World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
D - Printable Version

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D - Roan - Nov. 16, 2007

As rare as it is for me to do this (Yeah right lol), D is a Japanese rock band and let me tell you, they kick serious carp.

Their musical style is a bit hard to describe, but if I had to take a stab at it I'd say its something along the lines of Goth Opera mixed with some pretty hard Rock.

The guitar work is top notch and while the vocalist's abilities are debatable, I like his voice. We can't forget the drumming; its very good as well.

They just released their new CD "Neo Culture ~Beyond the World" on the 7th of this month. I haven't had the chance to check it out yet, but if it's as good as their last two albums "Tafel Anatomie" and "The Name of the ROSE", I'm sure I'll love it.

Any other fans here?

RE: D - Bey Brad - Nov. 16, 2007

who the carp is this

RE: D - Roan - Nov. 16, 2007

Ha ha ha.

They're a pretty underground band, even among j-rock fans.

I thought they had a MySpace, but I can't find it. D:

RE: D - Cye Kinomiya - Nov. 16, 2007

That sounds interesting. I'll look into them tomorrow. I'm way to tired to be making decisions right now.

RE: D - Katashi - Nov. 16, 2007

*Is having flashbacks to Moi Dix Mois with the way you described the band*

RE: D - Roan - Nov. 17, 2007

They really aren't like Moi dix Mois though, to be honest.

They're more rock-focused rather than goth opera. lol

RE: D - Cye Kinomiya - Nov. 17, 2007

Could you list some of their songs? I can only find two on youtube. I like the vocalists, and the songs are alright. But I want to see if they've done better.

RE: D - Roan - Nov. 17, 2007


Kyojin Butokyoku, Hourglass, Akumu Kurai and Mayutsuki no Hitsugi are some of my favorites from their first CD "The Name of the Rose".

I haven't spent a lot of time with "Tafel Anatomie" so I can't really recommend any songs from it; same with "Neo Culture". I have the CD but I haven't listened to it yet. lol