World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - Printable Version

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The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - BeybladerPotter - Jul. 28, 2011

Hm....Seeing as a lot of people has been asking for this, including me, I decided to open this thread. Wink

I was never early enough here to know what this forum was like, but somehow I know that this part of the

Stories everywhere, some are good, some are just plain horrible. Guys, before starting a story, make sure you have everything a writer has to know or DON'T do it. About requests,
stop doing it. Asking "Hey, can I be in?" or "I'll send a request!" are completely irrelevant. I made a HUGE mistake on letting that be part of one of my stories here.

Then, Sig Shops. Please if you're starting one, you MUST provide examples or people won't take you seriously. And, please make sure you have enough time to do these and have decent knowledge to be even making stuff.

I'm not being arrogant or anything. Its just how it is in this part of the forum....*sigh*. I finally let out ALL of these stuff in my head.

People, do me a favor of exerting effort in cleaning up this place. I'm gonna get sleep now..

RE: The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - Wolverine Mode - Jul. 28, 2011

I agree with the post , most people here are posting like bloody hell. We need to avoid this Uncertain.

RE: The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - Septentrione - Jul. 28, 2011

So, no testifying that horrible stories should be deleted? And wonderful ideas up a reader's head that the writer can't think of and could add to the broadness of the story can't be accepted?
I agree that the character requests should be LESSENED, not stopped. Maybe a limit to the accepting... and if they still won't stop, you should report them for spamming?
Anyway, to promote this thread... I actually agree with you. The sig shops should have at least two or more examples? Yes? Just to prove that they have potential to serve pleasing sigs.

At least you got a point that a writer has to have a great idea for a story, and maybe they should read their grammar book or dictionary first...

RE: The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - Synth - Jul. 28, 2011

*I think this should be posted in the question and comments forum Uncertain*

i heard that the committee is going to resolve the problem?

the request thread is now dead long ago, but I wan't to know who and how did a guy open a sig shop? wasn't it supposed to closed?

RE: The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - Blitz Unicorno - Jul. 28, 2011

You guys should ask the committee to make every thread moderated, then terrible stories wouldn't be posted on here and sig shops without examples won't be here too.

RE: The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - Ultimatefry - Jul. 28, 2011

THANK. YOU. I have read so many beginnings to stories that I couldn't even understand! An example:

LOLi am a bladder. lalalalala Oh look a blader named deathbite9000 robot Oh no this is battle time 3 2 1 GO SHOOT go pegasus starblast The robot says SYyStEm FaIlUrE and exploded

too bee continiued.

No stories should be like this.

RE: The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - Janstarblast - Jul. 28, 2011

Well, this thread jots down some really important points. Its quite helpful, but IMO this matter hardly needs much discussion. I may be wrong, but still.
Well, I agree with you. The Your Creations Forum is sometimes filled with useless sig shops and stories.
Now, its full of those amazing graphic battles...
But, there's more to it. Some people live on the Your Creations Forum. Such people have majority of their posts in this Forum. They might be commenting on each and every story, or even every chapter if they liked it a lot. Its just like another Introduce Yourself thread, where many people post uselessly...
So, yeah!

RE: The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - sonicsora123 - Jul. 28, 2011

thank you for posting this beybladerpotter
if a story or sig shop or thread in general has too many bad criticism it should be looked at by a moderator. if he/she decides that its bad it is deleted. Ive seen about 10 pointless threads here in the your creations forum. I think there should be a thread to post your websites on and the same for fan made games and videos and stuff. i find they dont produce much discussion anyway. post this conversation in the make your suggestions thread. something might happen.
thank you again for posting this
(Jul. 28, 2011  1:36 PM)DeX Wrote: *I think this should be posted in the question and comments forum Uncertain*

yes it should

RE: The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - BeybladerPotter - Jul. 29, 2011

No prob. Someone should move this. People should Th!nk before they act.....LOL.

