World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
My name is Villainus - Printable Version

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My name is Villainus - villainous1 - May. 17, 2011

I am completely new to this sport but i find it fun and fascinating. I live in Holland MI and me and my 8 year old friend would really like to get into this community. If there is anyone in the area that would like to get together and teach us rules and tactics we would be very grateful. We could start with explaining why pieces make certain blades stroinger and weaker and how to know when i have a good combination!

Email me at

Thanks again!
Hope to hear from you

RE: My name is Villainus - Dragoonrocks - May. 17, 2011

Hai ter welcome to wbo...

Check out this thread if u want 2 find out the current list of competitive combos..

Ask various qs regarding beys...

Use this thread so tat u could make urself a combo with ur available beys...

Ask qs regarding purchases ovr here..

So ter u hav it...And i almost frgt also read the pm sent by Kai-V..Wink

RE: My name is Villainus - Robsta - May. 17, 2011

Welcome to the WBO!

RE: My name is Villainus - Giraton - May. 17, 2011

hello, i don't know many people who call beyblades a sport (i kinda do) but those who do must realy like the game. hope you enjoy the site and please read the private message that kai-v (i think it's just an automatic response so it's not directly from her), it will be your greatest guide.

RE: My name is Villainus - Xlr8 - May. 17, 2011

[Image: cooltext521631110.png]

RE: My name is Villainus - Guardian - May. 17, 2011

Hope you enjoy the WBO