World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
MF Earth CancerBD145ES!! - Printable Version

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RE: MF Earth CancerBD145ES!! - th!nk - Jun. 22, 2011

Maybe if I have time, but I honestly have more important/useful things to test. Uncertain

Honestly, ES's wobbling, and BD145's poor stamina, really can't make for a useful combo. It's more likely I'll play with it, get an opinion, and post that, because I've got a few other things I need to test.

RE: MF Earth CancerBD145ES!! - Boo - Jun. 23, 2011

(Jun. 22, 2011  2:51 PM)th!nk Wrote: I guess I launch quite rough, so both move around a bit (even if we was launched steady, it'd be smacked around by my wd), which I guess costs stamina, more from sd.

If we're gonna use ms, might as well use MB, tbh.

That said, as it's right spin locked, I doubt the eternal nature is doing much.
Wouldn't MB just make the combo a fairly strong defense type instead of a stamina type?

RE: MF Earth CancerBD145ES!! - th!nk - Jun. 23, 2011

Low Friction > Stamina
High Friction > Defense

MB is the former, and has better balance than MS. MS has poor balance and therefore poor stamina.
MB has poor defence, it needs basalt's weight to work. Still, ES is the only reason this thing can handle a hit most of the time.

BTW, played around with this and Hell Kerbecs BD145WD, there were a lot of KO's, due to Hells higher recoil, but that's about 50/50, and Hell always outspins it. Uncertain

RE: MF Earth CancerBD145ES!! - Mac Miller - Jun. 24, 2011

BB-10 Attack Stadium
Beylauncher w/ Grip
Launch Power 100%

Some Testing,
MF Earth CancerBD145ES vs MF Hell KerbecsBD145WD
Cancer Won 0/20
Cancer Win Rate 0%
Kerbecs Won 20/0
Kerbecs Win Rate 100%
Most were OS and some KO
It Scrapes to much

RE: MF Earth CancerBD145ES!! - th!nk - Jun. 25, 2011

Thankyou, that's saved me doing the same tests for now. That said, why the metal face on HK?

RE: MF Earth CancerBD145ES!! - Mac Miller - Jun. 25, 2011

(Jun. 25, 2011  1:02 AM)th!nk Wrote: Thankyou, that's saved me doing the same tests for now. That said, why the metal face on HK?
Just to even it out,but i did not know the difference? is it better without the MF?
[quote='th!nk' pid='692822' dateline='1308960125']

RE: MF Earth CancerBD145ES!! - th!nk - Jun. 25, 2011

All stamina combo's are better without the MF. While more weight is better, usually, weight that is on the axis of rotation won't increase the rotational inertia, but it increases friction with the stadium floor, decreasing stamina.

Sometimes I like it on HK to reduce recoil, but usually as it's only used in stamina battles, it's better off without it.

RE: MF Earth CancerBD145ES!! - RustyXD - Jun. 26, 2011

Here is some testing i did
MF-H Earth Cancer BD145ES VS Fang Leone (counter)130RF
Earth Cancer wins : 4 (3ko, 1os)
Fang Leone wins : 16 (10ko, 6os)

the OS from fang came from ES getting knocked off balance and BD145 scraping. The Kos for Earth Cancer were due to Fang having no MF so it would have to much recoil

RE: MF Earth CancerBD145ES!! - th!nk - Jun. 26, 2011

EDS would theoretically improve this, but then so would a better wheel.

RE: MF Earth CancerBD145ES!! - ƛnubis - Jun. 26, 2011

(Jun. 26, 2011  6:25 AM)th!nk Wrote: EDS would theoretically improve this, but then so would a better wheel.

So mabye Basalt__BD145EDS.

RE: MF Earth CancerBD145ES!! - th!nk - Jun. 26, 2011

I guess, though as you're going for a stamina combo, might I suggest the already somewhat popular Scythe Kronos BD145EDS? Seems to be a great combo, and scythe seems to work well defensively with BD145, or something. You can see the Scythe Discussion thread for Full Details.

I don't really like basalt as a stamina wheel, I prefer Hell (which can abuse Boost mode and normally just does better on CS than WD anyway, and yeah, Earth.

I keep sorta confusing this with a defense combo because of BD145, so the MW thing I said isn't fully correct, but yeah, Scythe would likely do better. More weight and better distribution.

Though, you actually were right about BD145 for stamina, you just needed a more useable tip to be released, so I apologise for any rudeness about that. This is not a great combo (I've tried it, and it's not), but turns out BD145 can be used with a tall enough tip for stamina. Probably what happens with BasaltBD145. So yeah, decent concept, just didn't have the right parts to pull it off 8)

RE: MF Earth CancerBD145ES!! - ƛnubis - Jun. 26, 2011

Okay thanks Th!nk. I will check out the Kronos testing thread.