World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Ariel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - Printable Version

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RE: Uriel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - UltimateFantasy - Aug. 06, 2012

I remember Th!nk saying that even though it's parts are really good, they can break easily and that only bladers wanting to risk their beys should use this bey. Otherwize, It's a really good attack bey.

RE: Uriel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - LeonTempest - Aug. 06, 2012

Jumping conversations a bit to spread what I just learned: The correct name is Ariel 2, not Uriel 2. Apparently, Uriel is a misprint on a lot of the stickers for both Wolborg 3 and this bey. That should probably be noted once the name is corrected. Credit goes to th!nk and Ultra for the heads up on that

RE: Uriel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - th!nk - Aug. 07, 2012

This draft was written before a lot of stuff came to light. I've got a reworked version nearly complete that will include all of that.

RE: Uriel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - Galaxy - Aug. 07, 2012

(Aug. 07, 2012  1:48 PM)th!nk Wrote: This draft was written before a lot of stuff came to light. I've got a reworked version nearly complete that will include all of that.

What a great news, it will help a lot Smile

RE: Uriel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - th!nk - Aug. 07, 2012

I was nearly finished a whole load of stuff before my motivation disappeared, so I'm now getting back to that (along with other stuff I've promised to do), once I get the Dragoon V2 rewrite done stuff will get much easier, and I'm almost through that now, finally (it's been taking up most of my time the past week or so, because there's a lot to cover, loads of stuff had to be changed and rewritten because of things that I've worked out since it was originally done). It's slow progress at the moment, between these drafts and correcting errors already on the wiki, and whathaveyou, much slower than I'd like, but it should get faster soon.

You could change the thread title to Ariel 2, though, just to save me explaining the naming stuff again (which I've fully covered in the Wolborg 03 (Ariel) draft thread), because I am really tired of that now, haha.

One thing, how thoroughly did you test the SP? I only got one or two battles before mine shattered but to me they seemed recoily and not all that effective (and seeing as I anticipated the breakage I had a lot of comparison to draw from in terms of their effect on the opponent), basically being a poorer version of Dragoon V2's SP (which are slightly underrated tbh, given they hit pretty hard without suffering the ridiculous recoil of Fin Tectors).

RE: Uriel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - Galaxy - Aug. 09, 2012

(Aug. 07, 2012  2:33 PM)th!nk Wrote: I was nearly finished a whole load of stuff before my motivation disappeared, so I'm now getting back to that (along with other stuff I've promised to do), once I get the Dragoon V2 rewrite done stuff will get much easier, and I'm almost through that now, finally (it's been taking up most of my time the past week or so, because there's a lot to cover, loads of stuff had to be changed and rewritten because of things that I've worked out since it was originally done). It's slow progress at the moment, between these drafts and correcting errors already on the wiki, and whathaveyou, much slower than I'd like, but it should get faster soon.

You could change the thread title to Ariel 2, though, just to save me explaining the naming stuff again (which I've fully covered in the Wolborg 03 (Ariel) draft thread), because I am really tired of that now, haha.

One thing, how thoroughly did you test the SP? I only got one or two battles before mine shattered but to me they seemed recoily and not all that effective (and seeing as I anticipated the breakage I had a lot of comparison to draw from in terms of their effect on the opponent), basically being a poorer version of Dragoon V2's SP (which are slightly underrated tbh, given they hit pretty hard without suffering the ridiculous recoil of Fin Tectors).

Ok Smile

Ah, yes.. Sure! Sorry,haha xD

Well, initially, I had a full Ariel 2 plus 2 complete BBs, so I had 6x Over Attack.
The ones on the full Ariel 2 have never been tested. I used the two bases to test: it's passed a lot of time, but I remember very well that I had good results with those bases and SPs. Unfortunately, after some testing one of them is actually in heaven with its friends xD, but 3 of them are in good conditions.
I've found them really aggressive, and I'm not actually sure if they are a poorer or a better version of Reverse Attack. Honestly, it's passed a lot of time.. I don't feel able to compare them.

