World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Yo - Printable Version

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Yo - Gibraltor - Jan. 31, 2011

Hello all! I own beyblades way back from the first series and saw that more were made so jumped all over it.
That being said, I am 20 and am going to Missouri State for a degree in Graphic Design with emphasis in illustration.
I'm all about beyblade, art, music, and video games. I can play guitar and drums.
If anyone has any questions about art as a whole as a future career I will totally help you out. If you have artwork that you would like critiqued I will critique it. WARNING: Do not ask me to critique if you can't handle it. I critique hard because I'm tired of sucky carp walking around. That being said, you would do well to ask for my opinion because I can get you out of your rut.
I'm a really fun guy to talk to and if you want to know anything else then just ask!
Another side warning, I have low tolerance for stupid 15 and younger year olds, so if you are one of them, try not to act stupid around me lol.

RE: Yo - Ray Joker - Jan. 31, 2011

Welcome to the WBO!

Do you do any Graffiti? I've been trying to learn by looking at some vandalized walls, but it's hard. I'm an artist too, but still very young.

RE: Yo - Gibraltor - Jan. 31, 2011

Ah you know what, that's the one thing I do not do. Show me pictures of what you can do though and I'll look at them. Definitely won't be a hard critique as such as a general one that I can fairly do without previous experience lol. Have you ever looked at Banksy's works? look at his outside works. This guy is awesome and he uses templates. Soooo as far as graffiti goes that's what I know about the looks of it.
Here's where graffiti gets really iffy though, graffiti has had a history of marking "clan" territories and is really an angry form of art, some would say it isn't art. So when doing graffiti you will have to overcome such and such obstacles as people mocking your form of art and other circumstances.
I would say though, that the form of graffiti you are looking at is very much in key with graphic design, so I believe I can probably help you out more than I think(even without experience), just show me as I've said and I'll try to help you out Smile

EDIT: Ah and as far as any schooling is concerned, you PROBABLY won't find graffiti as a class lol, but I haven't looked so I really don't know. I would HIGHLY suggest taking school for drawing and possibly painting though if you want to be really good!

RE: Yo - Brooklyn-Z - Jan. 31, 2011

All about music a? What type of music do you like? And what's your favorite video game?
O and welcome

RE: Yo - Ray Joker - Jan. 31, 2011

I've never seen him before.

I just started graffiti two months ago, lol, but I have one of those artitst's eyes who can copy things. I will show you some of mine, soon. I like to do bubble letters and 3d-ish stuff. Thanks! I'm only twelve, and so I just began. (I don't trace.) Smile

I basically like to draw whatever, like anime, and stuff. I like to draw Michael Bay's Transformers, too, without tracing.

RE: Yo - Glad Hatter - Jan. 31, 2011

Welcome to the WBO.

RE: Yo - Gibraltor - Jan. 31, 2011

I like the "and welcome" lol. May be slightly more exclusive upon looking at your avatar. All rock minus bands that sound like Pantera, emo, screamo, and I really don't like classic rock that much. I like all metal under hardcore, anything more is overkill. Techno is fun and I like industrial. I dislike rap and hip hop completely. Bluegrass instrumental is super cool, hate country singing though unless it's Johnny Cash.

Ah k so to Ray, kudos on not tracing man! Question on my mind is, do you use "How to draw manga" books? Those things are absolute trash, please don't try to imitate it, find a real anime like beyblade, bleach, or rurouni kenshin(few examples) to imitate if you want to do anime lol. Plus anime in general doesn't look good on your resume if you live in the U.S.

RE: Yo - Ray Joker - Jan. 31, 2011

No, heck no, lol.

I look at the picture. If I can look at it, I can draw it, for some reason.

RE: Yo - Gibraltor - Jan. 31, 2011

Thanks Jacksonian!
That is a very nice skill to have!
Suggestions for improvement that come to mind immediately without seeing you are these. Use contour lines alot when sketching and try to draw without looking at your paper, let your eyes guide your pencil. Also, this is something artists forget alot, remember that what you are drawing is a 3 dimensional object(such as humans), it's always a good thing to break stuff down into simple 3 dimensional forms.

EDIT: Forgot about the video game question. I'm big on PS3 online, also have a 360. I like to play WoW, Killzone 2, Red Dead Redemption, Assassin's Creed: Bro, and DC Universe Online.

RE: Yo - Nano - Jan. 31, 2011

Welcome to the WBO!!

RE: Yo - Gibraltor - Jan. 31, 2011

Thank you thank you!

RE: Yo - C a o S³ - Jan. 31, 2011

Welcome (:

RE: Yo - DragoonRoks - Feb. 01, 2011

Welcome To The WBO!

RE: Yo - Gibraltor - Feb. 01, 2011

Thanks guys! And probably shouldn't troll up my own thread, sooooo an eternal thanks to everyone else who tells me welcome lol.