World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
So, uhh, Hi? - Printable Version

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So, uhh, Hi? - th!nk - Nov. 20, 2010

Well, I figure I should at least say hello. Odds are I won't be a hugely active poster, because generally I only post when I'm sure what I have to say is constructive (or I need to find something out that I couldn't after a decent google). Plus, I generally don't spend too much time on forums, but eh, when I do post, it should hopefully be worthwhile.
Anyway, I was cleaning out my room, found my old beyblades, and now I'm hooked again (maybe I'm stubbornly clinging on to my recently ended (supposedly) childhood. Eh.). Probably going to get into MFB now, so I might be buying stuff, who knows.

I'm a bit of a muso, mostly alt rock, QotSA, Muse, The Dandy Warhols, I play guitar (and take a similar attitude to the one I always took to blading: customize, customize, customize), and I'm a part time psychology student. Yeah.

RE: So, uhh, Hi? - Burn Leone - Nov. 20, 2010

Welcome... hope you... uuhhh.. enjoy it here haha lol
but naw Welcome to the WBO if ya need help just ask me

RE: So, uhh, Hi? - Shika blade - Nov. 20, 2010

Welcome! As for your eagerness to buy i recommend to buy storm pegasis for attack, earth vorgo for defence, earth aquilla for stamina. Hope yo enjoy it here!
ps. DONT pm me for any questions, as im a noob myself. :p

RE: So, uhh, Hi? - th!nk - Nov. 20, 2010

I figure I'll pick up Earth Aquila, for pretty much everything on it, Dark Cancer for the CH120 (and maybe the tip, I used to enjoy the play of semi-flats), and Gravity Perseus, for experimentation, and also the Left/Right beylauncher.

As much as I used to love Defence/Stamina Balance types (with a touch of WD/bludgeoning attack), I'm kinda hoping to get something with a bit more sting this time, as much as balance types are apparently not happening in MFB yet. There's probably a better thread for this kind of musing though...

RE: So, uhh, Hi? - Glad Hatter - Nov. 20, 2010

try gettin a burn fireblaze(phoenix) but earth aquila is your best choice for now. The hasbro wheels don't say burn wheel though.

RE: So, uhh, Hi? - th!nk - Nov. 20, 2010

Yeah, for the most part, I'll probably get takara/sonokong blades, it's actually cheaper than getting hasbro blades, and right now, (I'm in Australia, by the way), everywhere's sold out anyway.

I though about Burn Pheonix/Fireblaze, but in the end I figured I'd rather defence than a stamina wheel, and I'd rather something that was a bit less "smooth", as I'm a touch tired of relying on my opponents blade running out of puff before mine. That said I'm not really willing to go for an all out attack-type, especially seeing as over here, Hasbro Stadiums will be all I'll ever see. I've got a Lightning Force (which I've removed the paint from), for my plastics, and it doesn't seem to be too bad for attack, at least with plastic blades (unlike my old beystadiums, they don't pit themselves as soon as they touch the stadium). On the downside, my old favourite blade is now far more susceptible to upper attack than it is in the wok I used to use (yeah, I know, terrible idea, my ancient driger s tip is ruined, but eh).

RE: So, uhh, Hi? - Glad Hatter - Nov. 20, 2010

(Nov. 20, 2010  7:01 PM)MeteorKing Wrote: Yeah, for the most part, I'll probably get takara/sonokong blades, it's actually cheaper than getting hasbro blades, and right now, (I'm in Australia, by the way), everywhere's sold out anyway.

I though about Burn Pheonix/Fireblaze, but in the end I figured I'd rather defence than a stamina wheel, and I'd rather something that was a bit less "smooth", as I'm a touch tired of relying on my opponents blade running out of puff before mine. That said I'm not really willing to go for an all out attack-type, especially seeing as over here, Hasbro Stadiums will be all I'll ever see. I've got a Lightning Force (which I've removed the paint from), for my plastics, and it doesn't seem to be too bad for attack, at least with plastic blades (unlike my old beystadiums, they don't pit themselves as soon as they touch the stadium). On the downside, my old favourite blade is now far more susceptible to upper attack than it is in the wok I used to use (yeah, I know, terrible idea, my ancient driger s tip is ruined, but eh).

Burn can be used as a pretty good balance type when you have the right pieces<off topic

RE: So, uhh, Hi? - th!nk - Nov. 20, 2010

I should probably ask this elsewhere, but could you give me an example of such a setup?

And thanks for the warm welcome everyone Grin

RE: So, uhh, Hi? - Glad Hatter - Nov. 20, 2010

(Nov. 20, 2010  7:28 PM)MeteorKing Wrote: I should probably ask this elsewhere, but could you give me an example of such a setup?

And thanks for the warm welcome everyone Grin

Burn fireblaze (phoenix) 100 CS
(Nov. 20, 2010  7:28 PM)MeteorKing Wrote: I should probably ask this elsewhere, but could you give me an example of such a setup?

And thanks for the warm welcome everyone Grin

Burn fireblaze (phoenix) 100 CS <off topic
(Nov. 20, 2010  7:28 PM)MeteorKing Wrote: I should probably ask this elsewhere, but could you give me an example of such a setup?

And thanks for the warm welcome everyone Grin

Burn fireblaze (phoenix) 100 CS <off topic

RE: So, uhh, Hi? - th!nk - Nov. 20, 2010

Thanks for the advice Smile

RE: So, uhh, Hi? - Dan - Nov. 20, 2010

For someone who 'won't post that much' you're doing pretty good in the Customization department.
Most new players hate TT with a passion, or at least dislike having to import.

RE: So, uhh, Hi? - th!nk - Nov. 20, 2010

Heh, I work on the evidence I'm given. I've read it, and it makes sense, and yeah, if it's no more expensive, then who am I to argue. Plus I saw the effects, I had the original hasbro beystadium and one of their later ones, and in the later one, attack types sucked. I will say the original one they made wasn't too bad for attack blades, other than when they pitted themselves. Not amazing, but better than more recent efforts. However, my mother binned mine Uncertain
And I'm used to importing guitar stuff, because everything costs double down under, even with shipping. And often, you just can't get stuff here.

And with the customisation, well, when something catches my interest, I tend to give it my all, and research, research, research, and I'm supposedly a quick learner. But yeah, I've a tendency to slowly disappear from forums Smile But we'll see...

RE: So, uhh, Hi? - Chaos Blader - Nov. 21, 2010

(Nov. 20, 2010  10:08 PM)MeteorKing Wrote: And I'm used to importing guitar stuff, because everything costs double down under, even with shipping. And often, you just can't get stuff here.

It's the having the best beaches tax. Wink

RE: So, uhh, Hi? - username2130 - Nov. 21, 2010