RE: Ariel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - th!nk - Aug. 09, 2012


Thanks for the info! I only got a couple rounds in as I said and they seemed very recoily, which their angles indicate, too (they face too much outward), albeit not as recoily as fin tectors. I mean it's not a big deal because you'd generally need to be crazy to use them, but yeah. I preferred reverse attack, but generally I find the weight distribution and focus offered by more survival-oriented SP works better - and survivor ring in right spin is probably the most effective attacking SP I've used in terms of power vs recoil. I can't wait to try twin guard, haha.

RE: Ariel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - mj9 - Jul. 07, 2016

Did a revamp of this as the Wolborg 2 casings compatibilty was not in this yet
1 Attack Ring (AR): Neo Cross Horn
2 WD: Star Attack
3 Spin Gear (SG): Neo Right SG (Metal Weight Version)
4 Support Part: Over Attack
5 Blade Base (BB): SG Grip Change Base
5.1 Compatibility with Right/Left/Neo Right/Neo Left SG(Bearing Version 2)
5.2 Use in Smash Attack Customization
6 Other Version
7 Gallery
8 Overall

Note: Uriel 2 is one of the four Prize Beys from Takara's Random Booster 8; the chance to obtain it is 1\12.
Note 2: You can also obtain this Beyblade by purchasing the Hasbro Version. However, the Hasbro mold comes with an Engine Gear and Gyro System, instead of SG Grip Change Base and Over Attack Support Parts.

Attack Ring (AR): Neo Cross Horn
Weight: 7 grams
Neo Cross Horn is one of the best Smash Attack ARs, even with it's rather high recoil. It has four large ram heads that provide blunt force for huge Smash Attack in Right Spin. In left spin it appears too poorly angled to be effective, but it carries a protruding ridge that counters the poor angle of the contact points, providing ferocious Smash Attack as well, and as a result this is one of the few Smash Attack ARs that is effective in both spin directions. However, this AR is too fragile, too expensive and too rare to see widespread competitive use.

Weight Disk (WD): Star Attack
Weight: 15 grams

Spin Gear (SG): Neo Right SG (Metal Weight Version)
Weight: 5 grams

Support Part (SP): Over Attack
Weight: 2g
Over Attack in combination with its Blade Base is considered a very large upgrade over the SG Grip Base (Uriel\Wolborg 3). Like most Support Parts, the Over Attack SP are interchangeable to face either left or right. Depending on the direction of spin and position of the SP, it can function as an additional Smash part or a defensive SP providing deflective properties. However like with all of the two part SP they cause too much recoil to be considered for competitive use.

Blade Base (BB): SG Grip Change Base
Weight: 6 grams
SG Grip Change Base is a Blade Base capable of switching between Rubber Sharp and Rubber Flat Modes. One of the key features of this BB, the means behind its primary function, is that it is made of a much softer rubber than previous rubber tips - this affords it less Stamina in Rubber Sharp Mode, but makes it considerably faster and more aggressive in Rubber Flat Mode, compared to other Flat Grip-Based Blade Bases. Due to this feature, it is considered to be the most valuable part for Attack-Oriented Customizations favouring Grip-Based tips. The Blade Base's ability to hold Support Parts also contributes highly to the value of this part.

However, it should be noted that most SG Grip Change Bases have suffered very poorly from the passage of time, causing the plastic surrounding the tip to be very fragile, and prone to breakage. For this reason, this tip should be used very cautiously, if used at all, due to its current rarity and value in the Plastics Metagame. However due to the tip being able to fit into the casings of SG (Bearing Version 2)’s casings it has found a use where there is no high risk of breakage.

