World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Beyblade Adventure! Accepting Characters! - Printable Version

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Beyblade Adventure! Accepting Characters! - Tachimukai - Feb. 08, 2011

Episode 1: A New Arrival

The beach was usually full of people. Loads of people. But on this particular day, the beach was empty. Except for one boy, of course, little Makuto. Makuto was beyblading in the Beach Stadium on the beach. He was training on his own.
"Come on, Kerbecs, let's get it right this time!" He launched his Hell Kerbecs BD145DS in the stadium.
But his metal wheel scraped against the floor (due to mishoot) and resulted in failiure.

But what Makuto didn't know was there was a person watching him. Right behind him actually. "What am I doing wrong?" groaned Makuto, wiping the sand off his beyblade.

"The launch." Said the person from behind. "Ah!" Makuto shouted - he was startled.
"You're wobbling your launcher too much. Here, watch me." Then the person reached for his launcher (BeyLauncher, Grip and BeyPoint Card) locked his beyblade on and chanted:
"3...2...1...Go Shoot!" and his beyblade landed a perfect spin in the middle.
"See?" he said.
"Wow, you're amazing!" Makuto said, before trying a more balanced launch with his launcher (Light Launcher, No Grip, No BeyPoint Card, No BeyPointer). He landed it perfectly.

"That's it!" the person said, with putting his thumbs up. "That's the ticket! You've got it!"
"Thanks a lot, er, what's your name?"
"Oh, I'm Sasuke. Sasuke Kadoya. My grandfather was the great Masamune Kadoya and he used Ray Unicorno. He passed the beyblade on, but in my family we have a tradition. We change one part of the bey to lock it in our hearts. My father died at an early age so I got Ray Unicorno handed down from my Grandpa. But I didn't change it. I like it just the way it is."

"That's a very deep story, Sasuke. I'm Makuto, by the way. The only interesting thing about my ancestors is there's a rumour about a person - who might be my Grandfather - called Damian. But other than that there's nothing.

To Be Continued...

RE: Sasuke's Adventure! Beyblade Story - Light Yagami - Feb. 08, 2011

keep it going i like it

RE: Sasuke's Adventure! Beyblade Story - C-Dub - Feb. 09, 2011 chap i would like to enter a request
Name:Hakashi Uzimaki
Bey:Thermal Eagle DR145 MWD(DiamondRagged145)(MetalWideDefense)
Special Move: Aerial Ace:What it does : Eagle attacks head on 10 times and then he jumps up and hits the opponent from above.(Optional Special move:Wing GuardEeeagle forms a energy ball that repels ANY attack!)
Characteristics:Calm,confident,stratigic, he doesn't really talk a lot. always wants to battle:side:Good
Looks Like:He wears clothes like Ginka only in all black colored...exept the headband logo his has Eagles the shoes are violet and black
btw awesome series

RE: Sasuke's Adventure! Beyblade Story - Tachimukai - Feb. 09, 2011

(Feb. 09, 2011  12:11 AM)C-Dub Wrote: chap i would like to enter a request
Name:Hakashi Uzimaki
Bey:Thermal Eagle DR145 MWD(DiamondRagged145)(MetalWideDefense)
Special Move: Aerial Ace:What it does : Eagle attacks head on 10 times and then he jumps up and hits the opponent from above.(Optional Special move:Wing GuardEeeagle forms a energy ball that repels ANY attack!)
Characteristics:Calm,confident,stratigic, he doesn't really talk a lot. always wants to battle:side:Good
Looks Like:He wears clothes like Ginka only in all black colored...exept the headband logo his has Eagles the shoes are violet and black
btw awesome series

Episode 2: The Mysterious Horuseus

Last Time: Sasuke meets Makuto, a blader. Sasuke shows Makuto how to blade with perfection with his Ray Unicorno. Makuto shows his Hell Kerbecs. Where will we go next?

"Hahahaha!" shouts someone from somewhere. "Who said that?" said Sasuke and Makuto questioned in unison.

"Me!" said a guy. He emerged from the sea, wearing - drenched and dripping wet - clothes. He had a red jacket and black trousers. He had a holster for his launcher. He wore a cap that had a weird pattern on it.


was the pattern.

"You guys, are super funny! How you think of yourselves as the ones with the truly perfect launch. Sure! Ignore the guy hiding underneath the waves of the sea."

"But you were hiding. How could we ignore you?" asked Sasuke.
"Say no more! Your body gestures and mind-messages have already made it clear! You want to battle me!"

"Err...what?" Makuto was confused. But the mysterious hiding guy had already got his beyblade ready. "3...2...1...Go Shoot!" they all chanted as they used their beys.

"Your name was?" Sasuke asked the guy.
"My name is Kazemaru. I am the best and I will take on 100000 bladers and win too!"

Animated Teardrop on Makuto and Sasuke's faces.

"Alright, Vulcan Horuseus! Let's charge!" Suddenly his Horuseus knocked out Hell Kerbecs.

"Oh, man!" Makuto sighed. "Don't worry, Makuto! I'll win!"

"Oh yeah? Special move! Flare Grid!" The stadium turned a brazen red.
"With my move Flare Grid, A single movement from your beyblade will be fatal!"

"Well, let's see! Special Move: Unicorno Horn Assault!"
Unicorno was speeding towards Horuseus.
Suddenly, there was a flash of red and the next thing, Unicorno was out the stadium.

"Woo hoo!" Kazemaru shouted. "Hey, guys. You people aren't so bad after all. Oh, and you there, person with Kerbecs -"

"Makuto." Makuto interrupted.

"Right, Makuto, you should consider the Tag-Team Tournament coming up."
"Tag Team?" said Sasuke. "Tournament?" said Makuto.

"Yeah! It's all the rage! Makuto, you should team up with Hakashi Uzimaki. He's a very good blader and suits your style. And maybe, your friend -"

"Sasuke." Sasuke interrupted.

"Right, Sasuke, should team up with me! I mean, your Unicorno deserves a bey-partner like me and Horuseus."

So the three blader were ridden with excitement about the Tournament and Makuto had hope of finding this Hakashi Uzimaki and teaming with him. But little did they know, they would be in for an adventure like no other.

To Be continued

RE: Beyblade Adventure! Accepting Characters! - C-Dub - Feb. 10, 2011

cool and he's a good guy by the way