World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
New - Printable Version

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New - Beyfred - Oct. 02, 2010

EeeHey everyone im new to this i just recently got into beyblade my only beyblade is a capricorn strike g well thats all

RE: New - ShadowPegasis - Oct. 02, 2010

Welcome to the WBO

RE: New - lightninglibraX - Oct. 02, 2010

HEY! welcome! i hope u have a great time on this site! there are many resources to use at your disposal

RE: New - Fayt - Oct. 03, 2010

welcome Eee pm me if u need anything. ;p

RE: New - Glad Hatter - Oct. 03, 2010

totally and caprcorn is a fun blade to mess around with so good luck for now.

RE: New - Akel - Oct. 03, 2010

Welcome new person. HAve a great time here.

RE: New - Jsc - Oct. 03, 2010

Welcome! Have a nice time!

RE: New - XBlader - Oct. 03, 2010

hey, welcome. Enjoy the site Eee