Compatibility with Right/Left/Neo Right/Neo Left SG (Bearing Version 2)
The inside of the Casings is perfectly shaped to hold the tip, allowing its use without its own Base, which is extremely fragile due to the phenomenon known as Gold Plastic Syndrome, a factor which combined with its rarity had seen it fade from use. By using these casings, the extremely fast tip may be used in far more reliable setups, allowing the creation of a number of extremely powerful Smash Attack customizations.
The tip can also be used in Defense mode, however this mode is basically a taller, more awkward version of the already unpopular Defense Grip Base, with the same Stamina problems and greater susceptibility to Upper Attack, and as such is largely negligible.
Use in Smash Attack Customization
Using the Tip with Wolborg 2’s casings, a number of excellent Smash Attack combinations can be made. One of the most powerful is as follows:
AR: Triple Tiger (Driger G)
WD: Wide Survivor
SG: Right SG
SG Casings: SG (Bearing Version 2) Casings (Wolborg 2)
SG Tip: SG Grip Change Base Tip (Attack Mode) (Uriel 2)
BB: Defense Grip Base 2 (Wolborg 2)
Making great use of the speed and control offered by Uriel 2's tip, Triple Tiger offers solid Upper Attack in addition to excellent Smash Attack, both of which are useful in a mid-height Attacker such as this. Wide Survivor is chosen as it allows this combination to move faster than Wide Defense, which is extremely useful to Triple Tiger, though other AR setups may benefit more from the additional weight of the latter. Lastly, Defense Grip Base 2 is chosen for its light weight and excellent Life After Death, the former maximising the speed of the combination, and the latter being of occasional use against left spin opponents.
The result is an extremely fast, extremely powerful Attack combination, which given a good Sliding Shoot, is capable of knocking out all but the most powerful defensive combinations with relatively little trouble.

Other Versions
Strike Capricorne G (Hasbro Ver.)



Uriel 2 is an aesthetically pleasing, albeit exceptionally rare, Beyblade. Because of the exceptional speed and added functionality achieved by SG Grip Change Base, this Beyblade is an absolute must-have for any serious Attack enthusiasts. However due to the fragility of the base, the requiremnts of parts from other beyblades to fix the fragility issues and the cheaper, more widely available Defense Grip Base, This beyblade is not a must have but is a welcome addition to any collection.

RE: Ariel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - Hato - Jul. 07, 2016

Just skimmed over this, but I would say edit the Blade Base part where you talk about the rubber. The rubber is not really a 'mode', but the legalization of flipping it. I would say wording it along the line of "the rubber can be flipped" would be better. Also, the rubber also wears fast, which should be noted.

I would think that the AR section would mention how the Hasbro Neo Cross Horn is not affect by Gold Plastic Syndrome, and is sturdier than Takara Tomy.

Good draft overall (from what I read after skimming through) Smile

RE: Ariel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - Cookie Bouquets - Jul. 07, 2016

(Jul. 07, 2016  3:49 AM)Hato Wrote: Just skimmed over this, but I would say edit the Blade Base part where you talk about the rubber. The rubber is not really a 'mode', but the legalization of flipping it. I would say wording it along the line of "the rubber can be flipped" would be better. Also, the rubber also wears fast, which should be noted.

I would think that the AR section would mention how the Hasbro Neo Cross Horn is not affect by Gold Plastic Syndrome, and is sturdier than Takara Tomy.

Good draft overall (from what I read after skimming through) Smile

Except it is a mode? It's called Grip Change Base for a reason.

RE: Ariel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - Ultra - Jul. 07, 2016

Yeah it definitely is a mode. Also legalization is definitely the wrong term since it was always legal since that was an intended feature unlike Seaborg. It's definitely an intentional mode change.

RE: Ariel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - mj9 - Aug. 04, 2016

Updated with the changes @[Hato] suggested

1 Attack Ring (AR): Neo Cross Horn
1.1Mold Differences
WD: Star Attack
3 Spin Gear (SG): Neo Right SG (Metal Weight Version)
4 Support Part: Over Attack
5 Blade Base (BB): SG Grip Change Base
5.1 Compatibility with Right/Left/Neo Right/Neo Left SG(Bearing Version 2)
5.2 Use in Smash Attack Customization
6 Other Version
7 Gallery
8 Overall

Note: Uriel 2 is one of the four Prize Beys from Takara's Random Booster 8; the chance to obtain it is 1\12.
Note 2: You can also obtain this Beyblade by purchasing the Hasbro Version. However, the Hasbro mold comes with an Engine Gear and Gyro System, instead of SG Grip Change Base and Over Attack Support Parts.

Attack Ring (AR): Neo Cross Horn
Weight: 7 grams
Neo Cross Horn is one of the best Smash Attack ARs, even with it's rather high recoil. It has four large ram heads that provide blunt force for huge Smash Attack in Right Spin. In left spin it appears too poorly angled to be effective, but it carries a protruding ridge that counters the poor angle of the contact points, providing ferocious Smash Attack as well, and as a result this is one of the few Smash Attack ARs that is effective in both spin directions. However, this AR is too fragile, too expensive and too rare to see widespread competitive use.

