World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
(Illinois) ReCreated Team Storm Surge - Printable Version

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(Illinois) ReCreated Team Storm Surge - Destruction - Nov. 12, 2011

We were once known as the star gazers. We have risen above the title and have surged into the team storm surge. You will be given a title for how you interact and post with your teammates. To qualify for our team you must have courage and extensive knowledge of the tiers.

[Image: d6wyt.png]

We members of team storm surge have no time for people who are not loyal so do not waste our time. If you waste our time we will not even take you into consideration of joining this team. There will be a document for you to fill out in order to join our team. For now you will have to fill out this application at the bottom. One more thing don't go trying to join any other team and then making this team your last resort.
To Look At The Team Signature and Avatar Click the spoiler all of these were made by Fathom A Veteran To This Team

Only Veterans Can Have Different Sigs Or If Fathom Makes You A sig
  • 1.EarthKerbecs123 - leader
    2.TwistedTempo27 - co leader
    3.Fathom - most dedicated member
    4.Apocalypse - The Guy With The Cool Name
    5.Giga-Pegasus - fathoms younger brother
    6.Khalil13 - fathoms youngest brother

application format

Best combo
how many tourneys have you been in (wont effect the teams decision)
favorite bey blade
launching technique
Most used bey type
Finally what can you contribute

Team user-bar [Image: 6i4d4h.png]

just remember everyone on this team is equal and to respect other members
YOU MUST LIVE IN ILLINOIS TO APPLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~Giga-Pegasus Note : Fathoms Idea

RE: (Illinois) ReCreated Team Storm Surge - khalil13 - Nov. 14, 2011

Why Does no one want to join our team. Someone in the Chicago-land area needs to start a tourney sorry for being off topic

RE: (Illinois) ReCreated Team Storm Surge - PhantomFox27 - Nov. 14, 2011

on the list did earthkerbecs even say khalil13 say he can join im sayin that not to be mean

RE: (Illinois) ReCreated Team Storm Surge - khalil13 - Nov. 15, 2011

yes i asked him in a pm and he said yes

RE: (Illinois) ReCreated Team Storm Surge - DeltaFate - Nov. 22, 2011

Why does no one want to join our team but whatever lets talk about improvements