World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Ello peeps :3 - Printable Version

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Ello peeps :3 - Rhonder - Mar. 22, 2011

Heya, I've posted a few other times before here, but I figured I'd summarized my story here as a formal introduction lol. So to be honest, unlike what seems like most of the people here, I wasn't into beyblade during it's first reign of glory oh what, like 5 or 6 years ago or whatever. Which is unfortunate because I'm currently 16, 17 in a few months. I mostly blame this on where I live, as it seems like no one in any of my schools have ever been into the cool stuff. I live in the place where Pokemon was acceptable till 6th grade when the line was drawn and you got made of for playing it in middle school and on. Yeah, cool place. Anyways, due to that, you may be wondering how I did get into beyblade, seeing as how the target age group is generally understood to be younger, unless people are remembering their childhoods with the new metal fusion beys.

Well, the answer comes in the form of my best friend lol. Last summer, he got the set that comes with pegasis, the more defencive-y one that I don't know what it's called, and the stadium. at the time, a few of my friends and partially I made fun of him cuz it was something that only he had been into as a kid. He moved to our school in 5th grade from a different town where beyblade was popular. Anyways, recently, we were hanging out at his house and he pulled the stadium and his beys, old and new, out from under his bed. We tinkered with them for a bit, and I immeadiately saw how cool they were. Just the fact that it's actually a game, and is fun was cool. also how you could customize them and stuff was awesome. the highlight of the night was when he launched one of his really old beys and the weight ring exploded literally as soon as it hit the arena. it was pretty awesome and we were only able to salvage like half of the pieces, as they flew all over the room. luckily he has a bunch of replacements, but still, that was a seller.

The next day, I decided to walk to the local target with him to get my own bey so that I'd have one of my own and wouldn't always have to borrow his. After cosnidering a few of them for a few minutes, I eventually chose the Lightning L-Drago, mostly because I saw that it had a bunch of attack and also because the black and white launcher looked cool. That was when I learned that that was like virtually the only left spinning bey of the new generation pretty much and head-floored. Anyways, we went back to his house and played around with them for a while. The next week he ended up getting the poison serpant bey and we had another testing play around day. And this past weekend, I ended up getting my most recent bey, Rock Orso, which I am quite impressed with, deciding to test out the defence side of beyblading.

Well, that pretty much concludes my bey blade history and story. I found this website after watching some videos by some team called the Ripplets, which they mentioned the website in one of their vid comments. Since getting into it, I've been watching the old tv shows in order. So far I'm on ep 8 of V-Force lol. 58 eps down. Also, since I have 2 blades now, it's fun battling myself (though not as fun as fighting my friend obviously) but it's not much fun using a bin thingy, so I think next, instead of a new bey, I'll invest in getting some sort of actual stadium lol. Besides that, I live in Washington state, so if anyone else lives here and maybe wanna meet up for a match or tournament or something, then pm me I guess XD anyways, I'm done ranting. I hope to enjoy my time here and find some local bladers XD

RE: Ello peeps :3 - Minidona - Mar. 22, 2011

Welcome! Nice introduction. I read all of it. I liked it. Have fun posting!

RE: Ello peeps :3 - Dan - Mar. 22, 2011

Cool story bro.
Welcome to the World Beyblade Organization. (Read the Private Message sent by Kai-V.)
It is a shame, you missed so much. I remember the good times as a small child when Beyblade was the plague; everyone had it.

RE: Ello peeps :3 - BeybladeStation - Mar. 22, 2011

Nice intro! Best I've ever read..... You made a good choice buying Lightning L-Drago!

RE: Ello peeps :3 - shahz12 - Mar. 22, 2011

AWESOME intro dude 1st bey was one of the best beys for you quite lucky my first bey was hasbro storm aquario

RE: Ello peeps :3 - beyblade masta - Mar. 22, 2011

Nice intro dude, my first two beys were dark bull and a changed leone (rock to storm). i also live in washington so ill see if i can battle you soon

RE: Ello peeps :3 - Rhonder - Mar. 22, 2011

XD haha, thanks peeps. What's an introduction with out all the details, right?

and Blade masta- Awesome Grin what area do you live in? I live in Lake Stevens, which is basically everett lol As long as you live on this side of the Mts, and within like... idk, a 30-40min drive we could probably set something up lol. I'll probably end up bringing the friend I mentioned too lol

RE: Ello peeps :3 - Synth - Mar. 22, 2011

Welcome!dont spam or beware of the mods!

RE: Ello peeps :3 - GaleForce - Mar. 22, 2011

Welcome to the House, tra la la la la... Sorry I was just squoting something out of Dani's House.. Welcome to the WBO. Be a good member and Read Kai-V's message to you. Beware of mods ( as BBP9 said ^^), especially Kai-V. Bey Brad just eats people's families.. But don't tell Kai-V I said that...

RE: Ello peeps :3 - C a o S³ - Mar. 22, 2011

Nice intro, welcome!

RE: Ello peeps :3 - Panda_Blader - Mar. 23, 2011

Well...hello~ seeing as im he guy who got Rhonder into Beyblading might as well put my background story here too.

So, a few years ago, when i was in...3rd grade? im in 11th now, anyways, back in 3rd grade i went to my friend's house, (me and him used to hangout alot with the older teens around[usually like...14 ish]) He showed me this spinning top thing he got, i was slightly confused at the point of the game, but then he showed me how to play. this was back when the tops had plastic everything, except the weight ring. So i was quickely drawn in, being a 3rd grader, everything was entertaining. So eventually the whole neighborhood(all of the people 17 and under anyways) ended up having battles all day almost everyday after school, so i talked my parents into taking me to get one.

