World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Pokemon - General Discussion Thread - Printable Version

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Pokemon - General Discussion Thread - Rustled Jimmies - Apr. 10, 2012

Let's be honest. We have SO many Pokemon games out there, and there are SO many Pokemon threads here, it ain't even funny. Like, furrizles, we have a Pokemon Black and White thread, a Black 2 and White 2 thread, some HeartGold/SoulSilver threads from back then, a TCG Online thread, and so on. I think you all get the point.

So why don't we keep any Pokemon discussion into one thread? All discussion about Black and White, Black 2 and White 2, the announced "Pokemon Conquest" game, and any and all other Pokemon games. Let's just, y'know, not clutter the game section with all these extra Pokemon threads for every single game and series. It REALLY isn't needed that much.

First things first:
I can post everyone's respective game IDs and Friend Codes (remember, IDs and FCs are different for each game) here if they post it here.

Secondly, news from Serebii!

Black 2 and White 2 News Wrote:A Japanese retailer has recently updated their listings of Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 to include a release date. Previously, we have known that these games are to be coming to Japan in June, but this further clarifies it to be released on June 23rd 2012. Unlike western retailers, Japanese ones seldom put a suspected release date in so chances are high that this is the date. In addition to that, the Keldeo distribution in Japan starts on this day, with the promotion suggesting you should use it in your playthrough. We'll provide more information, and confirmation, as and when it comes.

Pokemon+Nobunaga's Ambition Wrote:The official site has updated with details that Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition is to be released in the US. This game, to be titled Pokémon Conquest is to be released in the US on June 18th. We also have the name of Bushous as Warlords and the region as Ransei. We fully covered this strategy RPG when it came out last month in Japan so be sure to check out the section for info.

And to add on to this bit:

That's right, people, they keep the original Japanese names. Can't be a Sengoku-based game without actual history.

RE: Pokemon - General Discussion Thread - Byerg - Apr. 10, 2012

Stopping the "clutter" by adding another thread? That makes sense how?
Also, one thread for an entire gaming franchise that consists of 15 (soon to be 18) games?
In the end, this thread is what's not needed.
Everybody talking in one thread about 15-18 games doesn't sound very organized and brings the word "clutter" to mind..
And don't the moderators encourage the separate threads for each game?

RE: Pokemon - General Discussion Thread - Rustled Jimmies - Apr. 10, 2012

Really? Because I looked at the gaming section, and I thought, "Wouldn't it be better if we had one thread for future games instead of making threads that will in the end die out?" Sure, I'm adding another thread, but it's better to have one thread to go to than three-hundred other threads that will end up getting closed one way or another, like that Pokemon Breeding thread. I mean, the Tales game has its own section instead of making threads for "Symphonia" "Vesperia", etc. We have a Final Fantasy thread that doesn't limit itself to one game specifically, but to all games. We have a Megaman General thread that has discussions about the NES, X, Zero, ZX, Battle Network, Star Force, Legends, and games that have Megaman in it (Marvel vs Capcom, etc.), but do not limit themselves to one game specifically.

Seriously, do we REALLY need a hundred threads that pertain to the same freaking game when we can have one and prevent (keyword here is prevent) future Pokemon threads from cluttering up the gaming section? I'm just trying to help out the community and doing people a favor. If the mods don't like it, they can close this thread or whatever, but I don't really see a point to...yeah, I'm just friggin' repeating myself here, so you get the point.

RE: Pokemon - General Discussion Thread - The Fire Wyrm - Apr. 10, 2012

(Apr. 10, 2012  12:04 AM)Kaji Motomiya Wrote: That's right, people, they keep the original Japanese names. Can't be a Sengoku-based game without actual history.
YESSS! I love Samurai/Dynasty Warriors & Sengoku Basara. If Keiji Does not have a Monferno/Infernape, I'm going to kill Pokemon.

RE: Pokemon - General Discussion Thread - Rustled Jimmies - Apr. 10, 2012

Alright guys, I kinda asked the mods to close this thread due to a valid point Kai-V made. So...yeah, stop posting in this thread.

Also, Fire Wyrm, check Serebii's Nobunaga's Ambition section. The Warlords have a list of Pokemon they use.