Mold Differences
Hasbro’s version of Neo Cross Horn does not suffer from Gold Plastic Syndrom and as a result is much more sturdier than Takara Tomy’s Version

Weight Disk (WD): Star Attack
Weight: 15 grams

Spin Gear (SG): Neo Right SG (Metal Weight Version)
Weight: 5 grams

Support Part (SP): Over Attack
Weight: 2g
Over Attack in combination with its Blade Base is considered a very large upgrade over the SG Grip Base (Uriel\Wolborg 3). Like most Support Parts, the Over Attack SP are interchangeable to face either left or right. Depending on the direction of spin and position of the SP, it can function as an additional Smash part or a defensive SP providing deflective properties. However like with all of the two part SP they cause too much recoil to be considered for competitive use.

Blade Base (BB): SG Grip Change Base
Weight: 6 grams
SG Grip Change Base is a Blade Base capable of switching between Rubber Sharp and Rubber Flat Modes by the action of inversing of the tip. One of the key features of this BB, the means behind its primary function, is that it is made of a much softer rubber than previous rubber tips - this affords it less Stamina in Rubber Sharp Mode, but makes it considerably faster and more aggressive in Rubber Flat Mode, compared to other Flat Grip-Based Blade Bases. Due to this feature, it is considered to be the most valuable part for Attack-Oriented Customizations favouring Grip-Based tips. However like with all rubber tips the tip of SG Grip Change Base wears down over time resulting in the tip having a more slower movement due to the more grip that is being produced. The Blade Base's ability to hold Support Parts also contributes highly to the value of this part.

However, it should be noted that most SG Grip Change Bases have suffered very poorly from the passage of time, causing the plastic surrounding the tip to be very fragile, and prone to breakage. For this reason, this tip should be used very cautiously, if used at all, due to its current rarity and value in the Plastics Metagame. However due to the tip being able to fit into the casings of SG (Bearing Version 2)’s casings it has found a use where there is no high risk of breakage.

Compatibility with Right/Left/Neo Right/Neo Left SG (Bearing Version 2)
The inside of the Casings is perfectly shaped to hold the tip, allowing its use without its own Base, which is extremely fragile due to the phenomenon known as Gold Plastic Syndrome, a factor which combined with its rarity had seen it fade from use. By using these casings, the extremely fast tip may be used in far more reliable setups, allowing the creation of a number of extremely powerful Smash Attack customizations.
The tip can also be used in Defense mode, however this mode is basically a taller, more awkward version of the already unpopular Defense Grip Base, with the same Stamina problems and greater susceptibility to Upper Attack, and as such is largely negligible.
Use in Smash Attack Customization
Using the Tip with Wolborg 2’s casings, a number of excellent Smash Attack combinations can be made. One of the most powerful is as follows:
AR: Triple Tiger (Driger G)
WD: Wide Survivor
SG: Right SG
SG Casings: SG (Bearing Version 2) Casings (Wolborg 2)
SG Tip: SG Grip Change Base Tip (Attack Mode) (Uriel 2)
BB: Defense Grip Base 2 (Wolborg 2)
Making great use of the speed and control offered by Uriel 2's tip, Triple Tiger offers solid Upper Attack in addition to excellent Smash Attack, both of which are useful in a mid-height Attacker such as this. Wide Survivor is chosen as it allows this combination to move faster than Wide Defense, which is extremely useful to Triple Tiger, though other AR setups may benefit more from the additional weight of the latter. Lastly, Defense Grip Base 2 is chosen for its light weight and excellent Life After Death, the former maximising the speed of the combination, and the latter being of occasional use against left spin opponents.
The result is an extremely fast, extremely powerful Attack combination, which given a good Sliding Shoot, is capable of knocking out all but the most powerful defensive combinations with relatively little trouble.

Other Versions
Strike Capricorne G (Hasbro Ver.)