My first Bey, Draciel, the one with the giant weight ring, and tons of defense. I never really lost untill they started making the newer ones with metal bottoms and the weird springey bey. Eventually i ended up with Draciel, (which eventually broke TT_TT) Driger, with the metal bottom, (which i still have, and is one of my favorites) Dragoon with the spin charged bottom (still have it, its bottom doesnt work right tho, and it dies in about half a minute) and i have two others that are just some of the random tops that Hasbro sold. Today i still have them.

So 5th grade i moved here, by this time, Beyblade wasnt really that great anymore, it started to die out, but like Rhonder said, it wasnt ever cool here. so i had a few, and a launcher that didnt work anymore. I put them away and stored them. Now that im in 11th grade i found out they are making new Beyblades, so i got some, but mostly because they used to be really big for me, and they were pretty amazing back then. I got Rhonder into them, who now is my Beyblading friend as well as a Best friend, its kind of cool seeing them come back, but then they are all metal.. OH and i did get that old launcher to work <3 and thats my story~

RE: Ello peeps :3 - Rhonder - Mar. 23, 2011

Indeedz lol. mannnn I wish we had beyblading fun in 3rd grade :< sad fais. in third grade.... I didn't do anything with my friends 8D cept sit at school and play like 4 square at recess and wall ball lol /failure. This town isn't any fun for little kids XD

RE: Ello peeps :3 - Zaneago - Mar. 23, 2011

Welcome i like you'r story makes sense i was the same way.

Failure NW :D - Panda_Blader - Mar. 23, 2011

xD well, ive brought it too you now~ so lets win a few matches 8D or fail and be the failures of the NW xD either way im good with it >Grin it'll be fun...and no wonder Lake stevens is tiny ._.'

RE: Ello peeps :3 - Rhonder - Mar. 23, 2011

thanks XD

@Mr. Panda lol, pretty much ._. luckily it seems like there are 1 or 2 other people up in plain old washington lol. probably more who just aren't on this website XD I really need to get my cousins into this LOL i know they'll like it

RE: Ello peeps :3 - Panda_Blader - Mar. 23, 2011

(Mar. 23, 2011  1:01 AM)Rhonder Wrote: thanks XD

@Mr. Panda lol, pretty much ._. luckily it seems like there are 1 or 2 other people up in plain old washington lol. probably more who just aren't on this website XD I really need to get my cousins into this LOL i know they'll like it

Lol~ Chelan trip? get them into it? Grin we could try anyways xDD or fail misserably

RE: Ello peeps :3 - BeyCenter - Mar. 23, 2011

Welcome to wbo

RE: Ello peeps :3 - Rhonder - Mar. 23, 2011

(Mar. 23, 2011  1:44 AM)Panda_Blader Wrote:
(Mar. 23, 2011  1:01 AM)Rhonder Wrote: thanks XD

@Mr. Panda lol, pretty much ._. luckily it seems like there are 1 or 2 other people up in plain old washington lol. probably more who just aren't on this website XD I really need to get my cousins into this LOL i know they'll like it

Lol~ Chelan trip? get them into it? Grin we could try anyways xDD or fail misserably

thank you Grin

and yeah XD maybe. I wonder when their bdays are lol. I'd probably just get the same pack as you got, other the other one since there's 2 of them anyways.

RE: Ello peeps :3 - AndPag - Mar. 23, 2011

Welcome!!! Smile

RE: Ello peeps :3 - Ga' - Mar. 23, 2011

For Rhonder, I recommend getting the MFB TT Attack Stadium. It's the standard here, and the best MFB stadium. Some good sets that have this are BB-32 (Storm Pegasis, Dark Wolf, 2 Beylaunchers and stadium), BB-76 (Galaxy Pegasis W105R2F, launcher grip, Beylauncher and stadium) and BB-107 (Big Bang Pegasis F:D, 85XF, 105RF, Beylauncher, launcher grip, and stadium black version). I prefer the last 2, but it's up to you. Oh, and welcome to the WBO!

RE: Ello peeps :3 - Glad Hatter - Mar. 23, 2011

[Image: aahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.jpg?t=1297803729]

Have a super circle cookie
[Image: cookie.jpg]

RE: Ello peeps :3 - Rhonder - Mar. 23, 2011

(Mar. 23, 2011  10:30 PM)GaHooleone Wrote: For Rhonder, I recommend getting the MFB TT Attack Stadium. It's the standard here, and the best MFB stadium. Some good sets that have this are BB-32 (Storm Pegasis, Dark Wolf, 2 Beylaunchers and stadium), BB-76 (Galaxy Pegasis W105R2F, launcher grip, Beylauncher and stadium) and BB-107 (Big Bang Pegasis FGrin, 85XF, 105RF, Beylauncher, launcher grip, and stadium black version). I prefer the last 2, but it's up to you. Oh, and welcome to the WBO!
Thanks for the suggestions :3 I'll look into those~

Edit: speaking of, do you know where I could buy any of those? lol

RE: Ello peeps :3 - Ga' - Mar. 24, 2011

In the Bey Marketplace here from various sellers, on eBay, on Toywiz for the last 2, and various websites that either members here have made (ex: by BeybladeJapan) or just selling in general (ex: Hobby Link Japan).

RE: Ello peeps :3 - Rhonder - Mar. 24, 2011

Ok, thank you :3

RE: Ello peeps :3 - Xlr8 - Apr. 18, 2011

[Image: cooltext529219057.png]