyblades can be launched in both left and right spin, and consist of four parts; The Bit Protector holds the parts together, the Attack Ring and Weight Disk attack and defend against the opposing Beyblade, and finally, the Running Core has the tip, determining the Blade's behavior in battle. Some Running Cores have a tip-changing gimmick, and believe me, your Blade's Running Core is one of them.", before he then gasps, as if realizing something, as he continued, "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself! Sorry about that. My name's Kenny, but my friends call me Chief. I'm also the one who invented the HMS Beyblades. The guy in the cap is Tyson, and the girl is Hilary.", before asking, "What's your name?", to which I simply replied, "Rago.", not bothering to add my title of the Child of Nemesis, until I could adjust well to this new world.

(Normal POV)

"Rago, huh?", asks Tyson, "Nice to meet ya!", before giving the Child of Nemesis a thumbs up, then shaking hands with him. Rago himself felt the positive energy from the gesture, something he's never truly used to, before returning it. Tyson then asked, "Didn't you say you were resurrected?", at which Rago nods, before Hilary then asks, "If so, then how exactly did you die?". The tenth Legendary Blader himself groaned, remembering that battle against Gingka Hagane for the very fate of the world he tried to conquer, before replying, "I would feel more comfortable telling you about it at a later time.", before the nurse walks in, then announcing that Rago will be able to leave the hospital tomorrow. The next day, we see Rago leaving the hospital with Tyson and Chief. The two decide to show Rago around town, and before they could, they notice something flying hard towards them. Tyson reacted quickly enough, and launched his Dragoon MSUV at it, stopping the offending object in its tracks. It was a tall, purple HMS Beyblade whose Running Core appears to have a mode-changing gimmick. The metal frame of its Attack Ring is round, and has slopes undoubtedly designed for Upper Attack. The Blade also has the 30mm Circle Heavy Weight Disk, too. This Beyblade, is Samurai Changer MS. "My bad! I'll pick that up!", a voice called out, as its owner went to pick up the Blade. The Blader in question, is a boy who is the same height as Kenny. He wears a black beanie in a way that obscures his left eye, as well as a maroon-colored sweat jacket, with a pair of khakis, too. The Blader also has a dark tan skin tone, too, along with short hair that is dyed blue. "Hey there, Kozou.", greets Kenny to the boy now identified as Kozou, as he replied, "What's up, Chief? Sorry about that, I thought I was aiming my launcher over the stadium, but this little incident happened."

Kozou then noticed Rago, before turning to Tyson and asking him, "Who's this guy, Tyson?", to which the three-time world champion replied, "Oh, him? That's Rago. We've just met him yesterday. He's from out of town, too.", before introducing Rago to Kozou. The latter was about to shake hands with the Child of Nemesis himself, when he felt the same kind of fierce sensation as Tyson did, and felt chills coming up his spine. "What the heck was that?! Hopefully, that didn't come from the new guy. If it did, then he's gotta be more or less powerful than that Brooklyn dude!", he thinks, as he shook hands with the Legendary Blader himself, before going off on his merry way. "Now, where were we?", started Tyson, "Oh yeah, me and Chief were about to show you around town.", as he Chief, and Rago went around town.

As time went on, Rago noticed that a lot of the Bladers in town seem to recognize Tyson, at which he became curious. "Tyson", started the Child of Nemesis, "You appear to be pretty popular in this town. May I ask why is that?", to which Chief replied with a smile, "Well, Tyson is the World Champion in Beyblade three years running, as well as being the #1 Blader in the world.", at which Rago thought, "I thought that kind of confident smile seemed familiar.". Tyson retorts to Chief, "Heh! Try telling that to Daichi!", at which a young, hyperactive voice ask out, "Hey, someone call my name?!", as its owner, Daichi Sumeragi, came into view of the three. The red-headed self-proclaimed #1 Blader then asks Chief and Tyson, "So anyways, you two, who's the new guy?", as the pale, long-haired leader of the Nemesis Bladers himself introduced himself with a wicked smile and his deep, mighty voice, "The name is Rago, short one, and this is my Beyblade, Nemesis.", holding up his beloved dark Beyblade for all to see. Even though Daichi should feel insulted by Rago calling him short, the former is more amazed by the sinister, highly-detailed designs of Nemesis.

"Whoa...!", Daichi thought, "That Nemesis looks a heck of a lot scarier than the ones with those nasty Dark Bit-Beasts! More evil, too!", as he then felt an ominous chill running up his spine...

Chapter End

Be sure to review, guys! Again, constructive criticism is most appreciated!

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - T. L-Drago 9207 - May. 08, 2012

I request some criticism, please. I don't want to have to moan and groan about a lack of reviews!

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - TakasuMouce - May. 09, 2012

I love it! Love the plot and description! Great job!

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - T. L-Drago 9207 - May. 10, 2012

@ Yukio: Why thank you! Sorry if Rago seems a bit OOC.

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - BillyBlast - May. 10, 2012

This looks as a amazing read to me. I love it so far but, I'm interested in how Rago won't attempt to conquor the world but keep his own personality?
Breaking beys and absorbing strength doesn't seem enough to me, I don't thinl Rago would be content with that, unless he breaks his promise and attempts and is sent back and rekilled? But wow, that would be like one of Shakespear's tragedies.

Reguardless, this makes me significantly want a Beyblade time cross over like Yu-Gi-Oh. I can just imagine the epicness.

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - T. L-Drago 9207 - May. 10, 2012

@ TheGreatFico: I never play Yu-Gi-Oh! at all. I prefer to collect the cards. It's not easy to play, since new cards are coming out all the time. But anyways, thanks for the criticism!

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - thebladebomber - May. 15, 2012

An antagonist as a protagonist your a genius!

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - Dragoon. - May. 15, 2012

WOah!!!!! awesome i myself was very excited reading it but anyhow its really a nice idea. Wink

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - T. L-Drago 9207 - May. 15, 2012


RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - Blitzy - May. 15, 2012

how can you be so good at writing

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - T. L-Drago 9207 - May. 15, 2012

With advice from our old friend Temporal, the stuff I learned in High School English classes, and imagination!

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - T. L-Drago 9207 - May. 16, 2012

What do you guys think I could do for Chapter 3?

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - T. L-Drago 9207 - May. 18, 2012

Ideas would be most appreciated

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - T. L-Drago 9207 - May. 20, 2012

I've got it! I'll have Rago be given new Blading equipment for the next chapter of this 'fic, as well as probably a Beybattle with Daichi.

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - bladestriker99 - May. 20, 2012

How about you have a kid come with mf ldrago destory f s 4d come and say he is here to destroy nemesis once and for all?

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - T. L-Drago 9207 - May. 20, 2012

That's kinda n00bish if you ask me. Besides, Rago is in the plastic-gen reality, and 4D Beys don't exist there, only Spin Gear, Engine Gear, and HMS Beyblades.

RE: A New Chance at Life (crossover with Beyblade G-Revolution) - T. L-Drago 9207 - May. 22, 2012

Hey, Chapter 3's going along pretty good