Uriel 2 is an aesthetically pleasing, albeit exceptionally rare, Beyblade. Because of the exceptional speed and added functionality achieved by SG Grip Change Base, this Beyblade is an absolute must-have for any serious Attack enthusiasts. However due to the fragility of the base, the requiremnts of parts from other beyblades to fix the fragility issues and the cheaper, more widely available Defense Grip Base, This beyblade is not a must have but is a welcome addition to any collection.

RE: Ariel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - Ultra - Aug. 04, 2016

It seems to be popping up a lot lately so I don't know if exceptionally rare is really correct anymore. I'd say costly is a more accurate description.

RE: Ariel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - mj9 - Aug. 04, 2016

yeah i guess true im debating whether to add an attack combo to the ar even though it is top tier it is not really recommended due to the cost and fragility

RE: Ariel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - Cookie Bouquets - Aug. 05, 2016

Using Wide Survivor for an attack combo seems kinda lame.

I'd use Wide Defense and normal core or Metal Weight to be honest.

RE: Ariel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - mj9 - Aug. 06, 2016

In this combo wide survivor is one of the few instances where it is better than wide defense due to the lighter weight hence giving it more speed. Same with the right Sg

RE: Ariel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - Ultra - Aug. 06, 2016

(Aug. 05, 2016  5:59 PM)Shirayuki Wrote: Using Wide Survivor for an attack combo seems kinda lame.

I'd use Wide Defense and normal core or Metal Weight to be honest.

Like MJ99 said it's better. Maybe you know look around before trashing things Eee

RE: Ariel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - Zoroaste - Aug. 06, 2016

There are tests to support this? I find it hard to believe that it would be better than having a flywheel effect

RE: Ariel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - Ultra - Aug. 06, 2016

lol of course not. There aren't tests for the large majority of things. It's what th!nk said and I assume as always he would have looked into it thoroughly before saying it. Also Wide Survivor is top tier for attack according to his tier list.

RE: Ariel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - Cookie Bouquets - Aug. 06, 2016

(Aug. 06, 2016  2:09 AM)Ultra Wrote: lol of course not. There aren't tests for the large majority of things. It's what th!nk said and I assume as always he would have looked into it thoroughly before saying it.

I see. That seems like the most common thing you bring up. "Th!nk this Th!nk that." I hope you realize that we are perfectly capable of coming up with what's good on our own. Perfect examples being Square Edge and War Bear.

Maybe you know, try the parts yourself before trashing things Eee

RE: Ariel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - Ultra - Aug. 06, 2016

Well in response to that a few things:

-I'm far more of a collector and i've never claimed anything otherwise.
-Considering th!nk was probably the most knowledgable member who wasn't active in the original era (and probably more than a lot of those too) well yeah. He tested religiously so he's a good point of reference.
-Never said you weren't capable of that but when you question something the onus is on you to prove it not the other way around.
-You didn't even seem to know it was a thing that Triple Tiger works better with Wide Survivor.
-I didn't trash anything???
-I was right about twin horn.

RE: Ariel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - Cookie Bouquets - Aug. 06, 2016

(Aug. 06, 2016  2:34 AM)Ultra Wrote: Well in response to that a few things:

-I'm far more of a collector and i've never claimed anything otherwise.
-Considering th!nk was probably the most knowledgable member who wasn't active in the original era (and probably more than a lot of those too) well yeah. He tested religiously so he's a good point of reference.
-Never said you weren't capable of that but when you question something the onus is on you to prove it not the other way around.
-You didn't even seem to know it was a thing that Triple Tiger works better with Wide Survivor.
-I didn't trash anything???
-I was right about twin horn.

Sure. I'll bite. Please enlighten me as to why Wide Survivor is used over Wide Defense. I get that Th!nk tested a lot, but it doesn't change that the way plastics is played has evolved to retcon some of his results.

I don't even understand why you're bringing up Twin Horn in this situation. It makes it seem like you are just looking for more things to say "I'm right" in. And I (and a few others) still don't think Takara Twin Horn is better than Hasbro Twin Horn in anything other than pure stamina.