RE: The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - Temporal - Jul. 29, 2011

My issue goes farther than this. I have, of course, been a supporter of this idea since, well, March. The stories here are normally just terrible role-playing games with garbage plots, yes, but I think that ALL character requests should stop. My reasoning is that if someone would have the chance to let everyone see that their character was in the story, especially as a main character, they would make him/her awesome, right? These Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu characters suck. Plain and simple. Recently, I've had to be more blunt with the "Stop writing this, it's garbage" comments, and the sad thing is, there are worse stories than the parody of them. I could do better brain-dead. ANother issue, people are using age, disability, and inexperience as an exxcuse for bad stories. If you won't write a good one, don't write at all. If you can't spell simple words, or remember your main character's name, and constantly mispell/change it, just don't write anything. It's that simple. You're just not good at writing yet. Deikailo's got dyslexia, and she is VERY good at writing. Some members ae, like, 12, and they have no issue finding a decent plot. My problem is that there are a bunch of decent stories here, but as Dude has said before about Ink.'s thread, they get buried under loads of terrible stories. I repeat: If you cannot write, don't. If you're REALLY bad, like some of the stories (Both of this Yusei Fudon1000 guy's stories for example. Sorry for calling you out there.) stop writing stories, and work on writing proper sentences. I've seen kindergarten level writing on here from 6th/7th grade kids, and it's sad. You're all old enough to write, so quit writing like you're 5. I sound mean, but I'm just pointing out facts, like how 80% of characters in this forum woould score a 90 or higher on a Mary-Sue test. Put more thought into your characters, and if not, don't write, and hope you NEVER have to do an actual book or original story. I'm sure a bunch of people have Young Authors at school, and feel pretty proud of yourselves, but the thing is, they pass you for turning one in, forget about it being good. Do not delude yourself. If everyone is telling you that your story is bad, then it is bad. If one person is like: "Don't listen to them! It is good! Continue!", then it is bad, as it is simply one person. If Dude, Th!nk, or some other member tells you it's trash, then it is possibly trash. Now, if everyone is saying it is good, EXCEPT for the experienced members, then chances are, your story smells, and nobody wants to tell you. Don't milk a bad story. If it's dead, it's dead. That is all.

RE: The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - Dan - Jul. 29, 2011
tbh that should be stickied, or at least locked within the Creations forum rather than closed.

RE: The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - Temporal - Jul. 29, 2011

Sadly, this is better than half of the crud that's being written!

RE: The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - BeybladerPotter - Jul. 29, 2011

Temporal, you took the words out from my mouth. People shouldn't use ANY KIND of excuse of sucking at writing. Actually, I barely read stories on this forum. I can judge if a story is bad or not just by looking at the title. A title like this "story excepting character requests" is an example. If I can't determine it by the title, I check it out. And then I see, a paragraph of lowercase letters? "What is happening here?" is always my expression. I can even count the REAL "writers" in this forum. Sparta, you Temporal, NoodooSoup, Deikailo, SwiftShadow, Bunii, sonicsora, SDC and bunch of other people.

EDIT: That thread up there shows everything that is happening to this section..

RE: The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - Janstarblast - Jul. 29, 2011

(Jul. 29, 2011  2:08 PM)Dan Wrote:
tbh that should be stickied, or at least locked within the Creations forum rather than closed.

Just what I meant to say. This thread should be locked here....
There will be hardly any discussion here. IMO, its just another thread for people to go off topic. I may be sure that if this thread stays for long, there will be various useless posts here. It just jots down some important points that are to be kept in mind before posting threads around this place...

RE: The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - Temporal - Jul. 29, 2011

I specifically remember seeing one entry for the Writing tournament and thinking: "Oh. My. God. This dude should NOT have entered. This is garbage, AND HE DIDIN'T EVEN MEET REQUIREMENTS!" He got not one vote. The sad part is, it was STILL better than 50% of this forum's stories, so it's not like Sparta could DQ the guy, right? Eh, people get mad at me when I am blunt. Like yesterday, someone got peeved when I said that their character was a Mary-Sue. He/She calmed down when I mentioned that one of the parts of a Mary-Sue was that you get annoyed or offended when it's called out. Sugarcoating stuff actually makes stuff worse. You THINK you're being nice, but YOU'RE TORTURING THE REST OF US! Really, I'd rather watch a Cubs game than read a lot of this stuff.
EDIT: True, Janstarblast. This might need to be locked with some more important posts behind it.

RE: The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - NoodooSoup - Jul. 29, 2011

Temporal, on your first post, you are absolutely correct. I hate it so much when people say, "but I iz oNly 12!!!!!1" because their story is garbage. No, that is not the reason. If you have a disability, don't whine about it, show people how that doesn't define your skill! Jeez, some people these days :\

RE: The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - Temporal - Jul. 29, 2011

So true. Some guy used the idea that he had dyslexia as an excuse to write a bad story. Well, the problem is, I know a few people with dyslexia, and they can spell, so... What's your point again? (And again, there is Deikailo, who also mentoined that it was a terrible excuse.) People always want praise, and when they don't get it, they look for the first reason available as to WHY they don't get it, yet rarely put in the effort. I think it comes from people saying "This is awesome! Keep going!" to bad stories to make them feel good.