RE: Ariel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - Ultra - Aug. 06, 2016

(Aug. 06, 2016  2:54 AM)Shirayuki Wrote:
(Aug. 06, 2016  2:34 AM)Ultra Wrote: Well in response to that a few things:

-I'm far more of a collector and i've never claimed anything otherwise.
-Considering th!nk was probably the most knowledgable member who wasn't active in the original era (and probably more than a lot of those too) well yeah. He tested religiously so he's a good point of reference.
-Never said you weren't capable of that but when you question something the onus is on you to prove it not the other way around.
-You didn't even seem to know it was a thing that Triple Tiger works better with Wide Survivor.
-I didn't trash anything???
-I was right about twin horn.

Sure. I'll bite. Please enlighten me as to why Wide Survivor is used over Wide Defense. I get that Th!nk tested a lot, but it doesn't change that the way plastics is played has evolved to retcon some of his results.

I don't even understand why you're bringing up Twin Horn in this situation. It makes it seem like you are just looking for more things to say "I'm right" in. And I (and a few others) still don't think Takara Twin Horn is better than Hasbro Twin Horn in anything other than pure stamina.

I think you're looking far more deeply than was intended into my vague memory that they go well together. This is probably going back 2 years. Such as what results exactly? I don't recall this being the case. Maybe new things were discovered but I don't think any of what he said has actually been disproved. I also don't really agree that the way plastics is played has changed that much and even if it has it's largely because of things that th!nk himself introduced/made mainstream.

As for the twin horn thing yeah but you weren't gonna acknowledge it were you so don't act like you were. You were wrong about what one we was being discussed.

RE: Ariel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - Cookie Bouquets - Aug. 06, 2016

(Aug. 06, 2016  3:15 AM)Ultra Wrote:
(Aug. 06, 2016  2:54 AM)Shirayuki Wrote:
(Aug. 06, 2016  2:34 AM)Ultra Wrote: Well in response to that a few things:

-I'm far more of a collector and i've never claimed anything otherwise.
-Considering th!nk was probably the most knowledgable member who wasn't active in the original era (and probably more than a lot of those too) well yeah. He tested religiously so he's a good point of reference.
-Never said you weren't capable of that but when you question something the onus is on you to prove it not the other way around.
-You didn't even seem to know it was a thing that Triple Tiger works better with Wide Survivor.
-I didn't trash anything???
-I was right about twin horn.

Sure. I'll bite. Please enlighten me as to why Wide Survivor is used over Wide Defense. I get that Th!nk tested a lot, but it doesn't change that the way plastics is played has evolved to retcon some of his results.

I don't even understand why you're bringing up Twin Horn in this situation. It makes it seem like you are just looking for more things to say "I'm right" in. And I (and a few others) still don't think Takara Twin Horn is better than Hasbro Twin Horn in anything other than pure stamina.

I think you're looking far more deeply than was intended into my vague memory that they go well together. This is probably going back 2 years. Such as what results exactly? I don't recall this being the case. Maybe new things were discovered but I don't think any of what he said has actually been disproved. I also don't really agree that the way plastics is played has changed that much and even if it has it's largely because of things that th!nk himself introduced/made mainstream.

As for the twin horn thing yeah but you weren't gonna acknowledge it were you so don't act like you were. You were wrong about what one we was being discussed.

Here War Bear is used effectively as a substitute AR for Zombies. In Th!nk's Beywiki article for War Bear,

Quote:As such, War Bear itself is largely useless, and it is only hindered by the inclusion of a Free-Spinning Sub Ring, which adds recoil and dampens the attack. Even with less obstructive SARs, it still has no competitive value.

Somewhere Th!nk says that Square Edge's only use is in Weight Based Defense. I also do recall him saying he didn't own the part - so it is entirely possible that that's the reason why it was overlooked.

Both Zoroaste and RDF (In their conversation at least) did come forward saying that they were referring to Hasbro Twin Horn? Looking back on it now, you weren't even the one being targeted in my reply.

RE: Ariel 2 Draft - Done\Need approval - - Ultra - Aug. 06, 2016

Okay fine in those two (minor) examples. However you don't expect me to remember every little thing he said do you? What I said about plastics was true though.

Also no they didn't... Zoroaste specifically said he was talking about the takara one being better than Tiger Defencer and Scizzor Attacker (which is what my question was about) and RDF3 didn't clarify anything at all. I was the one you were targeting in your reply that you quoted me in?