RE: The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - BeybladeStation - Jul. 29, 2011

I also think that bad signature shops should not be taken seriously, and people stop using the word 'pro' so lightly.

"Dude, maybe one day you'll be a pro like me in sigs." - Sig Maker here [Name Hidden]

RE: The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - TITAN - Jul. 29, 2011

Temporal, I agree with everything you've said that isn't about the Cubs. I made the mistake of putting requests into one of my stories, and now I have like, twenty requests on there. I'm 11, and I think other people like my writing, so don't go saying "BuTt IME oNly elVeN!".

RE: The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - Temporal - Jul. 29, 2011

I just don't like teams that can't string 4 wins. But I digress. the problem is that some members ENCOURAGE bad writing. Things like "This is awesome!" is normally followed by me saying "Hell no, it's not!", but people only see that first part, so that person never improves.

EDIT 8/10/11: Okay, Titan Writer, they strung 8 wins. I still do not like them.

RE: The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - Hope - Jul. 29, 2011

I think people need to stop making lots of storys and if people don't like it they make a new one.{I'm an offender there}

RE: The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - BeybladerPotter - Jul. 31, 2011

Definitely. This place should be cleaned up a bit. I see some VERY old threads here. Dang it. Titan Blader is only 11 but he can write, Sparta is only a teen, I presume, but he writes likes a pro. See? People should read this. And if ever...ever, people start spamming here, it just means they're ashamed of what they've done. If I only had a nerve like Temporal and time, I would have post VERY HARSH criticism a long time ago. Look people, you make excuses if somebody criticizes you but do you even know why they take time to post? Couldn't they just leave it as horrible as it is? No..because they want you to see your FLAWS. Your weaknesses. The problem. Its something all of us see in ourselves but we never try to realize it. We always think that we're doing fine even if we're not. We force ourselves to believe that they're wrong even if they're right. And for sig shops, people open shops at the moment they have the program. But that's wrong...VERY wrong. Take Sparta and Taiwo Seigi for example. They have the program but they didn't open a shop because they know they still need to improve (No offense there you two). And I made my own mistake by opening early too even if I was very terrible. It just...offends me in a way that people don't exert effort to even check if their story is even DECENT before posting it.

*sigh* The world is weird and strange right now.

RE: The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - Raigeko13 - Jul. 31, 2011
Me and a few of the members a while back made this thread. We (at least I was) trying to show the creations forum what we were reading their story as.
Quote from the last post, made by th!nk:
Quote:Okay, for those of you reading this, here's a simple explanation.

This thread has been created as a parody of many of the stories in this forum.
Simply: This is what your stories and posts look like to us.

Here's the long version:

There is a serious issue of quality, in a great many of these story threads. The requests for ridiculous characters, the crossovers, the general inability to even bother to check your spelling and grammar before posting a story!
That along with the terrible writing has meant we've had to do this to make a point.

Everything you see in this thread, no matter how ridiculous it is, is something all of us have seen numerous times.

Even the seemingly innocuous stuff, like character requests, are silly, childish and unprofessional. No good author uses characters other people throw at them, they look around, and if they see a character they would like to appear in their story, they ask the owner permission to use the character.
That said, asking for characters is somewhat understandable.

What isn't, is asking for your character to be used. If someone wants to use your character, they can ask. If no one is asking, then maybe your character isn't appealing enough.

Another thing, DO NOT use anyone or their character without their permission. It's impolite.

Further more, before writing characters, everyone needs to Google "Mary-Sue", and do what they can to avoid writing a character as a Mary-Sue.

In summary, as ridiculous as this thread looks, I can guarantee I can find serious threads or posts that are just as bad as anything posted in this thread.

Seriously, IMPROVE. There are a huge number of resources on the internet that can teach you to write at least half way decently, and they're free, and a lot of the pointers are extremely simple. At the very least, use a spell checker, and don't write mary sue characters. Stop throwing your characters at people.

So there you go. This is what this was about, LEARN FROM IT. Rant over.
Please, everyone and ANYONE who makes stories on here, PLEASE read this. Seriously.

RE: The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - Temporal - Aug. 01, 2011

I still wish I had been in on this one. Ah, well. Still, people seem to act stupid, as they STILL refuse to check if their character is a "Mary-Sue", as they seem to think that their story is awesome, even if it looks like a first-grader wrote it.

RE: The State Of the Creations Forum: Help it. - Minho - Aug. 01, 2011

this is true... one thing i dont understand is when people make a sig shop then they make another saying sig shop 2...